The alarm clock woke Su Yi, he got up with a bitter face, pressed the alarm clock off, opened his mouth and yawned.Although it is inappropriate to say that, it was also thanks to the disappearance that he was able to have the opportunity to sleep in.

However, this opportunity was lost because he had to follow Akitayama Masako and cooperate with Akitayama Masako's work and rest time.Just thinking about it makes me crazy.

Su Yi scratched his messy hair and looked at his phone while brushing his teeth.

"I already know the specifics. In order to cooperate with you, I will give you a person, and let him check if there is anything in the future." Hanazaki Mayi sent the message at [-]:[-] in the morning.

Gee.The student council president's affairs are really busy, and he still hasn't slept after three o'clock in the morning.Su Yi fell to the ground in admiration for the dedication of the president of the Hanazaki Maui.

Just when Su Yi finished washing and drying his face, there was a knock on the dormitory door.Su Yi threw away the towel in his hand and went to open the door.

"Hello, senior, I'm the person sent by the president to assist you in your disappearance investigation. My name is Nozhiyuan Tianlu. Just call me Tianlu." The boy with a baby face stood at the door with a smile. Introduce yourself to Su Yi.

Su Yi looked at Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu up and down, nodded slightly, and said, "Come in. Which department are you from?"

Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu immediately replied: "I'm from the Propaganda Department."

From the Propaganda Department, Su Yi frowned almost imperceptibly. What's the use of having someone from the Propaganda Department?

As if seeing Su Yi's thoughts, Ye Zhiyuan Tian Lu quickly explained: "Senior, you don't know, although I am in the Propaganda Department, I have eight brothers, seven cousins, and nine cousins, scattered throughout the school. age and every department of the student union, so I have the best news." His expression was full of pride.

Su Yi laughed, this guy's family is quite complicated.He said, "Okay, then you can follow me for a few days."

"Thank you, senior!" Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu bowed happily to Su Yi.

"You don't have to give me such a big gift. I'm not used to this." Su Yi waved his hand, he sat on the edge of the bed and put on his shoes, and asked, "Do you know Zuo Mu Chunmingzi?"

Nozhiyuan Tianlu thought for a while and said, "I've heard of it, is it the girl who jumped off the building? What does the senior want to know, I don't actually know much about Zuomu Chunnaruko, if the senior needs it, I can ask My brothers, brothers and sisters, find out."

Su Yi said: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome, I just want to know, does Zuomu Chunmingzi hold any position in the student union?"

Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu said: "Zuomu Chunmingzi is in the organization department of the student union and is responsible for managing the files and materials of all students."

Responsible for managing student files and materials?In this way, Akitayama Masako will also have the opportunity to contact the files of these students, so as to know which are ordinary people and which are superpowers.

"Is it difficult for anyone other than the student union to access the students' files and materials?" Su Yi thought for a while and asked again.

"Actually not. The students' files and materials are stored in the file room. They are usually locked, but if you have the heart, it is not difficult to have a lock." Nonoyuan Tianlu said.

According to this, then Akitayama Masako has a better chance.

"Does Akitayama Masako hold any position in the student union?" Su Yi asked.

"Akitayama Masako?" Nozhiyuan Tianlu was a little confused, "Who is that?"

All right.It seems that Masako Akitayama's presence has become so weak that people like Nonogen Tianga are not easily aware of it.

"Okay, now I know everything I want to know, let's go now."

Su Yi took Yezhiyuan Tianlu to the back of a grass downstairs in the girls' dormitory.Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu was a little excited, but also a little nervous.

"Senior, this is the first time I've been downstairs in the girls' dormitory!" Nozhiyuan Tianlu said excitedly, squatting in the grass.

Su Yi looked at him like a fool. He didn't enter the girls' dormitory, but just came downstairs, which made him so excited?How pathetic is this guy?Even if he's just a single dog, it's not that he can't come to the girls' dormitory, and maybe he can meet some sparks.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder and said with some sympathy: "So, you haven't talked about a relationship since you grew up?"

Ye Zhiyuan Tian Lu nodded a little dejectedly. He also felt that he was a failure. Others have talked so much. He didn't even have one. He sighed and said to Su Yi, "Not yet."

"Tsk." Su Yi raised his hand and touched Tian Lu, the source of wildness, in love, "It's okay, if there is something good in the future, I will introduce it to you."

"Then many thanks to the seniors!" Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu regained his excitement.

"Shh, don't talk." Su Yi whispered.The two watched Akitayama Masako leave the dormitory building.Su Yi patted the wild Zhiyuan Tianlu, who was afraid to breathe: "I told you not to talk, not to let you stop breathing! Go!"

Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu quickly got up and followed, and started breathing by the way.

Chapter [-] Three No Products

Akitayama Masako was no different from usual today, except that he went straight to the cafeteria after the dormitory building. At the first window of the cafeteria, he bought a sandwich and a glass of orange juice and sat in the corner to eat quietly.

Seeing this, Su Yi didn't hide anymore. He looked at Yezhiyuan Tianlu beside him and asked, "Have you had breakfast in the morning?" Yezhiyuan Tianlu looked at his stomach subconsciously and said, "Not yet. "

"I invite you to eat, what do you want to eat?" Su Yi took out his PAD and prepared to brush it.

Nozhiyuan Tianlu was a little embarrassed and said, "How can I ask the senior to invite me to dinner, it should be me who invites the senior to dinner."

Su Yi glanced at Yezhiyuan Tianlu and said with a smile, "Why did the stinky boy talk so much, didn't the seniors listen? I said I'd like to invite you, just tell me what you want to eat, don't waste time."

Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu said quickly, "I just want a rice ball."

Su Yi said, "Just eat a rice ball? Eat so much? You don't have to be polite to seniors. It's what seniors should do to take care of you." I also bought two glasses of orange juice and found a place to sit where I could observe Masako Akitayama.

The two were eating when Akitayama Masako drank the orange juice in one gulp, packed up the garbage, and was ready to leave.Su Yi hurriedly picked up the unopened orange juice and seaweed rice balls on the table, and said to Nonoyuan Tianlu, who was still devouring him, "I still eat! Everyone is gone, grab your things and follow!"

Nozhiyuan Tianlu was stunned for a moment, and quickly swallowed the last bite of the rice ball in his hand, picked up the orange juice and drank it, took the tuna sandwich, and followed Su Yi.

Today's Akitayama Masako is a bit abnormal. After breakfast, he did not go to the classroom, but left the school gate.Su Yi looked at Akitayama Masako's back, raised his eyebrows, and followed.

Fortunately, because of the disappearance case, many people did not go to class these days and were going to play in the city. Many people left the school. It was not obvious that Su Yi and Nozhiyuan Tianlu mixed together and went out of school with Akitayama Masako.

Akitayama Masako didn't realize that he had been followed, and walked alone by himself.

There were many people waiting at the stop of the campus bus going to the city. Akitayama Masako was a little annoyed when he saw this. He hesitated to stop and walked to the other side to wait for the tram.A group of boys who had just finished playing basketball appeared in the back, jokingly standing at the station of the tram, waiting for the tram.Akitayama Masako subconsciously stood aside and distanced himself from the boys.

Seeing this, Su Yi pulled Ye Zhiyuan Tianlu to mix with the boys.

The campus bus leaves as soon as it is full, the tram arrives quickly, and the boys push each other into the tram.Su Yi glanced at Akitayama Masako, saw that she was not moving, thought for a while, and got into the car.

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