No matter what race or power, it will be devoured in front of this card.

Kurami, Zell put his arms around his chest and saw this scene.

Somewhat shocked.

Especially the princess next to him, Stephen scratched his ears, his nervous heart completely collapsed at this time.

With a sigh in his heart, he said: Being able to use this kind of card is basically a form of cheating.

Devour everything around you!

It is conceivable how powerful this card is to turn the world around, and it has strong anti-magic properties.

The happy look on the white face seemed to warn everyone that she was about to win, and she loudly announced: "From today, I will become the new king of the human race, as for all of you, obey my orders. …”

The game is almost over, and everyone can see who will emerge victorious.

Although Jibril had confidence in her master, at this moment.

Her mighty heart actually began to shake a little.

"Don't you think it's too early for you to say that?"

Before it was over, Bai was about to declare his victory, and Su Yi immediately rebutted it, and was full of disdain for this guy.

It's impossible to predict who you will win until the end of the game.

no matter how strong you are.

"Hmph... You guy, I didn't expect to survive at this stage. I advise you to surrender as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, when I devour all your cards, you will lose miserably."

In this world, it can basically be said that games determine their own rights, which also includes the so-called fate. When facing a powerful enemy, I know that there is no way to defeat this guy.

Therefore, it is also allowed to voluntarily give up, or surrender, if the other party allows it, it can reduce some bets.

Such conditions can also be established.

Su Yi said: "Your kind of card is really powerful, you have more than me, but have you seen my unopened card?"

On the arena, from the beginning of the first round.

Su Yi has already prepared a card, and has not separated it. This card is in the first round, so in her eyes, she always thought it was just an ordinary card.

After all, in the first round, no one dared to release the ace.

do that?Just asking for trouble, often the more powerful characters will stay at the back, and in the early stage, there will be a constant war of attrition.

Therefore, this is a comparative test, the ability of wisdom.

Since the beginning of the game, the card of Su Yi has not been turned over.Once the first two cards are damaged, or the HP value is exhausted, it will be replaced with a new card.

Then change back and forth.

When Bai heard this sentence, his heart seemed to be stunned.

His face became ugly. Could it be that this guy was playing tricks from the very beginning, but even so, he couldn't have the ability to turn things around.

Even the card in this guy's hand.

At most, it is only a monster of the dragon level, compared to this invincible card in his hand.

There is no chance to fight at all. Although this kind of card game is a test of intelligence, you need to know that the stronger the card is.

Then the strength will be stronger.

There was a flash of confidence in the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and he didn't ask this guy to pay attention.

"Then let me show you the card I have."

"Well... let you see what real power is."

After saying this, Su Yi didn't stop.

He directly took out the things in his hand and opened the card.

Bai stood there with a pale face, an expression he couldn't even believe for a year.

"how can that be?"

"It's actually an invalid card."

This life was amazed, and Bai's clear eyes were constantly trembling.

I couldn't accept this result in my heart, how could this guy have the guts to put an invalid card in the first round.

"So things like games are over from the beginning..."

"Often the things you worry about are actually simpler. It's like now, if you want to get into your sight, you have to take a path you can't imagine."

Su Yi explained it softly, and had already made it very clear.

Jibril, who was watching the battle, said.

"Yes, the master is a very intelligent human being. He can be said to think very deeply, often without you knowing it!"

He has already thought about it.

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