After Su Yi is familiar with the control, he plans to fight back. Under the cover of the enchantment, at the fastest speed, you can make your sea area and rush towards the warship over there. It only takes nearly half an hour to succeed. of arrival.


Around the battleship, although there is a layer of things that can be defended.

The enemy fleet is invisible.

But this does not mean that he can rest easy, because when the warship sails at high speed on the sea surface, it will push the sea water, which means that huge waves will be generated.

Even in stealth.

It can also be seen that there are obvious features. The layer of energy shield that is unfolded outside of oneself only works on its own ship. As for the sea water, there is no way to be invisible, that is to say.

The battleship that Su Yi drives is not omnipotent.

There are also some flaws in it, like this layer of enchantment of invisibility.

When moving, it is possible to be spotted by enemy ships.

Half an hour later, in a certain sea area, Su Yi also discovered this flaw when moving, so he simply removed his own defense circle.

Face the fleet with your true body.

The flag of the opposing enemy, as well as the emblem above, can be seen from above.

Something like a circle.

Su Yi frowned, this kind of strange, the military flag has never seen before.

However, in my impression, a certain small country in the east is very close and somewhat similar.

Chapter 8 Standoff Escalation

The two peaks confronted each other, and they were facing the entire marine fleet. Su Yina was a battleship that was dozens of times larger than an aircraft carrier.

No, it's a heavy cruiser to be precise.

After coming here.

Su Yi raised his brows, looking at the group of guys in front of him, his expression was particularly surprised.

They are neatly arranged, with a heavy cruiser in the middle. Who says it is not an aircraft carrier, but these warships have extremely high displacement.

There are many frigates.

Similar to an aircraft carrier battle group, and well-trained, it is very close when moving. These guys have never seen such a huge monster, and they are overwhelmed at first sight.

In particular, the captain and commander in charge of this fleet, the sweat on the brow slipped slightly.

It is no exaggeration to say that the two have no confidence in their hearts to face such a huge monster.


"What the hell is this sacred!"

Above that sea area, two warships are moving fast, ready to fight, even if they don't know the origin of each other.

You have to fight. This is the glory of being a navy. These warships immediately formed a trend of encirclement and planned to attack from multiple sides to deal with the huge aircraft carrier in front of them.

The war is about to start.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides is also very strong. At this time, Su Yi took it out, opened your own operating system and page, and went through a special channel.

A picture of the connected commander with the opponent.

"Master... I don't know if you have any intention to do this. These guys are not even the slightest threat in front of you, and they can kill them instantly even if they start a war."

Yuli said disdainfully, in front of this mental model, there is no enemy she can't beat.

Eye movements.

Looking at the surrounding battleships, Su Yi was surprised.

You know, this is the first time he has seen so many warships.

And it's still real.

Lean back.

Swords were drawn, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly increased to the extreme.

Stare in front of you.

Su Yi has played war games, especially in the sea, he is proficient and even quite proficient, but all that is only in the game.

when the real war comes.

The meaning is definitely different.

Nearly 8 bow frigates began to attack in their direction, and the movements were quite fast. These guys began to turn the gun heads, following the captain's order.

The missiles fired salvo, and the whole sky seemed to be a huge hailstorm.

The loud bang, these artillery shells, with a high degree of aiming, are basically modern technology.

And there are torpedoes, but these missiles are completely useless.

"How is it possible... The torpedo is equipped with the most advanced radar system and has the function of navigation. Why did it deviate from its own orbit?"

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