But in that game, he failed miserably, even using the most powerful magic of the elves to cheat.

But there is still no way to defeat the opponent, this kind of thing makes me feel very surprised.

The enemy is just an ordinary boy with ordinary appearance and no magical power, but he has a unique temperament.

After convincing himself of his defeat, Kramijer no longer had his own personal freedom and was always by Su Yi's side.

Witnessed his growth, until now.

At first, the two were not optimistic about each other, especially Kramijel. Her character itself is particularly arrogant. In the face of these decisions made by Su Yi, they all criticized each other. If it wasn't for the influence of the covenant, she would never Follow this guy's orders easily.

I feel very uncomfortable and don't know what to do.

Time is passing, and Kramijel is also hesitant during this period. She very much hopes that the human race can usher in a new time and change this sad fate.

At first, there was no confidence in this cynical boy.

Unable to entrust this important task to him, he has been with him all the time, witnessing the arbitrary actions of this family, but every time he can always bring surprises to people.

In the face of defeat, it can turn things around.

And this kind of thing, I think a lot of people can't do it easily.

Su Yi was very arrogant last night. No matter what kind of race he treats, he insists on one idea, which is to conquer it.

Every time it was a mess, the bet was quite large, and basically everything was bet on him.

Every battle, watching it, makes people feel a little scared.

However, Su Yi has never lost and maintained a record of winning every battle. Such a legend spreads across the world in an instant.

Its activity is extremely high, especially its popularity among the human race seems to have grown explosively. At one time, many women became his loyal fans. No matter what decision Su Yi makes, these guys will be completely indifferent. Support without hesitation.

Kramidjiel was walking on the corner, looking at the picture of prosperity, and felt a little relieved in his heart.

Although this guy is a bit chaotic, at least the current human race.

It has been completely reborn.

It changed its original appearance. Half a year ago, the street corners here were so depressing that people couldn't even get close to this place, and there was dead silence everywhere.

The entire Elchea sky was covered with a layer of haze, and whether it was sunny or rainy, there was basically no vitality.

In the city at that time, every street corner was littered with rubbish.

There will be no fruit stalls and commodity stores, and there will be no very busy docks and traffic. In short, now that Elkia has undergone this earth-shaking change, there is no way to leave Su Yi's credit.

It was he who changed all this, through the way the game was played.

Seeing such a prosperous scene, Kramidjiel felt very relieved.

In this regard, she also gradually changed her view of a certain person.

Especially in terms of attitude, it has changed a lot. Since childhood, Kramijel has the attribute of being arrogant. No matter who is talking to him, he seems to be a little ignorant, and he needs to do everything. do the best.

Work hard to get it, so that the current situation is formed.

However, just a few days ago, a large-scale battle took place.

In the battlefield, I have seen the fragility of life. Whether it is the defeated giants or my companions, they cannot stand any test at all in front of the battlefield, and they will die easily, even if it is a second before. This person is still standing in front of you, maybe he will be killed, and he will be killed on the spot.

After seeing this scene, Kramijel's heart began to shake.

She didn't know what to do, and she couldn't explain the current situation.

Is it really the last thing that can't be done by plundering through war?

The things that the two sides cannot reach an agreement can only be captured by means of war, but the difference between the human race and others is very large. This is the superiority of the race, even if it is a lucky victory this time...

It will also encounter other more powerful races, and at that time, the crisis faced by mankind will become even greater.

Because of the last incident, the world pattern gradually collapsed.

The top ones are the elves, the dragon spirits, and the fantasy clan who are currently banning the gods, in case these guys choose to join forces.

For the human race, that is a great disaster.

The power of the two sides will gradually create a huge gap. The human race is now a subsidiary state, and there are many small races under its command, including orcs, demons, and those deep-sea monsters at the bottom of the sea. Of course, recently, there are also the elves.

The team gradually expanded, but it also brought threats from the outside world.

Su Yi himself is aware of this crisis, but he has the means to resist the union of these races.

God Tut is a kind of god produced by people's beliefs.

In the hearts of his people, if there is no way to gain trust, the character of this guy will gradually weaken. During this period, especially the restrictions of the covenant, will be greatly reduced.

Chapter 142 Indecision

Some time ago, the reason why the human race was able to provoke the giant clan by means of war and successfully defeated them was entirely based on such a reason.

The last incident, the Divine Race, unintentionally triggered his anger.

The matter that led to the covenant had a very big situation. It turned out that the race was ranked very high and possessed strong magical power, so it would not be violently affected at all. Believe in the existence of one God.

In this way, his godhead was greatly affected. During that period, the impact was particularly large, which made people very concerned.

And Tut also realized his crisis, so he immediately came forward to stop it.

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