"You are God?"

"Yes, boy, I didn't expect you to be kind, so calm when you saw me."


"Sorry, for this game, even if you are a god, there is no way to stop me."

"Summon, Poplar!"

Poplar, the largest weapon in the world where Su Yi exists.

Nuclear bomb!

Powerful enough to destroy the world.

And these guys have absolutely no way of understanding such a weapon, not even the structure and method.


After the poplar came out, the single huge explosion could destroy everything around it, but God used a magic aperture to wrap it all up and reluctantly absorbed it completely.


"As expected of a god, I didn't expect that even the impact of a nuclear bomb could be absorbed."

It's rather shocking, after all, a weapon like a nuclear bomb.

The power is huge, it makes people feel very terrifying, and it can even destroy the whole world.

Just now, God directly used magical power to control it.

able to absorb it.

The power of the nuclear bomb explosion is radioactive, but this guy used magical power to transfer it to another space.

A loud bang.

Elchea, and the other Protoss sometimes looked up to the sky, because a violent explosion occurred.

"What exactly is that?"

Many people may not have a way to understand, but this kind of nuclear bomb explodes in a vacuum without producing any sound.

Only light can be seen.

"how is this possible……"

"How did this guy do it?"

Su Yi was rather surprised, because such a huge impact had no effect on this guy, and he was not even afraid of nuclear bombs.

God was originally a very scary creature.

No, this guy isn't a creature by itself.

"This scares me to death!"

Her Royal Highness took a deep breath. Just now, this impact even produced a huge light, and I thought I was about to die.

"Although I don't know what you made, it's really powerful..."

"Enough to destroy the whole world".


This is already an existence that defies the sky, even if it has the most powerful technology now, it seems so powerless in front of this guy.

Su Yi felt nervous for the first time, but he didn't expect the nuclear bomb to be ineffective.

"Haha, human, see what other moves you have!"

"It's just courting death!"

"Fighting against God, you don't even see where you are."

This is ironic, but Su Yi doesn't care at all in the face of this guy's provocation.

The brows are deep and three black lines are drawn.

Since you say so, don't blame me for being rude.


Su Yi came from a different world, and he must have a wealth of knowledge. Moreover, the two worlds have completely different civilizations. The knowledge I know about these guys is only limited to thousands of years ago, those so-called beliefs and Protoss.

The knowledge mastered is very scarce, and I have never seen Apache, nuclear bombs.

"Haha, Protoss!"

"Since you call yourself a god race..."

"Then, from today onwards, I'm going to tell you that the Protoss is just like that."

This world, especially the game that was just made.

There will be no restrictions, since even things like gods can be summoned.

There's nothing that can't be done.

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