The game is still going on. On both sides, without cheating, whoever has a higher winning rate is undoubtedly Su Yi.

There is absolutely no way to compare the two.

Minister, the back is a little cold, and he is sweating slightly. Now, he has lost the means of cheating, and the only thing left is to rely on his own mind to face his opponents in an upright manner.

But he's running out of gas now, and basically this game is coming to an end.

hard to imagine!

"Enough, you've already lost, there's no need to fight to the death."

"Let's just surrender early and end this game, save your brains here."

Su Yi yawned and looked a little lazy. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past few days.

It's hard to find an opportunity, how could it be easy to give up.

"how is this possible!"

"I will not lose. My strength and wealth are all earned by my own ability."

The minister was deeply pressured and knew what would happen next.

So he roared and knocked the chess in front of him to the ground, and at this time the restrictions of the covenant had been activated, this guy lost the game without a doubt.

There is no comparison, subsequently.

Su Yi announced that all the ministers in charge of managing the economy with him as the center were all removed and replaced. If anyone still wants to profit from it, he will feel sorry for himself.

To deal with such people, it is necessary to take very strong measures.

Let them know that they are the king of this world, don't think that hiding in the dark, doing some deeds, you can't detect it.

"The game is over, the winner is Su Yi!"

That minister was stripped of everything, power or otherwise.

He was imprisoned, but this guy still insisted on his point of view before he left.

Afterwards, Su Yi evacuated these so-called ministers through some special methods, and the real palace was reborn, as for the Senjing.

He also kept his promise.

And give a lot of rewards.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the King!"

——Brother Su Yi!

The sound was sweet and soft, and then he saw a furry thing pounce on him, and Yi Gang rushed in impatiently at the end of the game.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, they rushed directly to Su Yi.

"Brother Su Yi!"

Like a kingfisher, the voice is particularly beautiful, after Su Yi saw its figure.

Smiling, but the two of them looked a little strange next.

"Cough cough..."

"Master, now is not the time to do this kind of thing. We must draw up a detailed plan. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly. If you want to successfully defeat the Kai Clan, you must master the laws of these guys' actions."

Standing aside, Jibril with an angelic face said softly.


"I agree with that."

After the slapstick was over, Su Yi's expression became a little serious. Jibril was not wrong. In the current situation, she had no way to live happily.

This race is very special, and its ranking is not high, but their combat power is amazing.

And they are basically mechanical, with a certain principle.

For three days, Su Yi has been discussing and researching the plan, intending to use the shortest time in a blitzkrieg manner.

Give these guys the heaviest blow.

First of all, in the middle of the night, I will find the right target.

Through the most advanced radar, find and don't grab my position, after confirming.It will send a large army to encircle and suppress it. Of course, all plans are under its control.

The Machinas are mostly made up of machines, especially their bodies.

It is very different from the human race, but its principle is very simple.

And mostly powered by magic.

Not to the modern technology in which they are located, the gap between the two can be regarded as a kind of field.

This is also understandable.

A detailed combat plan was drawn up and approved, followed by silent waiting, as long as the time arrived, he would suddenly launch an attack, of course, before this plan, except for Jibril.

No one else knows.

The purpose of this is to be able to keep their own secrets.

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