He seemed particularly surprised, not knowing what the purpose of these iron lumps was.

"Master... what are these things? Are you planning to use these things against the giants?"

"Yes, don't underestimate these things. They are called machines. In my world, they are enough to destroy everything around them."

"Master... Then what are these two huge steel objects behind?"


Su Yi slowly raised his head, and at the moment when the gate of the other dimension was finally closed, two huge mechas appeared, but in his own era, there was no such high technology.

"Robot..." His brows were slightly raised, and he didn't dare to confirm, but if this kind of mecha was manipulated, it should be able to get great help.

And from the appearance and design are quite sophisticated.

I just don't know what level of proficiency this operation can achieve.

Su Yi was more concerned about this.

Then, in about a week, Su Yi arranged for these soldiers.

And including the large-scale movement of other passengers, which special intercontinental missiles have been deployed to all parts of Elchea.

This is his trump card, as long as the giants successfully meet with him, he will capture them all in a blitzkrieg manner.

And there are several air force bases built around it.

Ordinary soldiers have no natural advantage over giants.

The weapons in their hands must be carefully modified.

Otherwise, there is no way to penetrate the skin of these monsters.

The armor-piercing bullets of the Air Force are the most effective, and can kill these monsters in an instant.

"They don't have any air power!"

These soldiers are silently training, and there are these facilities.

No one knew about it when it was built, not even the human race itself.

Su Yi has made all-round plans, and his own war this time relies on the power of modernization.

Let them see what is called technology!

——After half a month, it has gradually matured, including the two surrounding military bases.

I usually train at night, so I want to hide that fact.

It's difficult, and the roar of training fighters at night will be noticed by many.

And there are lights on it that keep flashing.

However, it was not announced to the outside world. Su Yi found a special excuse to close the mouths of these guys.

It was declared to the outside world that this was just ordinary training.

Many humans don't know what the hell the other party is doing, and they don't know what the king is doing.

But they chose to believe without hesitation.

In the palace, the moonlight shines through the windows in the hall.

Su Yi's expression was a little solemn.

Although he has opened the door of different dimensions by means of transformation.

I get what I want, but this logistical support and maintenance work makes me feel a bit of a headache.

This is a different world, even though there are many talented soldiers among the soldiers who are summoned.

But the later maintenance, as well as the repair of the missile, requires a lot of money.

My own resources are indeed rich, but they have not been developed...

His head was slightly swollen, he got up and walked back and forth, thinking about the solution in his heart.

The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and he seemed very anxious.

"Master... it's not good, the giants seem to be moving, these guys have already led their troops."

"Starting to attack this side, there are about [-] assembled at present."


"How is it possible for these guys to gather 10 in this short period of time."

Hearing this number also felt a little scary, Su Yi had learned about it in the history books.

The number of giants left at present is less than tens of thousands, plus some old, weak, sick and disabled.

It is impossible to reach this amount.

"Master... From the beginning, we've been fooled by these guys."

"They have concealed their strength. This time, these guys plan to annex all our alliances in one fell swoop."

Su Yi was suddenly furious and clenched his fists tightly. He didn't expect to be thrown by these guys, but it's time to come.

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