
Elkia's former princess frowned, her heart was very angry, she even clenched her fists tightly and wanted to beat this guy hard.

The expression is a little distorted.

After making a decision, and then choosing to give up, what exactly is this guy going to do.

Unfortunately, the game has already started...

Her Royal Highness the former princess had no choice but to join the chase. The rules of the game were very simple, but for the sake of fairness, the demon clan must never use any magic in the game.

Otherwise, once discovered, it will be dealt with as cheating.

After the ten covenants are sworn, they are basically obeyed.

No matter who you are, including robbers and robbers, there is no way to make a breach of contract.

This is a world that is entirely determined by the game, the position of power.

"Hey, this is so boring."

Nearly ten minutes later, the game has now reached 1/3 of the progress, because the first flag has been successfully captured, but unfortunately, the princess and the others did not get one at all.

There is no way to compare the speed of human beings with these monsters.

3v3 itself is in a fair state, but because Su Yi does not intend to participate in this game, it leads to an imbalance.

"What the hell is that guy doing?"

His Highness was so angry that he didn't know what to do, so he could only rely on his own speed to snatch the second flag.

"So far!"

Looking carefully on the map, this flag was placed very far away, and someone was already approaching it, it was a demon clan.

If you run at this speed, you will definitely fail.

--at the same time.

"Aren't you worried?"

The lord on the opposite side asked suspiciously.

"Worried? Do you find it useful?"

Su Yi looked very relaxed, without any tension, knowing that the human race was about to fail in terms of the game situation, but this guy didn't care at all.

"This game has been over since the beginning."


The lord can't imagine that he would dare to say such a very arrogant thing to a person who is already dying. Doesn't this guy know that the game has already represented his failure at this moment.

"You are optimistic. Now we are about to get the second flag. According to the rules of the game, as long as we successfully snatch both sides."

"It means your failure."

Su Yi was too lazy to listen. If the rules of the game were formulated, if he did not agree at the time, there was no way to start it. The reason is very simple, there is no fairness to speak of according to the treaty.

In the case that the game believes that it is not equal, it has the right to refuse.

Even a fool can see how the speed of human beings can be compared to that of demons, and there is no existence or use of magic to cheat.

Victory is also impossible.

Su Yi has been waiting for a suitable opportunity.

"What do you want, you guy?"

Just after the second flag was robbed, according to the rules of the game, when the winning side was declared, the pieces in the hands of this group of demons suddenly disappeared.


"Report to the lord, I don't know what happened, everything in our hands is completely gone."

The three contestants were all very surprised and did not notice how the flags disappeared.

"Actually cheated?"

After the lord saw it, his face was full of surprise, and he stood up very angry, and then shouted at Su Yi.

"I cheated?"

"Do you have any evidence?"

Su Yi's face was relaxed, his arms were in his arms, and he didn't expect that the two flags that disappeared just now were actually in this guy's hands.

According to the rules of the game, the winning side must take the first two flags, and they must merge, that is to say, the same contestant must have two flags in their hands at the same time.

Only in this way can victory be declared, not unilaterally.

And the treaty has made it very clear that even cheating can still be counted as a game as long as the other party doesn't notice it.

So in this world.

There is no such thing as luck, and the game has ended from the beginning.

It's like making an analogy.

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