Su Yi cautiously walked to the middle of the square, where the eight flag demons were gathered, as if they had found something.

"Huo Que, what did you find?" Su Yi asked one of the flag demons.

Huo Que looked at Su Yi and said, "Master, there are traces of battle here, and we also sensed Xisha's breath here. It shouldn't take long."

Su Yi squatted down quickly, looked at the broken stones on the ground, and then looked at the scorched plants, nodded and said, "Yes, this is indeed just formed, but how did you sense Xisha? Can you Identify her energy?"

Huo Que shook his head and said: "Xisha is the devil, how can we tell the difference, but we know how Xisha fights, master, look here, this stone pillar was obviously bitten off, and there are huge tooth marks on it. "

Su Yi followed Huo Que's expectations and saw a row of huge tooth marks on the stone pillar. Su Yi remembered Xisha's fighting style, and it is true that she can bite everything. In this way, these battle marks are very likely to be. Shisha left behind.

"Look around to see which direction Xisha is going from." Su Yi began to worry about whether Xisha was going in the wrong direction and did not follow the original route.

Su Yi took out his mobile phone and called Ye Yan.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Ye Yan's voice came from the phone.

Seeing that there was still a signal, Su Yi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "I didn't find Xisha, but I found an abandoned square ruin here, and found battle traces here, which should be left by Xisha. I am now The worry is whether Shisha is going in the wrong direction."

"Wrong direction? What do you mean?" Ye Yan asked.

Su Yi explained: "The road here is very complicated. There is not only one road like other gates, so I am worried that Xisha is going in the wrong direction and does not follow the original route of this road."

Ye Yan groaned in his heart, if this is the case, it is very likely that he will deviate from the orbit of this formation and enter the forbidden area of ​​the formation. If this is the case, even the Demon King may not be able to resist the attack of the killing formation.

"Do you want me to come and help?" Ye Yan asked.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "You'd better not come here. When I came, I put a teleportation array at the intersection. If there is danger, I can come back by myself, so it's better for you not to cause trouble."

"Then what do we need to do now?" Ye Yan asked,

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "I've been able to confirm that this is the hanging gate. You are taking the last road now, and the formation has been in a state of change. It changes every three hours. It has been more than an hour since our previous calculation. So you hurry up and go through the last road, and the province will change again at that time."

Ye Yan nodded and said, "Then you should be careful, and feel free to contact me if you have anything."

Su Yi hung up the phone and said to the flag demon, "Have you eight found anything?"

Huo Que was the first to respond: "Master, there seem to be traces here, but it's not very obvious. I guess this formation has the function of automatic repair."

Chapter [-] On the Black Hole

"Auto-repair function? What do you mean?" Su Yi looked at Huo Que in confusion and asked.

Huo Que explained: "Some powerful people, in order to make the formation more powerful, even make a space specially for the formation. Once this space is destroyed, the formation will free up part of the energy. , repair the entire space.”

"So powerful?" Su Yi was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that a single formation could be so tall.

"However, this formation also has a disadvantage." Huoque said again.

Su Yi raised his brows and quickly asked, "What's the harm?"

Huoque said: "Because this array will automatically repair the space, it will take up a part of the energy. If the space is damaged in a large area, the energy will not be converted. At that time, the space is very likely to have bugs."

"BUG? This is also possible?" Su Yi was secretly surprised, and after a little thought, he said, "Don't you mean to say that the reason why Xisha has not come back till now is because of a bug in the array system? So Shisa is trapped in a bug?"

Huo Que nodded and said: "Yes, that's what we guessed. Although this kind of thing is less likely, it's not impossible."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully, looked around the space, and then said, "If this is the case, then let's do a bigger destruction."

When the flag demons heard the words, they took out their weapons, and followed Su Yi to start terrifying damage to the surrounding buildings and trees.

The sharpness of the Sword of Immortal Execution is terrifying. Every time Su Yi swings the Sword of Immortal Execution, a stone pillar will fall down. In just a few minutes, the square has been almost destroyed by Su Yi and the flag demons.

Su Yi looked at the fallen stone and was about to speak when he suddenly found that the stone on the ground began to blur. In less than a minute, the stone turned completely transparent and disappeared from sight.

Immediately afterwards, the broken stone pillars and the fallen stone pillars actually began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Yi was completely dumbfounded and didn't know how to do it.

Huo Que explained: "This is the world created by the formation, and it can also be called a self-contained space. Because this space is virtual, it can use strength to grow confidently."

Su Yi nodded knowingly, and then asked, "Then why didn't there be a bug? Is the damage not bad enough?"

The flag demons looked around and did not find anything wrong. They nodded and said, "There is a possibility, don't stop and expand the scope of the destruction."

The one-person eight-banner demon once again launched even greater damage. This time, they used their skills one after another. The terrifying explosion turned the stones and trees into powder.

Su Yi held the Sword of Immortal Execution high, and the power of his whole body was successfully transmitted to the Sword of Immortal Execution through his hands. He saw the Sword of Immortal Execution blooming with light, and a palpitating force quietly formed.

"Zhu Xian Slash!"

Su Yi shouted angrily, and the Immortal Execution Sword fell towards the bottom, and a terrifying force broke away from the shackles of the Immortal Execution Sword and hit the ground.


The terrifying explosion instantly lifted the land into the air, and the plants quickly withered in the explosion, and were blown up to the sky together with the soil.

After performing a full blow, Su Yi sat on the ground with a sullen breath. Although he was very tired, he was very excited.

Chapter [-] Black Holes (Part [-])

Although he had known this move for a long time, due to lack of strength, he never used it.

Now that the power of Zhu Xianjian is gradually increasing, it is barely able to be used.

Su Yi looked at Zhu Xianjian excitedly, and then said: "I finally have some trump cards of my own. With time, I should be able to become more powerful."

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