Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the violent and loud collision in Qin Hao’s training room, everyone who passed by here paused slightly, glanced at the door curiously, immediately moved his steps, and left quickly.

In the training room.

Qin Hao and Mr.1 were shirtless, one of the two did not use domineering, the other did not use ability, completely relying on the strength of the body muscles, fist to flesh, bombarding each other.

The two seemed to be tireless, fighting from morning to noon, and then from noon to night, forgetting the time and forgetting the pain.

Mr.1 saw Qin Hao’s strange attack methods, and every time he struck, he went straight to the point, and Mr.1 also displayed the close body technique tempered by the West Sea, so that Qin Hao could learn one or two when he was fighting.

The more Qin Hao played, the cooler he became, at this time, it was more rare and lucky to have such a sparring partner.

Qin Hao had carefully pondered in choosing a sparring partner, and several women, including Robin, were naturally inconvenient, after all, his real purpose was to improve his strength.

Mr.4 planted up to four tons of bat alone, which is really not suitable for sparring, this one is not good to practice, and it is easy to hurt yourself.

Mr.3 is cunning by nature, suitable for obscene combat, and the real one-on-one combat strength is weak, Qin Hao values his versatile ability more, which may play a major role at some point in the future.

As for Mr.2…

Forget it! Play as much as he or she wants! He’s happy…

In fact, Qin Hao chose Mr.1 for another reason, Mr.1 may be the person he has met so far, the most suitable person for the Overlord Society and the future blueprint!

The two train together, and at the same time, Mr.1’s physical skills can be improved, and once he develops an armed color domineering, he will be a rare warrior!

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, the two had been training together for a week.

Now they have extended from the most basic physical confrontation to the confrontation between ability and domineering, and Mr.1, who is as hard as steel all over his body, is expressionless, staring closely at Qin Hao, who is dark all over his body.

This was the first time in his life that he had seen the power of armed color domineering!

Every time he confronted Qin Hao, or was attacked by Qin Hao, he could feel real pain, which was something he had never done since using his ability.

Moreover, his attack was not particularly effective for Qin Hao, as if it had been discounted.

Mr.1 finally understood why Qin Hao wanted them to develop their domineering power, and it was indeed a strong means when confronting the able.

After a few days, Qin Hao’s physical improvement is obvious, and against Mr.1, he will often fight blue and purple, although it will not open the ability to recover quickly, but it still has some subtle help for the improvement of the body.

At least in Qin Hao’s opinion, it is much better than his own hard training!

However, in the past few days when Qin Hao and Mr.1 were experiencing, the world had changed dramatically…

Great waterway, the island of justice.

A man with a golden half-mask sat on a chair, his feet resting leisurely on the table, holding a newspaper in his hand, and his face angry.

“Made! What is Qin Hao? Gabra actually died in such a small place! The man angrily slammed the newspaper on the table, picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, and muttered to himself: “If Rob Luqi was not on an important mission, Lao Tzu would not have sent Gabra that fool!” me off! ”


At this time, the phone worm on the man’s desk rang…

“Hello? Who is it? Without thinking, the man picked up the phone worm, his tone extremely impatient.

“Spandam, who do you think I am?” The phone in the man’s hand stared at him coldly, and there was a anger in his deep voice.

“Yes, it’s you…” The man’s voice immediately softened, with a flattering smile on his face.

“Hmph! That’s what you told me was foolproof! Do you know how much impact your failure has had on the world government? The phone worm stared at the man and roared angrily.

“I know… I know…” the man laughed repeatedly.

“I got news here that Nicole Robin, a survivor of O’Hara, is with Qin Hao, and they have formed a Overlord Society, and after the iceberg side is solved, you know what to do!” The phone worm said coldly.

“Yes! Be! The man nodded repeatedly.

“Don’t let me down again.” The phone worm finally said a word, and both eyes drooped.

The man immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then clenched his fists tightly, and said fiercely: “Nicole Robin…”

Marin Fandor, Naval Headquarters, Office of the Admiral.

“What? Portcas S. D. Ace joins the Whitebeard Pirates? The Marshal of the Warring States sitting at the desk suddenly slapped the table, and immediately startled the sailor in front of him.

“Hmm… Hmm…” the sailor nodded with some trepidation.

“Okay, I know, you go down!” The Marshal of the Warring States rubbed his forehead, and suddenly felt a headache, and another powerful combat force joined the white-bearded pirate group, and the strength of that old guy became stronger and stronger.

“The Seven Wuhai that was hard to put together, now there is one less, what a headache!” The Marshal of the Warring States said helplessly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A heavy knock sounded, and without waiting for the Marshal of the Warring States to speak, the door was opened, and a smiling old man walked in, it was Vice Admiral Karp.

“Ahhhhh Sengoku, what to eat tonight? ”

“Karp, do you know how to eat…” Warring States glanced at Karp, shook his head and said: “His Majesty Qiwuhai is missing another one, so easy to get together after all these years, Klockdar has been killed again!” Now the priority is to find a new Qiwu Sea to come out and sweep away the negative effects in it, otherwise the status of Qiwu Sea will be reduced. ”

“That’s it! Look how much trouble you made! Wouldn’t it be nice to find that kid who defeated Klockdar! Karp said with a smile, directly dragging the Warring States, “Hurry up and eat…”


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