Rain banquet, training room, Qin Hao and Robin sat opposite each other.

“Qin Hao, when the Warring States was still a naval admiral, he was called ‘Wise General’, he was a particularly intelligent person, after he became a naval marshal, he was even more balanced between the major forces, the world is relatively stable now, and the Warring States are indispensable!” Robin said solemnly.

“Well, you’re right! Marshal Sengoku is a very smart man! And then what? Qin Hao asked with a smile, he looked at Robin tightly, it seems that Robin is the same as in the original book, a talented woman, not a vase!

“I heard your conditions! Your words are certainly reasonable, but there are also risks, as you said, you defeated His Majesty the Seven Wuhai and made such a big move, as long as you are recruited into the Seven Wuhai, it will leave the world with the impression that the world government is soft! In this way, it doesn’t matter how much you bounty or how much influence you have! The important thing is that you can’t enter the Seven Martial Sea! Robin’s face tightened, and he said in a deep voice: “If my judgment is not wrong, the half month promised by the Marshal of the Warring States to you is just an excuse, not only will he not give you a reward amount, but he will not make you a king Qiwuhai again, he will…”

“He’s going to send someone to kill me, right?” Qin Hao interjected with a smile.

“Yes! That’s it! That’s what I’m talking about! According to the wisdom of the Warring States, the pros and cons will definitely be weighed, as long as it involves the external influence of the world government, killing you is far better than the effect of recruitment! You can also knock on the mountain and shake the tiger, so that other pirates do not dare to move the mind of confronting the Seven Wuhai! And recruiting you will give all pirates a signal that even those who kill the world government can join the Seven Martial Seas! Robin analyzed with a frown.

“So you think that the Marshal of the Warring States will not give me a bounty to give me the opportunity to increase my influence, but will send the navy and kill me in the cradle!” The corners of Qin Hao’s mouth raised slightly, revealing an evil smile.

“That’s it! The half a month that the Warring States said is to paralyze you! Now our priority is to prepare for war urgently, it really can’t work, we can strategically abandon Alabastan and sail to sea! Robin nodded and said.


Qin Hao suddenly called Robin, attracting Robin’s attention, and saw Qin Hao with a smile at the corner of his mouth, without the slightest sense of nervousness.

“What you just analyzed is very reasonable, but, in my opinion, you are only half right.” Qin Hao said lightly.

“The implication is that half of it is wrong?” Robin frowned and said, she thought about her logic repeatedly, and did not think that there were omissions there, for the Warring States, this is indeed the best solution!

“Marshal of the Warring States is an old fox, he balances the three major forces of the world, and as you just said, his ability to check and balance is very strong! He must have thought of everything you analyzed just now, but I’m almost certain that he will think of it on a deeper level! Qin Hao lifted Erlang’s legs, his eyes flashed with wisdom, for him, a modern all-round killer talent, he could see through these things at a glance.

“A deeper level?” Robin asked suspiciously.

“Half a month! The node of everything is in half a month! We can call this a ‘half-month gamble’! This will also be a game between me and the Warring States, the Overlord Society and the Navy! Qin Hao paused and narrowed his eyes slightly.

“First of all, Marshal of the Warring States will definitely give me a bounty, and it will increase a lot of bounty! If I’m not mistaken, my new bounty will be at least 200 million Baileys, and he will publicize it to the outside world to create momentum for me! It’s just that the purpose of all this is not for me, but for the world government! It is worth mentioning that he will definitely send someone to arrest me, and when I become a world-class criminal, whether it is putting me in prison or killing me, it will be of great benefit to the world government! Therefore, he doesn’t care if I have the matching power, whether I will take this opportunity to develop, what he wants is the military power to finally capture the extremely evil person! Qin Hao said loudly.

“So it is! I ignored this, you are more valuable after the bounty is raised! Robin said with wide eyes.

“Secondly, this is not the only way for the Marshal of the Warring States, I have reminded him on the phone, he still has a way, that is, in this ‘half-month gamble’, if he fails to capture or kill, my reputation and prestige will rise to an unprecedented height!” At this time, he will really send a recruitment invitation from His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, and then use the prestige he holds in one hand to shock other pirates! Qin Hao pouted and said.

“But… It’s also risky! Once you withdraw your hand and refuse the Seven Wuhai, won’t the impact on the world government be greater? Robin asked, puzzled.

“That’s why it’s called a half-month gamble! Once the increase in the bounty is too fast and too large, it will become the target of everyone, plus my foundation is vain, it will inevitably be difficult and encounter countless enemies! The Marshal of the Warring States thought of this, and I was sure that I would definitely accept the invitation of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai! Qin Hao said with a smile.

“If you say that… This half a month is a watershed, before this he will deal with you, after this he will recruit you, no matter what the outcome, he will not lose money? Robin took a deep breath, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, worthy of being known as the “wise general” of the Warring States, in just one phone call, you can think of such a deep level, simply offensive and defensive, advanced and retreating, the art of checks and balances to the extreme!

Suddenly, Robin’s eyes widened, and the plans of the Warring States were all seen through by Qin Hao, doesn’t this mean that Qin Hao is more powerful, more terrifying, and more terrifying!

“You’re right! This half-month gamble is a steady profit for the Warring States, and the bet is only a place in the Seven Wuhai! For me, it is indeed a game of life and death, I bet on the future! Qin Hao’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and the whole person carried a kingly aura.


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