"Master... This beam of light is not a technological weapon that humans can master at present,".


It can be seen from the outside.

Su Yi frowned, and just now, the energy emitted by this beam was enough to affect the battleship's self-defense system.


"But don't worry, Master, with the defense system of the battleship, this beam cannot penetrate..."

Before the words were finished, the light beam of the other party had been completely gathered.

Then, there was a loud bang.

"It was a success!"

Everyone exclaimed that the beam of light successfully penetrated Su Yi's battleship.

Including the layer covered on the outside, the protective cover, actually shattered directly.

Fortunately, it didn't cause much damage to the hull.

"The hull damage rate is 0.03%."

I thought this was the last weapon, but the captain couldn't imagine that even the weapons imitated by the Fleet of Mist could not penetrate the hull.

Really surprising.

However, the barrier outside suddenly shattered. Even Yuli, you can hardly imagine that this guy's strength can reach such a level.

"The degree of repair of the battleship, [-]%."

So this damage is not a big deal, but it is not as simple as you think, and the repair of the battleship is very slow.

But Yuli felt that in just a few seconds, the entire battleship could be restored to its original state again, which surpassed all current technologies.

"Replica still won't work..."

The captain frowned, looking at the steel giant in front of him, the last glimmer of hope in his heart has been completely shattered.

Fight this monster.

That is simply asking for trouble.

In his eyes, full of despair, looking at the largest battleship in front of him, he was at a loss, even if he took the entire fleet to fight.

To no avail.

Instead, change yourself.

Su Yi was also surprised. He never thought that the barrier outside his battleship would be successfully broken through.

Chapter 10 Shocking the World

"Yuli...what happened to this weapon just now?"

In fact, Yuli didn't know either, she shook her head slightly, she didn't enter any information in her intelligent core system, and she couldn't grasp the other party's news.


"Master, so far, there is no information about these guys in the system, but I have tried my best to check."


Su Yi nodded immediately.

Then, he looked up again and stared at the battleships in front of him.

"I think you should know my strength... Then everyone, please make the final decision in your heart... The mind sinks into the sea or lives."

There is no suspense. If you continue to fight, you will only lose the battle. You will compete with such a monster.

This is simply courting death.

That's right.

Equipment, weapons, and various performances are completely lacking, the advantages of battle, and the difference in strength between the two is too great.

Not to mention this fleet, even if all the troops in the entire Pacific Ocean come over, they may not be able to defeat this huge monster.

You must know that the blow just now was already the strongest strength in this country.

The Fleet of Fog, a cannonball that was once simulated.

However, the effect of imitations is definitely much worse, and there is absolutely no way for human technology to create such a launch platform.

It was obvious that the attack just now had huge consequences for the entire heavy cruiser.

The top of the plate armor was basically burned, and it could be seen that there was a lot of burnt smell.

The scene was a mess, and then, the heavy cruiser began to sway a little.

"Sure enough, it's a failure."

The captain shook his head slightly. In fact, just now, a soldier had already stopped him. This weapon is immature. Once used, it may cause serious consequences, and even cause the entire heavy cruiser to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Unexpectedly, it has become a reality.

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