He has been criticized by many people, and may even be verbally attacked.

Amira was so frightened that she didn't dare to respond, she just wanted to stay in this dark corner alone.

But then, the door of his room suddenly exploded, and it was bounced open by some strong and domineering force in an instant, and then a figure of a young man appeared.

"Do you want to escape for the rest of your life? And hide in this dark corner?"

Angry warning.

"You...are you worthy of the other mermaids who have always believed in you?"

Su Yi roared loudly, feeling the urge to punch Amira.

But he still held back the emotion in his heart.

"I don't want to, but if I lose this game, it means that I have lost everything. From then on, the mermaid race will face the state of slavery."

We lose our rights and our freedom, which means we are completely deprived of this world.

Amira deeply felt how serious the consequences she caused this time.

Even if you hurt yourself a thousand times, there is no way to make up for it.

I don't know what to do, and I can't answer the question of the guy in front of me.


Helplessly shrugging, brows constantly teasing, Su Yi faced the woman in front of him, not knowing how to explain.

In fact, there is nothing special about him and her.

"Although you lose, the seabed resources are likely to belong to me."

"But I never said that I would deprive you of your right to live."

In fact, about the limitations and conditions of the covenant, Su Yi has already studied very well, so he knows the traps.

There are many places where there are huge problems.

For example, in the case of cheating, as long as the other party does not find out, then the game will not be affected in any way. The bets of both parties, as well as the winner's advantage, can be changed at will, just like Su Yi now, if he says he doesn't want to. If you want these resources, you don't have to abide by the restrictions of the covenant at all.

Being the winner has a lot of authority.


After Amela heard it, she felt a little more confident, and her face kept sobbing, not knowing how to express it.

Is what you said true?

"Of course it is true. Although I am quite eager for the resources of the seabed, I am currently unable to develop it here."

Oceande still belongs to the territory under the jurisdiction of your mermaid race, but you have to use part of your labor to mine the seabed.

Chapter 114 Negotiation Conditions

It is said that certain resources will be provided every month. As for other conditions, I currently do not want to implement them.

In return for you, I will also provide a territory here, and then let you gradually adapt to life on human land.

After saying those words, Amira couldn't believe her ears.

As the winner, she should make all kinds of unreasonable demands, not to mention that she lost everything including her life.

You know, this is the highest bet right now.

Even if the other party puts forward any conditions, the mermaid race has no way to refuse.

But in front of him...

Amira couldn't believe her ears and slowly got up.

Asked softly, is what you said true?

Su Yi nodded slightly, indicating that he did not tell a lie, and that he was already discussing this matter with Her Majesty the Queen. Even if he won the game, he planned to treat each of his allies fairly.

Do not want to rule by violent means.

Although the marine species have ideas and want to develop on the land, their strength and the current grasp of the land, even a small territory, is enough to satisfy them.

Not to mention that these guys have now lost everything, including lives.

It is the best to get this result.

After that, Amira slowly regained her strength and returned to her original appearance.

"I have signed an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen."

"Don't be sad here."

A few minutes later, Amira walked out of her room.

When she came to the street outside, she was very frightened, and she had no way to face her own kind in her heart.

There are many things looking at her now, but these guys don't have any expressions of hatred.

"I've already said that they won't do anything to you, let alone hurt you."

"So I hope you can rest assured."

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