The Prison of Pirates Author: Blossoms on Ridge

【brief introduction】:

First there is the divine prison and then there is the sky, and the karmic cycle of reincarnation locks the immortals.

Traveling to the world of One Piece, when Su Yi opened his eyes, the first thing he had to face was the execution of One Piece Gol D. Roger...

The first chapter of the first volume of "One Piece" cuts the king of pirates!

"Warrant Officer! Warrant Officer! Please wake up, the time has come, it's time for you to go to the execution stand!"

A suppressed whisper came from his ear, and his shoulders were gently swayed, looking very cautious, as if he was afraid of angering the sleeping person.

In this shaking, Su Yi slowly opened his misty eyes.

He seems to have lived through a long dream in which he was an orphan, adopted by a naval admiral, and raised as a naval soldier from an early age.

In the dream, he was also very high-spirited. In the military academy, with the top three results of the year, he obtained the graduation qualification and won the rank of warrant officer.

"Where is this?" Su Yi said to himself, full of doubts.

The weather was sultry, the sun was hanging high, and the harsh sunlight came in through the windows, shone on the benches, and pierced the eyes.

"Warrant Officer, you are finally awake, hurry up and leave, the execution is about to begin!"

That voice sounded again.

Su Yi immediately took a closer look and saw a blond boy with a typical western face standing in front of him.

The moment he saw him, Su Yi suddenly conveyed a message in his mind.

Mitchell, 19, Private First Class.

"Wait, Navy? Warrant Officer?" Su Yi was shocked, as if feeling the unknown terror, his eyes looked around.

This is a small room in a lounge. It was just him and a navy soldier in the room. Looking down, it seemed that Su Yi himself was wearing a navy uniform.

Not only that, but the rank of warrant officer hangs on his shoulders!

"Where is this? What's going on?" Su Yi's head couldn't react a bit. When he woke up, he found that everything had changed. At this time, there was only fear and anxiety.

Seeing him so inexplicable, Mitchell couldn't help showing some doubts, but he didn't think about it, but explained: "Warrant Officer, you are sleepy, now it's the scheduled execution time, as the named executioner sent by the headquarters, You have to change your clothes quickly and go to the execution platform to get ready!"

"Executioner, executioner?" Su Yi showed shock, "Execution? Execution for what, who?"

"Ah? You..."

Mitchell was really stunned this time. Could it be that this newly graduated chick is afraid of losing his memory?

Although he had a deep heart, he answered with a very serious face: "Of course the execution of the great sinner Gol D Roger! He is the most ferocious criminal in the history of HNA, and today we can finally bring this criminal to justice!"

Su Yi didn't hear what he said later, his head buzzed and he was sluggish.

Gol D Roger?Who was that, of course he knew, how could he not know!

"I crossed?" Su Yi's head was a mess, "This is One Piece? I'm a warrant officer? I want to be the executioner and execute One Piece? I remember that before crossing, I should be reviewing the Pirate anime, because I heard that it would be banned. could this be?!"

This sudden news shocked Su Yi very much.

It's not scary to travel through, what's scary is that he, a weak modern man, has come to an era of great pirates where monsters are rampant!

And he was going to kill the man standing at the pinnacle of the times, One Piece Gol D Roger!

"Warrant Officer, it's too late! Hurry up and change your clothes!" Mitchell looked at the time and urged nervously. After speaking, he took out a dark orange suit and handed it to Su Yi.

He didn't want to do anything wrong. The other party was a warrant officer who had just graduated from the military academy at the headquarters, and he had a bright future. Even if he made some mistakes and delayed a little time, he would slap his butt back to Marineford, but he had to face Rogge Town. Penalty of the commander of a naval base.


Su Yi didn't know what he was thinking at all, just took it in a daze, and then changed his clothes mechanically.

After he was replaced, First Class Mitchell diligently handed over the long thorn for execution, then pointed the direction to Su Yi, and left to report to his superiors.

According to what the other party pointed out, Su Yi held a long thorn and walked slowly towards the square.

At this time, the square was already full of people, densely packed with heads moving, and there were probably tens of thousands of people watching the execution.

Seeing the executioner approaching behind the execution platform, the crowd consciously made way for a path for Su Yi to pass.

"Warrant Officer Su Yi."

When he stepped onto the high execution platform, another executioner nodded to greet him.

Su Yi just raised his head slightly and nodded to deal with the matter. He is so preoccupied with his mind now that he has no intention of paying attention to others.

Especially under the attention of tens of thousands of people around him, the pressure on him was enormous.

It reminds him all the time that this is not a dream, this is real.

He is a military academy graduate, a naval warrant officer, and the current executioner who will execute One Piece Gol D Roger!

Seeing him like this, another older executioner couldn't help shaking his head secretly. Although he graduated from a prestigious school, he was still a recruit after all. He had never been on the battlefield.

Suddenly, he remembered the superior's order, the other party was just here to "gild", after all, the title of One Piece's executioner is indeed very attractive, and he is just in case, the old driver who ensures that the execution can go smoothly. .

Such a mix of old and new is also the intention of the base chief.

"Cheer up, Roger is here!" Suddenly, the older executioner said solemnly.

Su Yi looked up and looked down.

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