“Ugh!” Wei Wei exclaimed, her body suddenly retreated, and her slightly immature face was mixed with panic, shame ~ cowardice and anger, “Qin Hao, what are you doing!” ”

“Oh… I’m so sorry! I was so excited just now! Qin Hao showed an embarrassed smile, and an apology flashed in his eyes.

I don’t know why, seeing Qin Hao like this, Wei Wei’s heart suddenly became a little blocked, and she couldn’t help but hang her head and stop talking….

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became subtle, neither of them were talking, Vivi lowered her head and played with the corners of her clothes, constantly asking herself in her heart, whether the tone just now was a little heavy…

Wow! What the hell was I thinking! It is he who clearly did it wrong!

Wei Wei shook her head vigorously, not wanting to think so cranky anymore, secretly glanced at Qin Hao, the resolute side face gave her a different feeling, and suddenly made her think of the scene just now.

For a while, Weiwei’s cheeks were fiery red, spreading directly to her neck, and even she could feel her hot face.

After a long time, Qin Hao turned his head to look at Wei Wei, his lips moved slightly, and said: “Wei Wei, don’t you have anything you want to ask me?” ”

“Huh? Ask you what? Wei Wei was startled by Qin Hao’s words, she was still immersed in the memories just now, although her expression was slightly angry, but her heart was not angry with Qin Hao, but faintly happy.

“Since you have no problem, then listen to me!” Qin Hao nodded and continued: “The Overlord Society is a newly established organization, and I am the leader of the Overlord Society, are you willing to join the Overlord Society?” ”

“Overlord Society!” Wei Wei’s face instantly became serious, she took a deep look at Qin Hao, and said with a solemn face: “Although we are friends, I also have to ask clearly, what kind of organization is the Overlord Society, I will not easily join any organization, you know, after all, I am the princess of Alabastan, and I have to think about everything for Alabastan.” ”

“What kind of organization? This question is a good question, I don’t have any noble goals, there is only one, to dominate the world! Qin Hao said proudly.

“World domination?” Vivi repeated, her eyelids jumped wildly, is there nothing wrong with this guy? Shouldn’t it be reading too much novels?

“Yes! Would you like to join? I will let the power of the Overlord Society start from Alabastan and radiate to the whole world! Qin Hao said seriously.

“Wait, wait, wait…” Wei Wei said five “wait” words in a row, rubbed her eyes and glanced at Qin Hao again, and asked in disbelief: “Qin Hao, don’t tell me you’re serious?” ”

“Of course!” Qin Hao smiled, turned his words around, and said: “It’s okay, you don’t need to answer in a hurry, the door of the Overlord Society will always be open for you!” I have something else to tell you… First of all, about the Baroque Work Society, you have been expelled from the Baroque Work Society, you can return to Albana to continue being a princess, you don’t have to do tasks anymore! ”

“Expelled…” Vivi looked stunned, but she was not too surprised, she joined the Baroque Work Society to find out who the boss behind the scenes was, and who was designing to frame the country, and there was no need to stay any longer.

“To be precise, the Baroque Work Society has been disbanded by me! Oh, I forgot to mention again, now I’m the boss behind the Baroque Work Society. Qin Hao’s face was serious, and he said without the slightest joke: “The artificial rain boat arranged by the Baroque Work Society has been evacuated, I believe that rainfall will reoccur throughout the territory of Alabastan in the past few days, and the dry season has passed!” ”

“You’re the boss behind the Baroque Work Society?!” Wei Wei’s eyes widened, she felt that her brain was a little inadequate, and asked suspiciously: “You planned all this?” Or was it curated by Klockdar? ”

“Hahaha! Don’t you still have problems! Qin Hao suddenly laughed, pinched Weiwei’s small nose, and said softly: “Along the way, I can see that you are absent-minded, and you want to talk and stop talking several times, in fact, you can ask me directly if you have questions!” I’m still very good at talking to you! ”

“What the hell is going on?” Wei Wei slapped Qin Hao’s hand away in shame, she was about to go crazy, how did all these things get confusing!

“Let’s just say that Klockdar is the behind-the-scenes boss of the Baroque Work Society, and all the evil deeds of Alabastan are done by him, and these Robins can prove it! Oh, Robin is Miss.AllSunday! Qin Hao said with a smile.

“Later, at the Rain Banquet, I killed Klockdahl, and I made a plan with Robin to announce that I was the boss behind the Baroque Work Society, so that I could concentrate the power of the Baroque Work Society in my hands!” Qin Hao continued.

“So it is!” Wei Wei is not a fool, on the contrary, she is very smart, just now she was just messed up by Qin Hao, now Qin Hao said so, she fully understood, glanced at Qin Hao and said: “Dare to let you pick up a big bargain!” ”

“Sort of! This force is still very good! I kept the elite part of the Baroque Working Society and renamed it the Overlord Society, which also became the foundation of the Overlord Society! Qin Hao explained patiently.

“I see! To put it another way, Alabastan can solve this problem, thanks to you! I am willing to join your Overlord Society! Vivi said with a smile.

“Okay! In this way, I successfully pulled the princess of a country into the water! Qin Hao said jokingly.

Between the two of them talking, time flew by, and Binch had already pulled the car to Albana….


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