And I have to assist it, and try my best to make the ranking of the human race go up.

Jibril had inadvertently heard Zhong Suyi in her sleep.

And through a special magic, please peep at his thoughts in his dream, Su Yi simply wants to unify the whole world, and then get the authority to challenge the Ice God.

Finally returned to his hometown.

This plan seems simple, but it is difficult to actually implement it. It is just a very difficult and difficult gap for human beings to cross, which is enough for everyone to choose to give up.

The pressure of public opinion, and the current situation, the human race is a very fragile creature...

There is no unity, there is no confidence in the future, or even unbelievable, in short, all kinds of negative emotions are all concentrated together, for such a human being.

I think no matter how powerful a person is, there is no way to raise their spirits and confront them head-on.

During that period, during the most difficult days for human beings, Su Yi gradually changed the views of these guys on the human race through a special and powerful means, from weak to strong.

From the tail of the crane to the current fourth place, this is an extreme change.

Not only represents the progress of mankind, but also shows Su Yi's most powerful mind.

On weekdays, he looked a little cynical, and he didn't take national affairs seriously at all. Many government affairs were handed over to Her Royal Highness the Princess alone, and he stayed in the library alone.

Looking at the information, I don't know what I'm looking for.

In fact, his purpose in doing this is to be able to find a better way to deal with other races.

If you don't know each other well, you must be more careful and don't attack rashly.

Otherwise, only you will die.

Su Yi is still eloquently expressing his views, to put it bluntly, just a few words, that is to launch a full-scale war, and he wants to completely wipe out all races from this world.

In order to speed up the process, he has spread the news.

The second attacking race was the armored race in fourth place.

These guys are very mysterious. Most of them are made of machinery. They have very few bodies. The most powerful thing in power and magic is their machinery.

However, this kind of mechanical attack method is not particularly single, most of them are dispatched, and they are all constructed by magic.

It looks like a high-tech alloy, but in fact the structure inside is very simple, just some ordinary mechanical movements.

It's not a precision instrument. They seem to have those gorgeous movements and skills that are all driven by magical power.

That is to say?These guys are a very strange race.

Currently ranked tenth, the number of clans is small, there is no way to gather a large number of warriors in a short period of time, and these guys have always been restricted by the covenant, and it is impossible to have an army.


"We should believe in the future!"

He clenched his fists tightly, such a speech was very high, and moved many people's emotions. Even after Kramijer heard these words, he felt that a war had to be fought in his heart.

Humans live in different ways, and humans are weak.

But have wisdom, then we must break this traditional concept.

The most powerful strength erupted and let these guys see that the human race is not so fragile.

The news has been spread out, and there is some confusion on the Kaikai side.

Even seek help from higher races, but these guys have to pay a more powerful price, and the current ranking.

As well as the number of allies of Su Yi, these guys will not dare to act rashly.

Unless the elves and fantasy races intervene in this matter, otherwise, the other little followers will not choose to help them at all.

This is unrealistic and completely illogical.


After speaking, the crowd below looked extremely high-pitched.

Chapter 145 The Wisdom of the Weak

For the party who started the war, the stand is different, so there is no justice or evil at all. Your field represents justice, and in the eyes of the other party, you are evil. In fact, war is just a person with great strength. Find out excuse.

The weak are the weak, and there is no way to change.

In a world where the strong eat the weak, things are competing for natural selection and want to stand out.

It takes a lot of strength.

Let these guys witness what real power is.


The brows kept flickering, not knowing what to do, and the next.

Su Yi finally understood that his current existence...

"Humanity must have a future!"

"I believe in it, and I swear to you, I will never lose a game."

Even in the form of war.


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