Su Yi found a tool to clean the wood, and then went to the Academic Affairs Office to get a chair again.

As soon as he came back, Koishikawa turned around and said to Su Yi with a smile, "Are you punished for not completing the task?"

Su Yi was a little surprised: "How did you know?"

Koishikawaji said: "The chairs in our school are changed every year, how could it be broken so quickly, and the damage is so thorough, it must be man-made."

man-made.Su Yi sharply focused on these three words.

"Yeah, I didn't finish my first mission yesterday, it's too bad." Su Yi pretended to complain.

Koishikawaji was a little surprised: "You haven't completed the first task? Then you are finished."

"How?" Su Yi asked.

"The difficulty of the task is gradually increasing. You haven't completed the first task. How do you do the subsequent tasks?" Koishikawa explained.

"The difficulty is gradually increasing, and the reward is also increasing, right?" Su Yi asked.

"Yeah, I've done seven or eight missions now, and now I can get 15000 yen for each mission! After doing such a mission, I don't have to worry about my living expenses." Koishikawa was a little proud.

"15000 yen, that's so much." Su Yi is really envious now. In terms of RMB, there are more than 900. Just doing some simple tasks, you can get 900 yuan. Which one is this? Local tyrants play in secret, this is simply a pie from the sky.

"Yes, Su Yi, you have to hurry up and do the task now, so that you don't have to worry about eating and drinking." Koishikawa said.

Su Yi nodded, thinking that what he said made sense, after all, no one knew when this kind of quest activity would end.

Since he fell a butt, Su Yi has never encountered anything, and passed the day quietly, until at night, PAD popped up another message: "Punishment mission started: Stealing the files of Sakata Youzhen. Time frame: three days."

Stealing files?It's really not that difficult.Su Yi thought about it and already had a plan in mind.

He contacted the number of the head of the study department left by Hanazaki Mayi, and said that he wanted to go to the archives tomorrow to find a person's information. This person might be involved in something, and he wanted to check the person's family background.

The Minister of Learning responded quickly and agreed.The two made an appointment and only waited until tomorrow to meet.

Chapter [-]: The Price and Punishment

After school at noon, Su Yi went to the student union to meet with Kenta Tomiura, Minister of Learning.Tomiura Kenta is a strong-looking boy who, at first glance, does not look like the minister of the study department, but more like the minister of the sports department.

The two chatted, and Fuura Kenta took Su Yi to the archives and left.

The archives room is very large and contains the files of all the students in the whole school.Su Yi first looked for the cameras in the archives, and after confirming that all the cameras were found, a cloud of white mist suddenly rose in his palms, covering all the cameras, and then he started swaggeringly flipping through the files.

Su Yi flipped through it roughly, but didn't find Sakata Youzhen's file, took out the PAD and searched again, and found that there was no Sakata Youzhen's file at all!

Su Yi frowned and found that things were not simple.

How come there is no file?Could it be that Sakata Youzhen has graduated?

Su Yi used the PAD to search for the files of the students who had graduated, but did not find this person.

This is strange, the information given by the PAD can never be wrong.Did something else go wrong?

Su Yi thought for a while, then called Fuura Kenta over again and asked him to help find it together.Tomiura Kenta came over with hard work and resentment, but when he heard the name of Sakata Youzhen, he smiled: "I can't help you here. Sakata Youzhen is not a student, but a teacher."

Su Yi suddenly realized that it was Sakata Youzhen who was the teacher, no wonder he couldn't find it in the students' archives.

"Then can you take me to find Teacher Sakata Youzhen's file?" Su Yi asked.

Kenta Tomiura shook his head, "No. Although the student union has many responsibilities, teachers are not under the jurisdiction of the student union. All teachers' files should be in the file room of the school's personnel department. I don't have that authority yet, if it is the president, maybe Have."

When Su Yi heard this, he nodded, and without embarrassing him, turned around and went to the direction of the personnel department.

On the way, Su Yi directly called Hanasaki Mayi and told Hanasaki Mayi that he wanted to check a teacher's information.Hanazaki Mayi didn't ask why, but agreed directly. Just when Su Yi arrived at the archives, a text message from Hanazaki Mayi happened to be sent, asking him to wait at the entrance of the archives, and someone came to give him the keys in a while.

After Su Yi waited for a while, a pot-bellied teacher came over with a bunch of keys, glanced at Su Yi, and asked, "Are you Su Yi?" Su Yi nodded.The teacher didn't ask any more questions. He took the key and opened the door of the archives. He told Su Yi to lock the door when he left, and then he left with confidence.

Su Yi looked at the back of the teacher leaving, thinking that the teacher was really relieved, and did not stay to watch him.What if he was a terrorist and burned the school archives?

Fortunately, he didn't have this idea, he just wanted to steal a teacher file.

The archives of the personnel department is much lower-level than the archives of the student union. There is only one camera. Su Yi doesn't have to enter the archives, he can see it at a glance.He blocked the camera before entering the archives.

However, Su Yi was still a little wary. He searched carefully again and found that there was really only one camera in the archives, so he gave up and started looking for Sakata Youzhen's files.

After all, there are fewer teachers than students, so Su Yi found it after a while.Su Yi didn't take a closer look. He put the file in his clothes and swaggered away. When he left, he locked the door of the file room according to the teacher's instructions.

Not long after Su Yi left, a stern man with a mask covering his body appeared at the door of the archives looking around. After finding no one, he opened the door of the archives and sneaked in.After a while, the man came out again and hurried away.

Rina Arai's recent life has been very moist.She was originally from a good family, but because of something wrong, her parents stopped her credit card and reduced her living expenses to 30000 yen.Although 30000 yen is a lot compared to other people's living expenses, how can Rina Arai, who is used to living a luxurious life, stand it?

She also had a credit card left, and she usually went shopping with her sisters, and she used up the card before she bought a few things.When the repayment date came, she had no money to repay, so she had no choice but to borrow usury loans.Who knows that loan sharks and interest are rolling in too quickly, and Rina Arai is almost forced to sell herself.

At this time, she received a text message, and through some tasks, she paid off the money quickly, and even lived a luxurious life like before.Arai Rina is not happy.

The good times didn't last long, and the tasks became more and more difficult. Although the reward was getting higher and higher, Rina Arai had already done it very hard, and she almost didn't complete the last task.This time the task was even more difficult, and she even asked her to steal a teacher's archives!

How did Rina Arai steal!If she steals student files, it's okay to say that although she did not join the student union, her neighbor is a member of the secretariat of the student union, and she can almost enter the archives room, but how can this teacher's information be stolen?

Arai Rina wanted to give up a little, but thinking about the quest bonus and the punishment for failing the quest, she backed off again.The last time she failed the mission, she fell down the stairs, her legs were lame, and it took more than half a month to heal.This time the reward is so high that if the mission fails, she can't even imagine punishing her!

Must succeed!Thinking so, she contacted a male teacher.The male teacher was interested in her and hinted her over and over again.Arai Rina had a meal with the male teacher, and accidentally said that she wanted to go to the school archives to have a look.

Arai Rina took the male teacher away when the male teacher put the key, secretly rubbed the key down, found someone to make a key, wrapped herself tightly, and prepared to go to the archives to steal the files.

But who knows, there is no information about that teacher in the archives!Arai Rina searched for a long time but could not find it, and finally had to leave first.Seeing that the countdown time was getting shorter and shorter, Arai Rina also began to worry, where did that teacher's file go?

Taking advantage of the dark night, Arai Rina was about to go into the archives to look for it again, but she still couldn't find it, so she returned to the dormitory with her head down, helplessly watching the countdown reset to zero and the mission failed.

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