Order an attack on the port, if things do turn out this way.

That Su Yi itself is very dangerous, and he can't sit still. He has to rush to this, before the powerful fleet arrives at the port, to complete all his supply tasks.

At the very least, find a few suitable crew members.

That's the most important thing.


Thinking of this, the mood began to get a little bad. Su Yi didn't do anything, just got up from the bed and put on the clothes that the Naval Academy has.

It has a badge on it, similar to a regular navy uniform.

Quite handsome.

After Su Yi finished the simple attire, he left quickly and came to the Naval Academy by running.

Today is an annual event, which is held to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the port. The scene is very lively.

But Su Yi knew that the liveliness here may only be short-lived.

After all, the Mist Fleet is gathering troops, and there is a possibility of the entire Toyo Fleet.

will move towards this side.

As soon as she stepped into the kindergarten, she was met with very stern eyes, and Shizuka had been waiting for a long time.

"I thought you, this guy, didn't plan to go to school today because he was afraid of losing face!"

There was a trace of sarcasm in the words, but Su Yi didn't care.

"Shizuka, be polite when you speak. No matter how you say it, the other party is also a lieutenant general."

Some students complained about the injustice, but Shizuka didn't care at all.

In her eyes, powerful people are qualified to be lieutenant generals.

As for those who only verbally boast about how strong they are, they will not agree with them, and they will not be convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

A trace of disdain flashed in Shizuka's eyes, and she leaned forward to challenge her.

And Su Yi accepted the girl's provocative behavior unceremoniously.

"Then let's get started!"

Then, according to the agreement, the two came to the Naval Academy, a room for simulating naval battles, a huge arena, and there are various advanced equipment.

Of course, it only appears as a simulation picture, not a real naval battle.

A teacher was present to maintain order, and many students visited the battle.

They were all curious as to who would emerge victorious in the end.

Su Yi?Or the very popular Shizuka?

As for the ending, it's really hard to say, after all, both of them have strong strength.

Chapter 45

Headquarters of the Naval Academy.

A large number of students gathered in the naval simulation wartime system exercise operation room. They were more excited. After all, the two sides were fighting against the Vice Admiral.

And Shizuka, who is known for her excellent performance.

These two are big names.With extremely high experience in actual combat operations, compared to this battle, it will definitely become the most exciting scene in history, whether it is the students of this class or other classes.

Most are concentrated here.

One by one emotional.

In his eyes, there is indescribable excitement.

"Who do you like..."

"After all, he is a lieutenant general, and he should have a very strong talent, at least he won't lose to Shizuka."

One of the students expressed his opinion. Of course, there are also many students who are optimistic about Shizuka, because she looks extremely cute.

is enough to prove it.

"not necessarily!"

The man beside him raised his head slightly. After all, this matter is not as simple as you think. This is a simulation of a real sea battle. It is about a comprehensive combat strength. Of course, it will also account for a lot of luck. Who will be killed.

The final result, no one can accurately predict yet.

"Hey, you guy, are you starting to back off? What's going on there?"

The Naval Simulation Laboratory is a huge space, like a spherical football field, which can accommodate nearly a thousand people.

There is a lot of space for viewing. Below it is a relatively open competitive platform with various simulation equipment, all of which are extremely advanced, similar to the existence of helmets.

Su Yi leaned forward and stroked the devices lightly, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

"How does it seem to be very close to the game helmet purchased in my own world."

"Full stealth technology?"

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