As soon as these words came out, the audience shook.

One hundred million, which is ten times the reserve price, far exceeding the price of an adult fish.

"What is the origin of this young man?" Many people exclaimed in low voices.

Even the auctioneer was in shock, and the eyes of the audience were all focused on Su Yi. ...

Chapter [-] I am Su Yi!

[-] million!

An extremely high price made the auctioneers lose their voices, and all eyes were focused on Su Yi.

Some were angry at the shame, some looked at it in shock, and some looked on in doubt.

All kinds, and so on.

"One hundred million..." The auctioneer was a little incoherent, obviously shocked.

"What are you doing? When deciding the price, don't be in a daze, auctioneer." Su Yi said softly.

"Ah, hug, sorry, this guest." The auctioneer quickly came back to his senses, nodded apologetically, and said, "This guest who just bought the first auction item has bid again, one hundred million, one hundred million [-] million for the first time! Are there any higher ones?"

The venue resumed whispering again, but this time, it was not the mermaid, but Su Yi.

After all, taking out [-] million in one go, just to buy a meat, toilet, and utensils, this is simply a prodigal, and he is still so young.

And the mermaid with a gray face couldn't help but look up and look at Su Yi.

Compared with suffering under a potbellied old man, Su Yi's appearance and temperament can at least make him feel better.

From the moment the mermaid was caught, she had already accepted her fate. As an auction item, she clearly knew what would happen to her in the future.

She wanted to kill herself, but didn't have the courage.

Now that she saw that the buyer was a handsome Su Yi, she also had a little illusion in her heart, maybe the other person was a good person.

She still has a little fantasies about humans.

"One hundred million for the second time!" At this time, the auctioneer had already raised his hammer, "It seems to be the highest price in the field, then, one hundred million for the third..."

"Wait!" Seeing that his favorite thing was bought, the vice president couldn't help it, he stood up suddenly, and scolded: "What are you doing in your auction? Anyone can come in? The kid in the seat, can also come up with [-] million? Are you kidding?"

As soon as these words came out, the auctioneer was suddenly shocked.

"I've never met this person before, and I doubt his purchasing power! I hope that you will be able to review the qualifications of the auctioneer at the auction!"

The vice president said threateningly.

Of course, it is unknown whether this threat is going to go to Su Yi or to the auction behind the auctioneer.

This time, the auctioneer was sitting on wax, and the hammer he raised was neither knocking nor releasing.

After all, if it is knocked down, if the result is true as the vice president said, it will be a big deal.

But if this young man who appeared for the first time really gave out [-] million, then he would offend people and damage the reputation of the auction.

"This..." The auctioneer was a little uneasy.

At this time, a woman walked out of the side door, walked to the auctioneer's ear, and whispered a few times.

This made the auctioneer's face suddenly recover, and the hammer he raised was put down without a trace.

"The vice-chairman is right, this may be our fault." He turned his attention to Su Yi, who was sitting quietly, "Sir, the price you offered is really puzzling, because we auctioned off. Yes, you will need to provide your own identification, if you take out enough things, we will immediately apologize to you, and the auction item you bought before will also be given to you as a gift."

Hearing these words, Su Yi secretly sighed in admiration.

This is obviously not the auctioneer's own decision, but the inspiration of the boss behind.

In this way, neither the vice president will be offended, nor will Su Yi be embarrassed. After all, he has given an apology, 110 million.

Thinking of this, Su Yi shook his head, got up from his seat, and walked slowly from the aisle to the high platform.

"Hello." Su Yi walked onto the platform, but ignored the auctioneer and smiled at the mermaid: "Beautiful lady mermaid, this is the first time I have seen a mermaid in my life, please forgive me if I offend you. "

He bowed slightly and apologized for scaring others.

Miss Mermaid was a little stunned, she was at a loss, it was the first time she had seen such a polite human being.

The human beings that I usually see are crazy, attacking her and trying to catch her.

"You... hello..."

"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine." Su Yi smiled and said, "In my hometown, that great country, there is an old saying. Those who don't plan for the world are not enough for a moment, and those who don't plan for the overall situation are not enough for one. area."

After a pause, he looked at the confused look of the mermaid, and then explained, "In the beginning, I just wanted to wait and watch quietly, but after all, I was young, so I couldn't help but take action. Quietly planning to take over, but obviously things are much darker and more troublesome than I thought. Miss mermaid, it may be messy, but please don't worry, I will ensure your safety, I am a soldier Identity oath."

While speaking, Su Yi turned to face the crowd.

"Everyone, businessmen, nobles, pirates, and messy people, do you want to know who I am? Well, let me tell you," Su Yi said calmly, taking out a small card from his pocket, "I am Su Yi."

I don't know what material this card is made of, it has silver edges and a bust on it.

The people in the audience could not see clearly, but the auctioneer took the initiative to take the card handed over by Su Yi.

He looked and read it.

"The United Kingdom of the World Government, the Naval Headquarters... Major, Major, Su Yi!" The auctioneer was startled, so that he didn't drop the card in his hand, "Major, you, you also came to participate in the auction, it's really us The honor of..."

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