Moreover, the ice crystal weapons condensed by Esdes are harder and sharper than ordinary swords. In addition, Esdes can change positions at will in the air, and can even use the power of the devil's quenching to [-] degrees in all directions. Without a dead end, he launched an attack on Su Yi.

If it weren't for Su Yi's powerful space control, it is estimated that he would have died in the air long ago, but fortunately, the ability of Su Yi's space change can not only make him move instantaneously, but also affect the opponent's to a certain extent. action.

So in terms of power, Su Yi can be regarded as equal to Esdes' Devil's Quenching.

And Esdes also vaguely felt that there seemed to be an unknown power in Su Yi, but space is really mysterious and mysterious. In this world, there is nothing to touch the barriers in this regard. , so Estes didn't think about it.

With a bang, a loud bang suddenly erupted in the sky, and then the shock wave that spread out directly shattered all the surrounding ice floes and turned into a fine piece of snow that fell down.

"Haha, Madam Queen, you might not be able to catch up with that little girl if you keep dawdling like this."

Following those fine ice crystals falling to the ground, Su Yi opened the mouth with a smile looking at Esdes, who was also on the ground.

It is not surprising that Esdes still has the same high attitude as just now, but Su Yi is the same as just now, and the slightly playful Feng Qingyundan is still hanging on his face with ease.

This is a bit intriguing, could it be that Esdes released water?

This is obviously impossible, because Esdes has been fighting for so long, and no one has ever made her real, so there is no such thing as releasing water.

It can only be said that the opponent this time is really good, at least much stronger than the guy who calls himself the brave of the north!

Glancing at Numasaika, who was chained to the side, Liwa couldn't understand how a strongman like this in the north had achieved the record of winning with a gun.

"You did make me a little interested, but that's about it."

Esdes sneered, holding the slender sword in one hand, and slowly brushing the blade with the other, and gradually a little bit of blue-white mist slowly fell on the sword.

Did this guy add a buff to the sword?

Su Yi smacked his lips in amusement, but his expression became solemn.

Esdes rushed in front of Su Yi in an instant, Su Yi suddenly gritted his teeth, this guy's speed is even faster than just now, if it wasn't for Su Yi Tiansheng's own unique understanding of speed, it would be true can be hit by the sword of Esdes.

Su Yi's foot flickered, instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared behind Esdes.

The spear in his hand slammed into Esdes' back, but was blocked by a huge icicle that suddenly rushed up from the ground.

Su Yi secretly said that it was not good, and then quickly flashed into the sky, followed by countless ice thorns and barbs that flew up from the ground on the originally flat square, and there was not even a place to settle for a while.

If it wasn't for Su Yi's quick escape, it is estimated that he would be stabbed into a hornet's nest by Esdes.

"Hmph, you can really escape."

Esdes sneered, and then quickly rushed into the sky with an ice thorn, and in the sky, Su Yi directly greeted Esdes' company with a spear in his hand.

Esdes said nothing, drew his sword to block Su Yi's spear, and condensed a huge ice shield in front of him.

But this time, the strength of Su Yi's hand made Esdes suspect his life. Coupled with the unique shock attribute bonus of the dragon's teeth, the icicle that Esdes was stepping on was directly hit by Su in an instant. Fragile.

It was chopped into pieces by Su Yiyou from top to bottom like a broken bamboo, and the destructive power instantly shattered the towering icicle under Esdes' feet.

Even with Esdess falling to the ground, if Esdess still had an attitude of underestimating the enemy before, now Esdess has to be serious.

Indeed, she had to admit that the man in front of her brought her some pressure, and this man did not seem to be as unbearable as the soldiers she had met before.

"I take back what I just said, man, I am more interested in you now than any prey I have ever faced."

"Huh? Then I'm flattered."

Su Yi quickly stepped back a little, and now the entire square has been turned into a frosty jungle with complex terrain by Esdes' frost power. For others, this is definitely not a suitable place to fight, but For Su Yi, it does not exist at all.

Except for some cold accidents here, this place is simply a battlefield prepared for Su Yi. Unlike the rampage-type emperor's envoy like Esdes, Su Yi's ability is definitely more suitable for complex terrain than anyone else. fight.

It can even be said that the more complex the terrain, the more powerful Su Yi's combat power is!

Chapter 11 The Queen's Strength

Su Yi directly took off the bearskin coat he was wearing, and threw it aside.

It would be very inconvenient to use this thing on your body for a while, and after playing for a while, Su Yi no longer needs to rely on the temperature this jacket brings to him.

But don't say, this ghost place is really cold. It's even colder than Qingzhi's Ice Age. Su Yi twitched his nose a little bit, and then quickly rushed into the ice thorns next to him, while Ace Des followed Su Yi unhurriedly and walked in.

That confident look made Su Yi's heart inexplicably tight. Could it be that she has any stronger means next?

Su Yi couldn't help frowning, and then quickly hid behind an ice thorn. Although it meant an ambush, Su Yi, who was with him, was still avoiding the sight shot from somewhere.

For some reason, Su Yi had an inexplicable sense of danger at this moment.

This kind of premonition is so strong that it is surprising. It has been a long time, and Su Yi has never been so nervous!

As soon as Esdes came in, he looked straight ahead, slowly walking in this icy thorn bush, without even looking around, as if he didn't care about Su Yi's position at all.

This is definitely a problem. Su Yi thinks that he is not weak enough that Esdes doesn't care at all. As far as the fight just now, Su Yi's performance should be enough to surprise Esdes.

Even apart from the very annoying ice control ability, Su Yi basically surpassed Esdes in terms of speed and strength.

If he hadn't drunk Devil's Quenching, Esdes might have lost to Su Yi long ago.

But why does Esdes ignore himself so much?

Could it be that besides the quenching of the devil, Esdes has any other cards?Or……

Su Yi seemed to realize something, and quickly dodged away from the ice thorn in the original place, without even running away. He directly used the power of space mutation, disappeared from the original place in an instant, and moved to another distance here. On the ice thorn not far away.

At the moment when Su Yi disappeared, a terrifying ice flower burst out near the ice thorn on the spot, and the ice thorns clashed aimlessly and indiscriminately.

If Su Yi hadn't escaped in time, he would have been tied into a hornet's nest just now.

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