The cold sea water immediately made Qin Hao feel refreshed, and after choking on a few sips of water, he went upstream, and at this time he was glad that he deliberately learned to swim on the way to Mary Joa.

After Qin Hao surfaced, he immediately swam quickly towards the direction of Santin Island, and the whole person was like a swimming fish, quickly shuttling through the water, and not long after, he swam to the port rape flower.


Just when everyone in the port was busy with their own affairs, Qin Hao’s figure jumped out, carrying a waterline in mid-air, and landed directly on the port.

For a while, everyone’s eyes fell on Qin Hao’s body, and they were all a little confused…

What’s going on here?

Why did someone suddenly pop out of the ocean?

However, this person is so familiar!

“I am Qin Hao, the patron saint of Alabastan, and I urgently need a ship to rush to the rainy land now.” Qin Hao said bluntly, not a minute and second at this time was precious to him.

“Qin Hao!!!”

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, the name Qin Hao has spread all over the world during this time, almost everyone knows that everyone knows it, and the rape flower port suddenly has a commotion.

The next moment, several people volunteered to lead Qin Hao onto the boat and quickly drove along the Santa Dora River towards the rainy land.


Rain land, rain feast.

A group of four people stood in front of the door of the rain banquet, all of them were covered with an extremely tightly wrapped robe, and each of them wore a mask on their faces, and the faces on the masks gave people a very frightening feeling.

On the shoulder of the leader stood a white dove, he glanced up at the door number of the rain banquet, nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice: “This is it.” ”

Immediately, the four of them walked towards the rain banquet together.

“Who are you? No masks allowed to enter the rain feast! A security guard at the door stopped the four people, and he frowned slightly, looking cautious.

As soon as this security guard’s voice fell, his eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

I saw a finger stuck in his mouth, and blood couldn’t stop flowing out, all this came too quickly, so fast that before he felt pain, he had lost consciousness.


The security guard fell to the ground, and the four masked men ignored him and continued to walk inside.

As soon as these people entered the rain banquet, they attracted everyone’s attention, after all, their clothes were too strange, and a person’s eyes lit up in the corner, and he immediately ran towards the boss’s office on the second floor.

“Boss, boss, four people came in the hall, all wearing masks, as if they were looking for trouble!” The man opened the office door and reported anxiously.

“I see.” Robin nodded and got up from the chair, during the time Qin Hao left, there were often pirates who came to attack, and the name of the Seven Wuhai still brought many people who wanted to challenge.


At this moment, the air in front of Robin opened like a door, and four figures came out of it, and suddenly appeared in front of Robin as if by magic.

“Nicole Robin.” The leader with a pigeon on his shoulder said lightly.

“Who are you?” Robin squinted, his face was calm, and his heart was solemn, after all, the person who can make such an appearance should not be an ordinary person.

“You should have heard of CP9!” The pigeon man said in a deep voice.

“CP9? CipherPolNo.9? Robin’s eyes widened and he asked in surprise.

“Yes! Now we’re going to pick you up on the World Government Justice Island! The pigeon man at the head nodded and said.

“You’re mistaken! I am now a man of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, and I have been pardoned by the World Government! Robin took a step back and argued loudly.

“I’m sorry, I received the latest order, you are not on the amnesty list.” The pigeon man shook his head and said, shaking his wings along with the pigeons on his shoulders.

“I’m not going with you!” Robin crossed his hands in front of Xiong, his face solemn, ready to use her Devil Fruit ability.

“You can resist, so that Qin Hao can’t leave Mary Joa alive.” The pigeon man said threateningly.

“You…” Robin’s words suddenly choked, she took a deep breath, at this time she had seen that this matter had been planned for a long time, and said with a wry smile: “The one who should have come or came, but I didn’t expect you to come at this time.” ”

“Nicole Robin, the world government has been observing you for a long time, and will not let your name appear under the name of His Majesty Qiwu Hai, in fact, you should know that your fate has long been linked to Klockdar.” The pigeon man said lightly, he put on a pair of gloves, then took out the handcuffs of Hailou stone in his pocket and walked towards Robin.

“Whew… Okay, I agree to go with you…” Robin’s eyes flashed with a struggle, her hands slowly lowered, no longer resisting, in this moment, she thought a lot in her heart…

The fact that these four people can appear here quietly already shows that they have the ability to take her away, not to mention that Qin Hao is still in Mary Joya, no matter from which point of view, giving up resistance is the best choice.

Thinking of this, Robin raised his hands and closed his eyes at the same time…

The masked pigeon man came over with the handcuffs of Hailou Stone and cuffed Robin’s wrists…


At this moment, a sound of breaking the sky sounded, and then a silver light flashed by, directly stabbing the Hailou stone handcuffs under the shocked eyes of several people, and immediately knocked the handcuffs down on the ground.


The next moment, the sound of breaking wind sounded, and a blood-red figure cut through the air, blocking Robin’s body like lightning, followed by billowing smoke, and there was an extra hole in the wall of the office.

Robin was also shocked by the sound in front of him, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the reddened figure standing in front of him with a shocked face, and suddenly his eyes climbed with excitement ~ joy, exclaimed: “Qin Hao, you are back!” ”


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