The icy cold aura seemed to have spirituality, and instantly climbed Qin Hao’s whole body…

Click, click, click…

Qin Hao was frozen into an ice sculpture again…

It’s just that Qin Hao’s face didn’t have the slightest panic, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

“General Qingheasant, you can’t defeat me at this time!” Qin Hao said with an indifferent smile, only to see his shoulders sink down, making a faint amplitude in the ice sculpture.


The sound of ice shattering sounded, and ice chips flew all over the sky, like a picture from a fairy tale dream.

The next moment, Qin Hao flashed out and instantly appeared in front of the green pheasant, and the swarthy fist wrapped in armed color domineering suddenly burst out, and the speed of the punch was staggering.

Even though he was as strong as Admiral Qingheasant, he was still shocked by Qin Hao’s lightning strike.


A strong impact sounded, and Qin Hao slammed a punch into Kuzan’s abdomen, instantly blasting him out, and slicing a trace on the ground…


Before the green pheasant’s upside-down body could stop, Qin Hao appeared in front of him again, raised one foot, like a hammer, and smashed down.


With a shock, a big pit was blasted out by Qin Hao on the ground, but Qin Hao’s kick did not hit the green pheasant, and at the moment Qin Hao came out of the foot, the green pheasant had been elementalized and turned itself into fast crushed ice.

“Hey! It is worthy of being the king Qiwu Hai selected by the Marshal of the Warring States, your strength is much stronger than Klockdar, but your current strength does not seem to be completely yours, how long can you maintain such a state? Not far away, the pheasant’s body healed back together, and it seemed that it had not suffered any damage except for some dirt marks.

“General Qingheasant, in a short period of time, it is not easy for you to defeat me, and it is not easy for me to defeat you! It’s better to take a step back, this time you let Robin go, take these CP9, let’s fight again in Japan! Qin Hao did not return to the question of the green pheasant, but just smiled faintly, and he knew in his heart that dragging it out like this would not do him the slightest good.

Theoretically, Qin Hao is now borrowing the power of the challenger system, but how long this power can last, he can’t say.

In the current state, Qin Hao is confident of fighting with the green pheasant, but once this state is lifted, he will instantly lose all his combat effectiveness, and even suffer a strong backlash from the Eight Gate Dun Jia, let alone rescue Robin at that time, even he will be unable to protect himself.

The green pheasant frowned slightly, looked at the CP9 people who fell to the ground not far away, and then looked at Qin Hao, who was full of vitality, and shook his head helplessly and smiled: “It’s okay!” Your current identity will eventually return to Qiwu Hai, and the next time I see you again, I won’t let you go so easily. ”

Qing Hao’s words immediately made Qin Hao stunned.

What do his words mean? He should already know by now that I had a fight with the Warring States them! How can I still say that my current identity is Qi Wuhai?

However, after a little thought, Qin Hao reacted…

Qing Pheasant’s words were said to the surrounding masses, after all, his identity is a naval admiral, and he is fundamentally subordinate to the world government, and he is in the same camp as His Majesty Qiwuhai, so that the two sides will not have any impact.

If a wanted criminal without amnesty is missed, it will be a loss to the reputation and prestige of the Navy.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao couldn’t help but be impressed by this seemingly lazy admiral, this man usually gives people a feeling of acting casually, but deep down he has his own set of rules.

Moreover, there is another point that Qin Hao did not expect, that is, the green pheasant did not intend to take Robin away at all, which is why he did not make a move at the beginning.

To be precise, the green pheasant wanted to test Qin Hao’s strength!

The two of them were silent and did not say anything more, and the green pheasant took the few downed CP9 back to the navy warship and embarked on the return journey, and Alabastan returned to its former calm.

“Qin Hao, thank you.” Robin took a deep look at Qin Hao, and a complex emotion flashed in his eyes, touching, sweet, and warm…

“No thanks!” Qin Hao showed a sunny smile, giving people a very warm feeling, and then his eyes swept over the ruin-like rain banquet, and said lightly: “The rain banquet has been destroyed, push ~ upside down and rebuild it!” Don’t build a casino black fist or anything this time, no need for those things that hide your ears, the new building name is called the Overlord Society! ”

“Hmm! Good! Robin nodded with a smile, Qin Hao’s battle with the green pheasant made her full of confidence in Qin Hao.

Qin Hao raised his head slightly, squinted his eyes, took a deep breath, and the manic fluctuations in his body gradually faded, lifting the blessing of the Eight Gate Dun Jia.

In an instant, Qin Hao felt a surge of qi and blood, as if he wanted to spit out all his internal organs, and a strong sense of tiredness was used in his heart…

Immediately, the golden light shone, and a warm current flowed around Qin Hao’s body, repairing every inch of his cells and clearing the fatigue on his body…

In about a few minutes, the golden light on Qin Hao’s body gradually dissipated, and the injuries on his body had been completely repaired.

Not only that, Qin Hao could clearly feel that his physical fitness was much stronger than before, the muscle lines on his body were clearer, and he had a feeling of control over his body, which he only had when he opened the Eight Doors Dun Armour.

Qin Hao slowly clenched his fists, and a feeling of strength rose, and even he didn’t know what level of physical fitness he was now.

“Qin Hao…” exclaimed Robin worriedly.

“I’m okay!” Qin Hao waved his hand, just about to continue to say something, but suddenly stopped, at this time the cross star tattoo on his forehead twisted violently, and a thought accompanied by a tingling pain passed into his mind…


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