Thinking so, Su Yi rolled over from the bed and went to Genie's room.

"Senior brother, I know you haven't slept, how about we discuss something?"

Seeing Su Yi, Gai Nie was relieved after the initial shock. With such a bohemian and powerful junior brother, Gai Nie said that he was used to this kind of sudden attack...

"What's the bad idea?" In front of Su Yi, Gai Nie relaxed a lot without realizing it, and abandoned those false etiquette and the good etiquette in Qin Wang Yingzheng and Meng Tian.

Hearing Gai Nie's question, Su Yi knew that Gai Nie was also scheming, so he could not help raising his eyebrows, "I have a bad idea, come and guess, your relatives and juniors are going to be scheming again?"

Gai Nie glanced at Su Yi reluctantly. Gai Nie felt that after meeting Su Yi, his good self-discipline had been worn away a lot. Just by looking at this helpless glance from time to time, he knew...

"I feel sorry for Ying Zheng." Gai Nie looked at Su Yi with a smile on his lips.

"Hey, poor people must have something to hate, have you never heard of it?"

"But I also know that as an emperor, being pitiful must be uncomfortable."

"Then let him feel bad, I'll just feel good anyway."

"It's true, you feel better, and the feeling of the brothers can be much better."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Senior Brother is thinking of Senior Brother Wei Zhuang, but also Senior Brother..."


"Hahahaha, brother, have I told you that you are funny? Is it really funny?"


"I'm also very funny. How about we go and make this Qin Palace a little more fun?"

"No way."

"Then I'll take it as your agreement."


"Let's have an assassination. Our brothers work together to defend His Majesty the First Emperor! Isn't this game fun?"

"Not very fun."

"That's a bit of fun! Let's do it!"


"I will prepare everything you need for the game, brother, you can sleep peacefully tonight, and you can give full play to your strength tomorrow. But you have to let me, junior brother, I don't have vertical swordsmanship and horizontal swordsmanship to accompany you. Play."


"Okay, that's it, I'm going back to prepare, my brother is dreaming!"


Funny is a disease that needs to be cured!Su Yi reminded himself like this, but this reminder did not have the slightest sincerity, so that the core of Divine Prison was suddenly awakened by Su Yi.

You must know that the core is not emotional, but you can still feel the difference between Su Yi and usual, how fun it is!

"Hey, Core, I remember you said, you are insubstantial, right?" Su Yi didn't notice Core's glance, and said to himself, with a weird smile on his face.

"Yes, respected Lord God Prisoner."

"Then, if I pierce you with a sword, you won't die?" Su Yi suddenly looked at the core with a sinister smile, and the calculations in his eyes were undisguised.

Unfortunately, the core does not understand.

"Yes, I am with the prison of God, and with the Lord God of the prison. You are all here, and I will not die."

"That's great!" Su Yi patted his thigh. "Then will you bleed? Shouldn't it just turn into a puff of white smoke and disappear?"

"Yes. No. I can change all kinds of appearances according to the will of Lord God Prisoner."

"Hey, not bad. Well then, I'll give you a task..."

"Follow the instructions of the God Prisoner."

"Okay, go back to sleep, sleep well, you will be the protagonist tomorrow, don't let me down."

Su Yi cut off the connection with the core of Divine Prison, and finally fell asleep completely at ease.

The next day, before dawn, the palace of King Qin Yingzheng was in chaos.The reason is that the King of Qin was assassinated!

"Young Master Su, Young Master Su! Your Majesty was assassinated, please hurry to rescue!"

The door of Su Yi's room was slammed loudly, but there was no movement inside.The people outside were anxious, and they simply slammed into the door, only to find that Su Yi was not in the house!

The person who called the door hurriedly looked for Genie, but also found that he was not there!

Enduring the fear in his heart, the guard who was in charge of calling the door summoned Meng Tian and asked him to bring troops.

However, after Meng Tian arrived in a hurry, he found that the assassin or something had already been solved!Su Yi and Gai Nie, who were criticized for fleeing when His Majesty was assassinated, were the ones who made great achievements in killing the assassin!

"Your Majesty, Meng Tian came late to rescue him, please punish him!" Seeing the dark look on King Qin's face, Meng Tian's heart trembled, and he knelt down with fists in both hands.

However, Ying Zheng was rarely generous and did not punish him. He waved his hand to let Meng Tian get up, then turned to look at Su Yi and Gai Nie, who were standing on the side, "The two little brothers are indeed very skilled, and they were able to show up in the bedroom in time to save the orphan. It should be rewarded for meritorious deeds!"

Su Yi heard the temptation and suspicion in Ying Zheng's words, and calmly clasped his fists and gave a salute, "Protecting Your Majesty is our responsibility and purpose here, and Su Yi and Shige dare not ask for merit."

Gai Nie raised his eyebrows, it was rare to see Su Yi being so polite to King Qin.

Ying Zheng stared at Su Yi for a while, and saw that Su Yi's eyes were light, without any guilt or anxiety.Then, Ying Zheng looked at Gai Nie again, and even deliberately released the emperor's coercion, but saw that Gai Nie was unmoved.

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