
"It really is like this."

"You are really smart, and you know a lot. I appreciate it."

Tut smiled.

Immediately afterwards, the two came to the temple, unfolded the chessboard, and began to compete in the final battle. Su Yi had already bet everything he had.

If you lose, the world still exists and the rules won't change.

Of course, after winning, Tut will grant this guy a wish.

Anything is fine.

Even if it destroys the whole world!

The two sides reached an agreement and swore an oath to the covenant, and then the game began.

For the rules of the chess game, Tut can be said to know well, this guy is quite flexible, especially in terms of brain.

From the very beginning, an active attack method was chosen.

"I'm going here"!

"If that's the case, I'll go to this place."

Su Yi did not show weakness. He had read a lot of historical documents and read a lot about the previous kings who challenged other races and the way they played chess. From this, I also understood a lot, and this is a probability problem.

Every step in chess will be dealt with in different ways. In fact, the ending of the game has been decided from the very beginning.

Whatever Tut!Su Yi!

Both of them are aware of each other's strengths.

But there is a key point, and that is the trap.

and mastery of the overall picture.

After a few minutes, the way of playing chess suddenly changed, especially Su Yi, who didn't play cards according to common sense, actually dropped one of his chess pieces directly from the phone, which made Tut feel a little flustered.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

"Is it a mistake? Or is it intentional."

What Su Yi wants is this effect, to let you guess, but you don't know how the game will turn out.


The game goes on and on.

Until the end, Tut hadn't reacted, but found that his coach was about to face danger.

"I lost……"

Tut had to admit that the throne of his only god had been robbed at this time, but this matchup was inevitably too simple.

And he couldn't imagine what he had experienced just now.

After waking up, he found that his coach was already facing a crisis.


"Just a little movement."


In fact, Su Yi has done an experiment, that is about the covenant. As a god, Tut himself does not understand what kind of existence is in the covenant he made, just like the bugs in it.

There is no way to punish cheating without detection.

Although Tut is a god and has a strong sense of magic, if you attack other people, this guy won't notice anything.

Su Yi has mastered this guy and is not familiar with or familiar with the covenant.

That's why you won by cheating!

"You actually cheated?"

Tut's eyes trembled, but then he laughed heartily.

"Ha ha!"

"I didn't expect it to end in such a way."

"It seems that I was really careless!"

Tut's expression was solemn, but he did not expect that in the end, he would actually lose in the rules of the game he had made, and he still cheated.

The reason why Su Yi played cards indiscriminately is because this guy knows the strength of the other party. In this case, the two sides will definitely be tied.

It's better to do the opposite and let this guy be fooled.

Then changed.

"I am willing to admit defeat, not to mention the restrictions of the covenant, even I will be restricted as well."

At this time, the throne of God has changed, and a very powerful light has been produced.

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