It poses no threat to himself, not to mention that he has seen just now that his movement speed is very slow...

How can you catch up with yourself.

"You, what exactly is this thing you're carrying?"

At this time, Her Majesty was rather puzzled, because she had never seen such a prop before, you must know that it was not covered with any magic, and it was able to navigate in the water.

It does make people more concerned.

At this moment, the silence was broken.

The answer given by Su Yi is also very simple, this is a nuclear-powered submarine.

It has extremely high military value. Of course, in this world, no one knows its meaning and how to use it.

Nuclear submarine?

Her Majesty the Queen whispered softly in her mouth.


After a brief introduction, Su Yi sat in the cockpit of the nuclear submarine. As for Jibril, who was unable to participate in the battle this time, she could only stay on the sidelines and watch.

She was guarded by other merfolk, warriors.

So this guy won't do anything.

It took nearly half an hour, and after everything was ready, the two sides began to swear to the covenant.

And start negotiating the rights of both parties now, and the stakes to be made.

Su Yi, as usual, opened his mouth and said everything directly, including status and life!


"Is it necessary to play this big? We just want to get a small piece of territory, and we don't plan to start a full-scale war."

"I'm really sorry, I have a big heart, and I especially like the bottom of the sea."

If you win, then you will get rich mineral resources, including all the races here will serve you.

Then the plan to expand the whole world for oneself in the future has a great impetus.

After hearing this sentence, I saw that Amela's expression was very heavy, since this guy didn't eat or drink a toast.

Then don't blame yourself for being rude

"Anyway, in this battle, no one can beat himself."

"Since he is so arrogant, let him experience the taste of failure."

Amira said angrily.

However, Su Yi seemed extremely calm from the very beginning.

Staying in the cab of the nuclear submarine, with both hands on the chest, although it is the first time to drive, but because of the amount of knowledge is extremely large.

And this method of operation is relatively simple, plus I have simulated it once.

So I have more confidence in my heart, but I still can't be careless

Jibril, Izuna, and His Royal Highness Stephen all held their breaths.

Since the two are now in place, the game is about to start.

But to be honest, Amira's ten-minute record is quite high among the entire mermaid clan, and there is really no one who can beat her.

That speed has even exceeded the speed of sound, knowing that there is huge resistance in the water.

Not as fast as in the air, but she can be as flat as the ground.

It can be seen how fast this speed has reached.

Her Majesty the Queen also stood by and observed the battle. Seriously, the outcome was quite important for both races, not to mention that the bet was relatively large this time. Under the constraints of the covenant, the two sides basically The admiral pressed all the supplies and successfully activated the covenant.

According to the third article of the covenant, both parties must place equal stakes and then take an oath to the covenant.

Then you get a response, and at the end you add a kind of hard limit.

As long as you fail in this game, there is no reason at all.

It is a very compulsory thing to take back what was lost.

You can even take advantage of cheating...

But the premise is that you don't be discovered by the other party, otherwise.

The alliance will punish you, and you don't have to play any more matches in this game.

There is only one dead end when you discover cheating.

Both sides are in place at this point, and the next game is about to begin.

Su Yi sat in the cockpit of the nuclear submarine and saw the woman beside him through the screen. She was the full authority of the mermaid.

Has a strange body, but during the game, this guy will change his form.

When Amira was a tour guide for herself just now, although there were scales on her feet, it was no different from human existence.

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