Only the corresponding sacrifices can be made in exchange for the final victory.

"No problem, as long as you intervene."

In fact, Su Yi doesn't care about whether they will help him in this war, but the front end. Can these guys get all the modern weapons and soldiers they want?Summoned by means of magic space.

This is the key, once successful, you will have the strongest army.

Invincible, sea, land and air, the era of impending domination

Tut had no choice at all in the face of this devastating weapon.

I don't expect to be able to defeat God, but at least to be able to unify all races, the best way is to use the deterrence of power.

Make these guys understand.

In this world, what is the most powerful.

"I see, we accept your proposal."

The skin of the beautiful girl in front of her is like white snow, and even taking a bite, she can feel the icy feeling.

That perfect figure and angelic smile are like the most beautiful existence in this world. As long as a man sees such a creature, I think I can't help but sigh in admiration.

What a beautiful race.

Even in the dark of night, there is absolutely no way to hide her face.

That kind of beauty, that kind of thing, makes people feel unapproachable.

Even when I looked at her with my eyes, I felt that my breathing was quite difficult, and I didn't know what to do, and in the next time.

Chapter 129 Time Travel

Only then did Su Yi notice that his eyes were completely attracted.

"Master... wake up quickly!" Jibril also seemed helpless, because there are some women with powerful magical powers in her race, and the body itself exudes a psychedelic thing.

It can make ordinary people hallucinate, and this beautiful girl in front of her has something similar to the magic of charm, which is a natural taste.

If the two are in contact for too long, hallucinations will occur. At this time, only interference from the outside world can bring him back to reality.

Shaking vigorously, Jibril was actually more worried about her master.

Afterwards, consciousness gradually recovered and reached its original state.

Hazy, I felt someone shaking me.

"Ah...I'm really sorry, did you say I fell asleep just now?"

After opening his eyes, Su Yi clearly realized that just now, he had some kind of hallucination, and he was really careless.

His expression flickered a little, and he was dodging back and forth, but he understood in his heart.

In that case, I have nothing to say.

"Is this an illusion?"

He asked softly to the maid next to him.


Jibril nodded slightly, indicating that just now, the master finally talked to the beautiful girl in front of him for too long, so he fell into this hallucination and it was difficult to wake up.


I really didn't expect that Su Yi could actually be able to use illusions, and he secretly admired it. The magical power of this race is indeed superb.

Although it is only a conjecture, there is such a possibility.

If it can be successful, then he will build a powerful army in a short period of time.

"Then please start!"

According to the previous agreement between the two parties, the Tianyi tribe was to help Su Yi summon.

Then a few people came to this central area, and then the Tianyi clan in front of them.

Stand in the center with your arms outstretched.

"Can she really do it?"

My heart is full of doubts, after all, I can concretize all the problems in my mind, and transfer them to this world through space.

Such a precedent has never been tried.

Jibril didn't dare to come to a conclusion, her brows flickered.

"I'm not sure, but master, she is the only one in the Tianyi tribe that has the magic of space summoning, and she can connect to other different-dimensional spaces!"

After hearing this sentence, no matter whether it is successful or not, you must try it.

Then the beautiful girl in front of her began to chant a spell, and golden rays of light wrapped around her body.

In an instant, a huge clock-like gear appeared behind her.

It is constantly expanding its size and becoming larger and larger.

It is dozens of meters high.

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