Hanazaki Mayi shrugged, "Although we often deal with Munakata Reiji, we are not that familiar with each other. What we know about each other is basically a big deal."

"Then how do we take it? If we don't even know what to take, we can't empty his office, right?" Suzuki Qianxia said angrily.

"And don't forget, he said that the three of us must carry that thing together. If the thing is not very heavy, then it must be related to the three of us." Su Yi speculated.

However, he felt that it should not be because the things to be carried were too heavy, because the two girls, Hanasaki Mai and Suzuki Chika, if they didn't use the power of Wiseman, they were completely weak girls, how strong can they be?

But if it wasn't because the thing was too heavy, what else could it be for?

"This matter is not entangled for now. We can only wait until we reach the place and take a step by step. Now let's discuss how to infiltrate Munakata Reiji's office." Hanazaki Mayi said.

Su Yi touched his chin and said, "Since Zongxiang Reishi will make such a request, then he should not be in Scepter4 at night, otherwise, what's the point of him making such a request."

"Yes, he is usually not at Scepter4 at night, but I don't know what he is busy with." Hanasaki Mayi said.

Su Yi nodded, and then said, "There are two options to consider now."

"Which two options?" Suzuki Chika asked.

Su Yi said; "We now have two ways to enter Scepter 4. One is to sneak into Scepter 4, which can save a lot of trouble and even improve the success rate. The second is to break through hard, and all those who stand in the way will be thrown down."

"Are you serious?" Hanasaki asked in surprise.

Su Yi raised his brows and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem? Which do you think is better?"

"Of course it's the first one." Hanasaki Mayi said: "Don't underestimate the members of Scepter4, there are also experts among them, although it is impossible to be as strong as Reiji Munakata, but there are so many people, even if they are kings, I'm afraid I can't easily knock them all down."

"But you have been forgotten, there are not many people in Scepter4 at night." Su Yi said with a smile.

After thinking about it for a while, Hanazaki still shook her head and said, "I still think the first method is more reliable. If we reveal our identities, the members of Scepter4 will definitely notify other members, and it will only become more and more troublesome. And you Don't forget, we still have time to search for things like what Reiji said."

Suzuki Qianxia also nodded and said, "I also think the first method is more reliable. At least if we don't disturb them, we will have more time to find things."

Su Yi rubbed his head and said with some headache, "Are you sure you can get in? That's the base of Scepter4, there should be a lot of high-tech, right?"

"Then what else can you do?" Hanasaki Machi asked angrily.

Su Yi pouted and said, "There is no good way, but we can plan to upgrade it."

"How to upgrade?" Hanasaki Mayu asked.

Su Yi approached the two of them and whispered, "Let's find a group of hackers and take turns to attack Scepter4's system, so that their detection system can't function properly, so we can sneak in without knowing it?"

Chapter [-] Laziness

"Su Yi, are you serious? Breaking through Scepter4's defense system is no joke. If there is any danger in this city and Scepter4's defense system is being interfered, then it's not you and me. I can afford it." Hanasaki Maori said with a solemn expression.

"What are you afraid of, there won't be any problems in such a short period of time. Even if there is a problem, I will take it upon myself and I will never confess it to you." Su Yi patted his chest and said with absolute certainty.

Suzuki Chika said helplessly: "You guys are talking so hot, it's kind of you who know hackers, Scepter4's defense system is not an ordinary defense system, is it so easy to break? Besides, where are we going? How about finding so many hackers?"

Su Yi curled his lips, then said with a smile, "It's not easy, the principal is so rich, let's use the funds of the student union first, and issue a reward order online, are we afraid that some people think it's too much money??"

"But we only have half a day, is it too late?" Hanazaki Mai was a little confused. This time, it seemed that the trouble was a little bigger.

"It's too late, we'll split up, Zhenyi, you can find hackers, it doesn't matter how much, the important thing is that you must be strong. Qianxia, ​​you go and prepare some night clothes, and some things that can be used for us to move at night."

After Su Yi finished speaking, he continued to drink red wine.

Hanazaki Mayi and Suzuki Chika looked at each other and asked in confusion, "What about you? What are you doing?"

Su Yi put down the red wine glass and said with a smile: "Of course I have to convince the principal, my task is the most difficult to complete, well, let's act quickly, I will go back to school after eating the leftovers, but I can't waste it. already."

Hanazaki Mayi and Suzuki Qianxia gave Su Yi an angry look.

After Su Yi ate the leftovers, her stomach stretched as if she was pregnant.

After taking the bus for a long time and returning to the school, Su Yi did not rush to find the principal, but went back to the dormitory to sleep until the phone rang.

"Hello?" Su Yi asked in a daze.

Suzuki Qianxia's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Su Yi, what's going on with you? Are things done?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then said, "It's done, how about you?"

Suzuki Qianxia said: "I have almost prepared everything here, when will we act?"

"What's the hurry, it's not dark yet." Su Yi said hesitantly.

Suzuki Chika was stunned for a moment, and said angrily, "Su Yi, you're not sleeping, are you? It's already dark, what are you thinking?"

Su Yi was stunned, and quickly got up, only to realize that the curtains were drawn tightly and all the lights in the dormitory were on, no wonder it was like daytime.

Su Yi ran to the bed, opened the curtains and saw that it was already dark.

Su Yi quickly looked at the time. Fortunately, it was only half past eight.

"Why didn't you call me earlier?" Su Yi said angrily.

"I've called you several times. I thought you were busy, but you were sleeping after a long time! I'm so pissed off!" Suzuki Qianxia said angrily, she ran all afternoon to buy these things, and Su Yi was actually sleeping with his head covered.

"Su Yi, let me ask you, have you made it clear to the principal?" Suzuki Qianxia suspected that Su Yi did not go to the principal at all.

Su Yi was taken aback for a moment, grinned and said: "The principal can't be in a hurry, after we have settled on the Zongxiang Reishi side, let Zongxiang Reishi personally say that he is the king of green, even if the principal knows more big brothers, Do you have to give him face?"

Suzuki Chika got even angrier after hearing this, "You haven't done anything for a long time, so what have you been doing for a long time?"

Su Yi grinned and said embarrassedly: "I just slept, but this is not meaningless. If I don't rest well, it will affect my performance at night. This time, I can't screw it up. This is a great opportunity to travel for free.”

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