Moreover, facing the entire race, he only brought a Tianyi tribe, and the inevitable situation really happened, and he seemed to be at a disadvantage.

However, Su Yi did not hesitate, and continued with a smile.

"Hello, I am the foreigner you mentioned, so I directly call this dimensional crack, I think you know it too."

"Everything just now was just a misunderstanding, I hope everyone can understand."

"I won't hurt you."

After speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief and hoped to have a good relationship with these guys. At least now, the purpose of coming here is to investigate this place, so he has the most powerful weapon.

Since ancient times, the Kai Clan have never been involved in wars. They have their own numbers and ways of survival. Even the Divine Spirit Clan, who ranked first, did not dare to provoke this group of guys easily.

If the rumors are true, then the Kaikai people have indeed mastered the weapons that can destroy the entire world.

Although the Machinas have consciousness, they are very weak.

Since they are called machines, these guys are not fully human.

In the latent meaning, there will be no fear, half of them are machines, no matter how close Fang Zhouzi is to the human character.

is also not sound.

You can't tell what kind of behavior these guys are going to do next.

After Su Yi saw the real person, he began to hesitate in his heart that he really started a war against this race, and when they went crazy, it was very likely that they would destroy the world.

"Jibril, have you noticed that there seems to be a slight emptiness in the eyes of these guys, and they are not as varied as humans."

Indeed, although the Sky Wings are not human, they have sound personalities, and there is a trace of darkness in the eyes of each of these Machine Kai.

In fact, for them, fear does not exist at all.

And its average lifespan is quite long.

It can even be on an equal footing with the gods, and enjoy the same treatment.

Most of the Kaikai people are made of mechanical components, and only nearly 30% of the material is human, so if you really want to compare, these guys are more similar to machinery.

It's a human imitation.

At the high end of magic technology, there is no way to break through and reach the limit of human beings.

No matter how similar, how to approach?It's just a race created by God unintentionally.

Its very existence is a huge controversy.

"Foreigners, you'd better be more polite, if you dare to cause trouble here."

"You should know what's going to happen."

"Very serious consequences."

When speaking, on the street, these Kaikai people were very vigilant, and they really deserved to be a fighting race.

As a Tianyi tribe, Jibril is not a vegetarian. You can open the elf corridor and prepare to fight against these guys, but Su Yi forcibly stopped him. You should not cause trouble at this critical time.

The two came here to be able to figure out what the powerful weapons possessed by the Makai Clan were.

Not for a fight.

So hope to calm down.

"I see, Master."


Afterwards, Su Yi smiled and chatted with the locals, only to learn about their current situation.

The Machine Kai people live here all year round, but occasionally they come into contact with foreigners because they are transported here through the dimensional cracks.

But few people go straight from the main entrance.

Because there are constantly guards guarding it, and there is a layer of enchantment, ordinary human beings have no way to break it, and they want to enter the Longtan alone.

unless you are strong.

Otherwise, it will be a life-and-death experience, not to mention even after breaking through the barrier.

The entry is also a desolate glacier, without any living creatures and moisture.

An area of ​​several hundred kilometers.

The temperature is extremely low, especially at night, it will drop to more than minus 100 degrees. For such an extremely terrifying territory, even if you are a strong magician, it is difficult to break through.

Therefore, most people are sent here unintentionally by means of dimensional space.

In order to be able to solve these problems, the Machina will generally welcome them.

If it is determined that these guys are dangerous to the race.

Then they will act.

It is usually suppressed by force.

Either hurt or drive away, in short, it won't let you step into this place.

The machine-kai people's method of doing things is very fast. What they pay attention to is a problem of efficiency, and they will never waste too much time on useless problems.

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