A week later, a large ship set sail on the Santa Dora River.

At the highest part of the sails, there is a golden skeleton pirate flag, which looks particularly domineering when it floats in the wind.

This ship was the first pirate ship of the Overlord Pirates, and at this time, there were three people standing side by side on the deck of the big ship, namely Qin Hao, Robin and Bonis.

“Boss, why are we going to sea?” Boniss asked, although he was puzzled in his heart, he obeyed Qin Haoyan and did not have any doubts at all.

“A lot of things have happened during this time, whether it is the battle in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, or the battle with CP9 and the general Pheasant in the rain land, it has caused a lot of turmoil in the world, if there is no accident, my new bounty order will come down, and it is no longer a good way to continue to stay in Alabastan.” Qin Hao said lightly.

“So it is.” Bonnis nodded.

“MR.1, this is the last time I call you that, in the future, I will directly call you by your name, and you don’t call me boss anymore, just call me captain!” Qin Hao said with a smile.

“Yes! Captain! Boniss replied.

“After going to sea, no more than before, there are many stronger people on the sea, you must exercise diligently, strengthen your strength, whether it is the Overlord Pirate Group or the Overlord Society, don’t waste.” Qin Hao’s tone suddenly changed, and he said coldly.

“Yes! Captain! We get it! Bonis’s face suddenly became serious.

Qin Hao looked at the magnificent sea, his thoughts flew over, and he fell into deep thought, he didn’t want to go to sea to become a pirate, he just wanted to take Alabastan as the center of influence, and gradually radiate to the first half of the entire great passage.

However, the sky does not meet people’s wishes, calculation comes and goes, after all, it is still calculating!

The things he has experienced these days have made Qin Hao understand that in this cruel world, a big fist is the last word, and only if his own strength is strong enough to ignore everything can he do whatever he wants!

The freedom and dreams pursued in anime need to be supported by strong strength in the final analysis, and this is a world where the law of the jungle preys on the strong!


Suddenly, a huge concussive sound sounded, pulling Qin Hao’s thoughts back to reality…

“What’s going on?” Qin Hao asked suspiciously.

“Qin Hao, we encountered a pirate ship, and the other party began shelling without saying a word.” Robin said eagerly.


A coldness flashed in Qin Hao’s eyes, not long after he went to sea, he encountered a pirate, and he actually took the initiative to attack himself, “Really think I’m a bully!” ”

“Captain, what should we do?” Bonnis asked, if it was on the ground, he had ten thousand ways to kill them, but now on the pirate ship, as a Devil Fruit ability, he was not good at naval battles.

“You stay on the ship, and the pirate ship will be handed over to me.”

Qin Hao dropped a sentence, plopped, jumped into the sea, and quickly swam towards the pirate ship!

Although in the Challenger system, it seems that Qin Hao has not yet “mastered” the skill of swimming, but for Qin Hao, swimming at this distance is difficult for him.


Qin Hao quickly paddled the sea water, swimming quickly, after experiencing the battle just now, his body has been immeasurably improved, and his swimming speed is naturally much faster than before.

The pirate ship in front of him was getting closer and closer, but a strange feeling rose in Qin Hao’s heart, as if in this vast sea, he could move freely as if walking on the ground.


After a long while, a wave splashed, and Qin Hao jumped up from the ocean and landed directly on the deck of the pirate ship.

“Who are you?”

Before Qin Hao’s feet could stand firm, he heard a vicious sound sound, and then the muzzle of the black hole hole was aimed at his head.

“You don’t have to know who I am.”

Qin Hao shook his head and said lightly, although he is now a member of the pirate brigade, he does not have a good impression of most pirates, especially the pirates who shot at him.


Qin Hao frowned, his pitch-black pupils shrank suddenly, and an invisible momentum instantly covered this pirate ship.



One by one, the pirates rolled their eyes and fainted on the ground, some of them even foamed at the mouth … Even the pirate who pointed the gun at Qin Hao fell to the ground, and for a moment, there were almost no pirates who could still stand.

Overlord color domineering!

As soon as Qin Hao came up, he directly used the domineering power of the overlord color, and the powerful momentum instantly shocked all the pirates!

“There wasn’t even one that could hold up.” Qin Hao shrugged helplessly, he thought that there would be a few left for him to beat, but his heart suddenly fell empty, as if he had the strength to vent.


Qin Hao jumped back into the ocean and swam towards his pirate ship again.

This time swimming, he is more handy, as if he is not in the ocean, it seems that he can go wherever he wants, think wherever he wants, and do what he wants.


At this moment, a crisp prompt sounded in Qin Hao’s heart.

“Congratulations Challenger!”

“Challenge mission: within half a year, master the skill of [swimming]… Finish! ”

“Challengers complete three challenger missions and are rewarded with a mystery gift box!”

“Hint: The mystery gift box has been placed in your carry-on backpack!”

“The meaning of life is to challenge, to surpass the limit, to climb the peak! Good luck, challenger! ”


As soon as the sound of the challenger system fell, another prompt sounded…

“Challenger Mission Assessment: Complete the mission more than half the time early!”

“Trigger Hidden Condition: Activate Challenger Extra Mission Reward!”

“Hint: The incomplete mystery gift box has been placed in your carry-on backpack!”

“The meaning of life is to challenge, to surpass the limit, to climb the peak! Good luck, challenger! ”


Qin Hao was still swimming, and just reacted, and a wave of ecstasy surged into his heart!

Mission accomplished!

As soon as his mind moved, Qin Hao felt that there were two boxes lying inside his carry-on backpack, one was a mysterious gift box and the other was an incomplete mysterious gift box!

“Hey, hey, hey… What kind of surprise will it surprise me this time? ”

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