He probably heard the constant creaking from Su Yi's mouth, and Yata felt very embarrassed, so after hesitating, he still asked for a bottle of soju like a coachman driving a carriage in front.

Of course, this is not the steaming shochu that is being roasted on the fire now, but the pure wine with a very high concentration.

Take a sip of wine, as if putting a fire in the stomach, the spicy burning sensation will frantically rush out of the stomach, go straight to the limbs, and finally swim with circles of drunkenness. to the brain.

People like Su Yi generally don't drink alcohol, let alone such strong alcohol. It has nothing to do with the amount of alcohol. Su Yi knows that alcohol, whether drunk or not, as long as he drinks it, it will affect his brain to a certain extent. thinking.

As the saying goes, wine is strong and cowardly, and wine can make people impulsive. Even if Su Yi is very satisfied with his self-control, the unique and strong smell of wine will affect his actions to a certain extent.

But now Yata's simple and honest smile has already handed over a water bag of wine. If he doesn't continue, he will appear to be a little out of place.

And now Su Yi has indeed been blown a little cold by this blizzard, so it's good to drink some wine to warm up.

Nodding his head, Su Yi reached out and took Yata's wine, then opened the stopper and took a sip under Yata's greedy eyes.

The wine is really not very good, and it tastes like an inferior product forcibly blended by alcohol.

But I have to say that this stuff is really strong enough. After drinking it, Su Yi felt as if there was a fire on his body. He burped, and Su Yi took two more sips.

After a few sips of wine in his throat, Su Yi really warmed up, closed the lid, and handed the wine back to Yata, Su Yi leaned on the carriage and continued to stagger forward with the carriage.

Chapter [-] Dangerous Species

I didn't know how long they followed the wobbly motorcade. Although Yata didn't say their destination, Su Yi could guess a little.

In the entire northern kingdom, there were not many convoys that could allow Su Yi, who was going to the imperial capital, to hitch a ride, and Yata's convoy was still full of so many supplies.

In addition, when Su Yi said that his destination was the imperial capital, Yata's expression changed quietly, it can be seen that Yata was full of emotions for the imperial capital.

Yata can't be a businessman. Merchants have been ruthless since ancient times. If Yata was a businessman, he would definitely smile when he heard the word "Imperial Capital".

Because the place in the imperial capital is prosperous enough, for a businessman, there is gold everywhere. Even if it is a corrupt place, gold and jade are still unavoidable.

A person with such a strong sense of clan, still escorting so many supplies, even if Su Yi wants to go to the imperial capital, he can still drop by.

When all the seemingly unrelated things are screwed together, the answer is obvious.

Yata and the others must have transported supplies to the front line to support Numasaika's backup troops, and those on the carriage behind were all military supplies.

It was used to support Numasekah who was on the front line against Esdes.

Su Yi doesn't know what kind of general Numasaika is, but it's definitely not that great, otherwise he wouldn't even have a line in the entire comic.

The appearance is to blow, and after blowing, I kneel and lick the queen, and then I was kicked by Esdes. This kind of shaping is completely to set off the role of others, and the fate is indeed quite sad.

"Hey, I don't think my brother is a mortal, or else he wouldn't be so maverick."

Maybe it's because it's so boring to travel, Yata, who finally stopped for a while, finally couldn't help but speak again.

And this time, Su Yi has become his brother again...

"Is it maverick?" Su Yi touched his nose amusingly. In the last world, Su Yi never thought that he would come directly to such a pitiful place.

He wanted to find a little warmer clothes to wear, who knew that it would be such a pitiful place as soon as he landed.

Su Yi walked for more than a day and a night without seeing a half figure. If it wasn't for the appearance of Yata's team, it is estimated that Su Yi would have to walk for at least another three days to reach the populated place.

Don't talk about it like now, eating dry food and drinking small wine.

"Seriously...you you...it's a bit weird..."

Su Yi knew that Yata had spoken very euphemistically, but it was also thanks to this arrogant-looking man who was struggling to search for words in his mind.

"It's really cold, do you have thicker clothes or something?" Su Yi touched the tip of his nose embarrassedly. Hearing Su Yi's words, Yata was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly handed over what seemed to be some kind of beast. Clothes made of fur.

"Here, this is the skin of a brown bear, it's very warm."

Su Yi took the bearskin coat and put it on his body. Just as he was about to thank Yata, the ground in the distance suddenly trembled, and the entire convoy of supplies stopped in response.

"what happened?"

Su Yi frowned, then turned around quickly, looking around, Yata jumped directly from the car.

"Hey Mousse, what the hell is going on?"

Yata called out to the coachman who was leading the carriage ahead, and the coachman turned around quickly after hearing Yata's words.

"Boss, I seem to have encountered a dangerous species ahead, what should I do?"

"What?" Yata was obviously surprised when she heard the words called Mousse.

Dangerous species Su Yi has heard of. In the world of Zhan Scarlet Eye, Dangerous species is something similar to BOSS.

If it is PVP to fight against Esdes or Night Raiders, then it is definitely PVE to fight against Dangerous species.

"Get ready to hunt!"

After confirming that the convoy in front encountered a dangerous species, Yata suddenly became excited. If an ordinary person encounters a dangerous species, the first thing that comes to mind should be to retreat.

But the northern aliens are indeed a warlike race, and Yata has an excited expression on his face now.

After hearing Yata's decision, the rest of the entourage took out all kinds of weapons in a uniform manner. My dear, do these people carry all their weapons with them?

Looking at the people who had put up a perfect battle formation in just a few minutes, Su Yi couldn't help but smashed his tongue, and their reaction really surprised Su Yi.

Before starting the fight, Su Yi smelled the stench of blood in the air.

"It's not good, boss, the opponent is the super-dangerous kind of fast wind and thunder! Brothers have lost three people in the future!"

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