It was also the first time that Su Yi saw this kind of race, and he felt a little strange in his heart, but if you compare this place with other races, you will find that this is a very magical race.

And the way of life, as well as the habits, is completely different from that of human beings.

The surging back and forth is like dancing, but for some reason, there is always a very painful expression in the eyes of these guys, even if they are reluctant, they maintain a smile.

"Is it because the sea algae is polluted? These guys are not as happy as they used to be."

To be honest, it can be seen with the naked eye that in the huge ocean, there is a lot of garbage on it.

And these mermaid races can basically be said to be constantly cleaning every day.

Take out the excess rubbish and clean it up.

It looks very clean, after all, I don't want to see these remaining dirty things.

——To be honest, the reason why people and races have come to this point is that there are too many things involved, especially those guys who live on land have a lot to do.

Constantly discarding garbage and polluting the sea water finally became the current situation.

But the mermaid race did not choose to protest in the form of war.

I just bear this silently in my heart, the damage from the land.

In the huge ocean, I didn't expect to have so many sundries.

- The marine species are somewhat similar to the hive, with a queen in it.

The speed of reproduction is quite fast, and of course there are also diversification. In general, it is very likely that this system similar to worker bees and maternal lines has appeared because the queen is constantly breeding, but with the passage of time.

It is now possible to reproduce in the same way as humans.

In the first few months, the queen was still relatively active, but with the recent period of time.

The body is not as good as before, and the degree of allergies is very severe.

Currently in a deep sleep.

Chapter 104 The Mermaid's Disaster

"Amela, you can see this situation now. If humans continue to cause trouble for us, and who are the guys on the land, then sooner or later our race will face the biggest crisis..."

It may even be tragically wiped out.

The Queen is a very kind woman who doesn't like war.

Her greatness nurtures all the mermaids here, and her kindness makes all the mermaids here respect them very much.

And moved everything around.

Amira stayed by the Queen's side with a serious expression, and knew that this matter would be resolved sooner or later.

I have some regrets in my heart, and I also have some thoughts. I have recently heard that there is a very active king in human beings. Through my own efforts, I have gradually climbed to the top positions.

Even if the real sequence position has not improved, their power is gradually strengthening.

Must be able to do better.

"I see, Her Majesty."

Amira was very unwilling, her own race was the most powerful in the ocean, and she could summon those huge monsters as long as she called.

But there is no way, his own race has also been greatly affected.

Especially the rules of this world, the restrictions of the ten covenants, make it impossible for races to obtain resources through war.

This also led them to give up the idea of ​​just cleaning up garbage in the ocean every day.

Make the water clearer, but it looks like this.

There is no way back now...

Mermaid race, paid, a lot of time to clean up the dirt.

Keep the ocean as clean as possible, but the guys on the land seem to be determined to destroy the entire ocean world, constantly discharging all kinds of garbage and sewage below.

As a result, the entire ocean is dyed and becomes extremely turbid, and I don't even know how to express my current state of mind.

Makes you feel very concerned.

"I hope you can choose to cooperate with humans, maybe this way is the best."

Amira nodded lightly before Her Majesty fell asleep.

And he secretly vowed in his heart that the current pattern must be changed, especially for marine species.

The living environment must be improved, or else I can only go through other means.

To expand his territory, even if it is a war, he will not hesitate.

——Because something very unexpected happened some time ago.

A hundred years ago, the contradiction between the goblin race and humans had not been resolved.

And just recently, a large-scale war broke out between the two sides, and other races were also involved, including giants. However, these top races were not restricted by the covenant, that is to say, God Tut power is gradually waning.

If this continues, the pattern of the whole world will be completely changed.

Under the leadership of Amira, everyone finally came to the negotiation room.

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