"I'm not afraid of myself, what are you afraid of? Are you still worried about what I'll do to you group of kings?"

Su Yi said with a smile.

Hua Qizhenyi pulled Suyi, shook her head and said: "Suyi, don't make trouble, you don't even know what happened, what are you messing with. And Wei Middle School still needs your help, you can't Walk."

"The colorless king has disappeared, and Weizhong High School will be fine. On the side of Reiji Munakata, I think he needs help more, but he is a strong person, so he is too embarrassed to speak."

Chapter [-] Defection

After Su Yi finished speaking, he looked at Reiji Munakata and said with a smile: "Since you need help, then bring me. After all, I also have the sword of Damocles, maybe the other party will also attack me? If you stay Leave me alone, that's what hurts me."

Hearing what Su Yi said, it was suddenly difficult for Reiji Munakata to refute. After all, it seemed that the other party really came for the sword of Damocles, and Su Yi happened to have the sword of Damocles. What should I do with Su Yi?

Seeing that Zongxiang Reishi didn't speak, Hanazaki Zhenyi quickly said worriedly: "Zongxiang, Su Yi is just talking nonsense, don't take it seriously, I don't approve of you going, let you take him, absolutely not."

Su Yi saw that Hanazaki Maui was so determined, he said with a wry smile: "Eldest sister, I'm not a child anymore, I can still decide this matter."

"What can you decide? If you leave, how will I explain it to the principal? I think you should give up on this matter." Hanazaki Mayi said firmly, no matter what, she did not intend to let Su Yi go.

While eating dessert, Suzuki Chika said, "If you want me to say, we might as well go together. What you said is so dangerous, so many people will take care of them."

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly and said, "It's a good way, I also think this way is feasible."

"What can I do, I know how to make a fool of myself and go to everything? Does Wei Middle School don't want it? Really, if the principal knows what you said, he won't be mad?" Hanazaki said angrily, really not Know how they dare to say such a thing.

Suzuki Chika pouted and said aggrievedly: "I can't say that, didn't the principal want to dissolve our student union before? I think the principal must have something to deal with, so he will be dismissed. We have a student union, but this also shows that even if there is no student union in Wei Middle School, there will be no problem."

"Yes, yes, I think what Qianxia said is very reasonable. Maybe the principal doesn't care at all, and I think it is more important for Munakata Reji's side. Since the principal has contact with all kinds of great gods, he should be able to distinguish which one is. Which is more important." Su Yi still tried to convince Hanasaki Mayi, but Hanasaki Mayi's attitude was still firm.

Hanazaki gave Su Yi a white look, and then said, "Do you just want to go? Do you have any purpose?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved his hand and said, "What purpose can I have, I don't know what to do, but I know too little about the world, people, I always go out to see the world."

"Then go and tell the principal in person. If you leave without saying goodbye, I think the principal and the old man will definitely not let us go." Hanasaki Machi said with a very unhappy look.

Reiji Munakata said hilariously, "Are you going too far? I just want you to help me out. Do you think too much?"

Su Yi said quickly: "Not much, not much, I mean it really, if you need help, just say it, don't think it will drag us down, you are also very clear about our strength."

Reiji Munakata still shook his head resolutely and said, "Don't be joking. This matter has nothing to do with you for the time being. If you can avoid it, try to avoid it. I am also doing it for your own good."

"Then what if I have to go?" Su Yi said firmly.

Munakata Reiji opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although Su Yi is just an outsider in his eyes, Su Yi, who possesses the sword of Damocles, exists completely in the form of a king, so he has no way to ignore Su Yi.

After the Wiseman level reaches a certain level, the sword of Damocles will appear, which is the most basic condition for the king. The sword of Mocles will also be damaged, so that it falls, and only the tragedy of the past will be staged. "Su Yi, I think it's better for you to think clearly about this matter. After all, this is not a joke."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Su Yi said with a serious face: "My appearance is to solve the fall of the Sword of Damocles. Although my ability is limited now, in a real fight, I may not necessarily lose to You. Besides, you didn't say that before, this incident is not aimed at ordinary people, but at those with royal power. Someone wants to overthrow the power of the king, or to dominate the power of the king. Do you want the other party to defeat you one by one? The top priority, of course, is to convene All the power will annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop."

"Su Yi is right, I also want to participate. We are not students at all, and we only entered the Wei Middle School as a last resort to maintain the order of the Wei Middle School." Suzuki Qianxia also stood up and said.

Seeing that both of them said this, Hanazaki said angrily: "Both of you have taken the wrong medicine, or are you drunk with red wine? Do you know what Zongxiang wants to take? The opponent is even the king. Killing beings, what can you do when you go?"

"You don't understand this, Zongxiang Reishi, let me ask you, besides the death of the king, who else died this time?" Su Yi suddenly looked at Zongxiang Reishi and asked.

Rei Munakata thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "This, it seems that there are no other casualties. The specific situation needs further investigation before I can get more detailed information."

Su Yi clapped his hands and said: "That's right, maybe this person's ability is aimed at the king, and he may not be able to deal with ordinary superpowers. In other words, the subjects of the king's power The abilities they possess are all given by the king, and superpowers like Zhenyi and Qianxia are all people of special bloodline. Their power is innate, not given by the king. In a sense, they only Just a king without the sword of Damocles."

Mongakata Reiji and Hanazaki Maui were both shocked by Su Yi's words, but neither of them refuted it, because the former King of Silver also said this kind of remarks, but few people know it.

Seeing that they didn't speak anymore, Su Yi continued: "There's nothing wrong with listening to me. If you want to go, let's all go together. There are many people and great strength. They're not weak either, they can help a little bit, so they won't hold you back."

Suzuki Chika also wanted to go out and explore, she quickly nodded and said, "I want to go anyway, your request, I think Deputy Chief Awashima is more competent."

"Or you can ask President Zhenyi to do it for you. I believe she has this ability." Su Yi said with a smile.

Hanazaki's face sank, and she said angrily, "Why, if you all go, I'll take it too."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and leaned closer to Hanazaki Maui and said, "That's right, if you want to go, go together. I don't think this matter has anything to do with the colorless king, the colorless king has harmed so many reeds. Students of the middle school, we must not forget this hatred."

Seeing that the three of them defected, Rei Tsuzaka was speechless, "What are you three doing? I didn't promise to take you there."

Chapter [-] Mission Trial

"Don't be so stingy, why don't you tell Anna Kushina and let her do a divination to see if it's good or bad for us to go?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Don't be fooling around, do you know how dangerous it is? Even if you won't hold us back, if something happens, it will cost you your life. It's not a joke." Rei Tsuzaka said with a serious expression. , He felt very strange and dangerous in this matter. If he could not participate, he would not go.

But these three people are actually vying to go together, what is this?

Su Yi waved his hand indifferently and said, "The identity is here, and the strength is also here. It is destined to be ordinary. What can I do if I am afraid of death?"

Munakata Reiji turned his attention to Hanazaki Mayi, hoping that she could also help to say something.

Who knew that Hanazaki Maui cleared her throat and said, "Since the two of them have to go, then as the president of the student union of Wei Middle School, I naturally can't watch them come and go, so I also want to go together, I'm not In order to participate in these things with you, my purpose is to protect them and make sure they are safe."

The corner of Rei's mouth twitched twice, you didn't say that before.

"It's fine if you three don't help me, and you're still doing such nonsense. What do you want to do with Scepter4?" Munakata Reiji said.

Hanazaki Mayi curled her lips and said, "The people of Scepter4 are not children. Each of them is an experienced expert, and they are not as fragile as you think. You usually pay too little attention to them, and always feel that they are missing you. , you won't do anything, you are thinking too much."

Suzuki Chika also nodded and said, "You really don't pay too much attention to small things on weekdays. You hardly care about things in Scepter 4. You only intervene in things they can't solve, so you don't know them at all. And we are also serious, it is not that we don’t want to help you, but we really can’t control the people of Scepter4, you are their king, how could they listen to us outsiders.”

Zongxiang Reishi frowned slightly, and his heart was faintly shaken.

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