Qin Hao’s eyes were red as blood, his hands trembled violently~, and he clenched it with all his strength…

“Huh? Aren’t you dead yet? ”

Gabra looked down at Qin Hao, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and the huge wolf claw suddenly flicked, directly slapped Qin Hao on the ground, snapped, and suddenly smashed the stone bricks on the ground…

“You’re still tenacious!”

Gabra raised his foot and stepped directly on Qin Hao’s face, this kick was full of strength, and it had the meaning of killing Qin Hao.


However, to Gabra’s surprise, his kick did not step on Qin Hao’s head, but was stopped by something!

Yes, it’s “something”!

This was Gabra’s first reaction, he didn’t think that Qin Hao still had the strength to fight back!

Bending the huge body, Gabra looked at it suspiciously, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and he couldn’t believe the scene in front of him… A blood-stained hand stood in his way!

Qin Hao’s two eyes were as bright red as blood, and he suddenly pushed Gabra away from a space, and then stood up shakily, the whole person hunched over, and his hands naturally drooped.

Qin Hao’s face did not have any expression, giving people a very strange feeling.


A crisp electronic voice sounded in Qin Hao’s mind.

“Cool Hope: Fast Recovery Power On!”

“Intensity: four stars!”

“Time: three minutes!”

“Hint: Show your scariest side to the world!”


The crisp voice announced the end of the electronic sound, and at the same time, Qin Hao’s whole body was filled with a coolness, and the whole person exuded a feeling of spring shoots in the rain and new shoots.

In the sky, the dripping rain continued to rain on Qin Hao’s body, making his momentum and the environment perfectly combined, without the slightest discord, the cool breath swam ~ walked all over the body, took away all his tiredness and pain, and awakened all reason and calmness.

The blood-red eyes gradually receded, revealing the true black, and even the eyes became deeper!

Gabra was stared at by Qin Hao’s eyes, and a chill and a faint fear rose in the depths of his heart, even he didn’t know what he was afraid of.

For the ability to recover quickly, Qin Hao is very confident, although it is completely different from the feeling of warm flow in the whole body last time, but it has a different experience.

“4 star rehabilitation! What can it bring me? Qin Hao’s face was grim, his ankle moved, and he instantly catapulted out, suddenly bursting out with an amazing speed!

When Qin Hao exerted his strength, he could clearly feel that his right leg was intact, and even surpassed the past in terms of strength, reaching a new height.

“Ten-finger gun!”

Gabra’s two wolf claws joined together again, and his sharp nails blasted towards Qin Hao like a gun.

Qin Hao’s eyes stared coldly at Gabra’s hands, and the whole person seemed to be a cold-blooded machine without any emotion, suddenly making a sharp turn in mid-air, and the speed was so exaggerated that Gabra was amazed!

The next moment, Qin Hao appeared in front of Gabra, and a clean side kick directly kicked Gabra’s leg!

“Iron Block Fist Method! Demon Wolf! ”

Gabra’s face also became solemn, Qin Hao’s changes were too abnormal, just now he was still a dying person without the ability to resist, and he could make such an action in a blink of an eye, which couldn’t help but make him pay attention.

Gabra’s body quickly fell backwards, flashing Qin Hao’s flying legs, two wolf claws grabbed the ground, directly cut out two claw marks, the huge body flexibly stood upside down, raised his feet, and slashed heavily towards Qin Hao’s head from top to bottom.

Qin Hao didn’t look at Gabra’s attack, and after a failed blow, he quickly turned around, and reflexively hit Gabra with another horizontal kick, going straight to Gabra’s abdomen.

Just when Gabra’s legs reached the top of Qin Hao’s head, Qin Hao’s foot had already kicked Gabra’s abdomen, and the force generated in an instant directly kicked Gabra out of a distance, and at the same time, Qin Hao then reacted to a continuous backflip and dodged Gabra’s terrifying kick.


Gabra slammed a powerful kick on the ground, directly breaking a huge crater.


At this time, Qin Hao did not retreat, stepped out, and actually stood on Gabra’s body, and Gabra at this time had just split a barb and was in a semi-lying state.

Qin Hao’s eyes were cold, a throwing knife appeared in his hand, and after a keen circle in his hand, he stabbed Gabra’s waist fiercely!

“Pieces of iron!”

Gabra did not tense because of the cold on his waist, and the muscles of his whole body instantly tightened, becoming as hard ~ hard as steel.


Qin Hao did not stab down directly, but flicked his wrist and threw the throwing knife out.

That’s the time difference!

Qin Hao’s eyes were cold, and while throwing out the throwing knife, he turned forward and came directly behind Gabra’s head.


The throwing knife stabbed into Gabra’s waist fiercely, making a muffled sound, the wolf animal copper skin iron bone tofu waist, the ability to eat dog fruit is no exception, even in the state of iron, the waist is still the weakest point.


Gabra couldn’t help but let out a wolf howl, since the completion of the Six Styles, he hadn’t felt such pain for a long time, his eyes instantly became gloomy, and the two wolf claws scratched towards Qin Hao behind him like crazy.

“You can move in the state of iron, this is very powerful! If I’m not mistaken, the iron should be weaker when moving than when stationary! Qin Hao said coldly, keenly dodged Gabra’s claws, came to the position of the head, and went straight to Gabra’s head with a side kick.


At the moment when Qin Hao kicked out, the armed color hardening was all blessed on the leg, and the entire right leg was dark, full of the feeling of strength…

Gabra was shocked by this kick, and he was instantly dizzy, even if the defense of the iron block was strong, the head would still be very uncomfortable if it was shocked.

Seizing the advantage of this moment, Qin Hao sent another violent flying kick straight to Gabra’s throat…


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