Su Yi briefly learned how to use the incarnation charm, and then activated the incarnation charm. Soon, his body began to twist. After a while, he turned into a wolf demon. Even if you look closely, it is difficult to find it. How is it different from the real wolf demon?

Chapter [-] Mixed in (Part [-])

Su Yi moved his body with satisfaction, he was just about to go out, the flag demon quickly reminded: "Master, although you have turned into a wolf demon, but there is no demonic energy on your body, if you go out like this, you will definitely be seen through. |"

Su Yi was shocked when he heard the words. If the flag demon didn't say it, he would be really hard to realize this.

"Then what should I do?" Su Yi was in a dilemma. If he was talking about hiding his aura, he had a way to do it. He could create a demonic aura, which was not his area of ​​expertise.

When the flag demon heard this, he was amused, and then said, "Master, have you forgotten who we are?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then slapped his forehead and said, "Yeah, aren't you all demons? But different demons, will the demon aura be the same?"

The flag demon nodded and said, "It's roughly the same, because the way demons cultivate is basically the same. Unless some demons with swords go sideways, their aura will be more unique, and Qiongqi is one of them."

Su Yi nodded knowingly, "Then give me some demonic energy, so don't get caught."

The flag demon hurriedly nodded, mobilized the power in his body, and wrapped the faint energy on the outside of Su Yi's body, and a faint demonic energy also radiated out.

After everything was ready, Su Yi carefully walked out of the dark area.

Although he was well prepared, Su Yi was still a little clueless, and tried his best to keep his eyes from looking around.

The moment Su Yi walked out, Qiongqi's eyes fell on him. Su Yi felt that he was being stared at by a tiger. Those fiery eyes seemed to see through everything about him.

Fortunately, Qiongqi didn't notice anything wrong, and quickly looked away.

"Slowly swallow, move faster!"

A wolf demon scolded Su Yi angrily.

Su Yi nodded, quickly picked up a shovel, walked to the work area and started digging.

While digging, Su Yi glanced at the surrounding situation. Seeing that Qiongqi was talking to other people, he pretended to complain and said, "It's been digging for so long, when will you give me your head?"

His words were heard by the little wolf demon beside him, the little wolf demon glanced at Su Yi in surprise, and then looked around, seeing that no one heard him, he said in a low voice: "It should be soon, Lord Sacrificial said, and then In half an hour, you should be able to dig up what the leader wants."

"Sacrifice to the Lord?" Su Yi murmured in his heart, and glanced at the wolf demon standing not far away, presumably he was talking about the sacrifice of the Lord, because his clothes were completely different from other people's, indeed Gives a feeling of ancient sacrifice.

"Are you saying that there is really Tongtian Hejing here? What if there is no such thing." Su Yi asked while pretending to be worried.

The little wolf demon sighed and said helplessly: "If not, then we can only continue to dig in another place. We have been digging here for more than half a year, and we don't care about more than half a month."

"It's been so long?" Su Yi was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that he couldn't find it after searching for so long. In this way, there might not necessarily be Tongtian Hejing in this underground area.

To be serious, this poor man may just be looking for a needle in a haystack. After all, the chances of finding Tongtian Hejing in this way are too small.


However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound from the shovel in Su Yi's hand, and there seemed to be something blocking the shovel's path below.

Su Yi frowned, and quickly squatted down to take a look, suddenly shocked.

Chapter [-]: Dig Out the Barrier ([-])

Under the thin layer of soil and stone, there is something that really emits a weak light. Although it is very weak, it can be seen at a glance in such a place with insufficient light.

Su Yi's first reaction was that there really was something here, but it was unknown whether it was Tongtian Hejing.

Su Yi's vision here was also seen by the surrounding wolf demons, and there was a noise for a while, which attracted the attention of Qiongqi.

"What's the matter?" Qiong Qi asked.

"Boss, it seems that something has been dug here."

A wolf demon spoke first.

Qiong Qi was overjoyed when he heard the words, hurried over, pushed Su Yi away, and squatted down to check.

"Hahaha, it's really here, I found it, I finally found it!"

Qiong Qi suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had discovered the biggest treasure in the world, and hugged Su Yi excitedly.

Su Yi looked at Qiongqi blankly, for fear that Qiongqi would see through that he was a transformed wolf demon.

Fortunately, Qiongqi quickly recovered his calm and said to the crowd: "Quick, continue digging, and clear out all the soil and rocks in this piece. The entrance must be near here."

After hearing the words, the wolf demons hurried into action.

"Boy, come here."

Qiong Qi beckoned to Su Yi who was just about to dig.

Su Yi pointed to himself, saw Qiongqi nod, he swallowed, put down the shovel in his hand, and walked towards Qiongqi step by step.

Su Yi's palms were already covered with sweat at this time, because he didn't know what Qiongqi suddenly asked him to do. Did he find out that he was not a wolf demon?

No matter what the reason is, Su Yi must be ready to fight, otherwise in front of so many masters, he will not even have a chance to fight back.

"Boy, what's your name?" Qiong Qi asked Su Yi with a smile.

Su Yi thought about it, and quickly responded: "Go back to the leader, my name is Black Claw."

"Black Claw?" Qiong Qi frowned suddenly.

Su Yi's heart suddenly became frightened. Could it be that Qiongqi remembered the names of everyone here?If that's the case, that's bad.

After a while, Qiong Qi's brows stretched out and he said to Su Yi: "Your name is not good, the word "black" is what I hate the most, so let me give you a name, and you will be called Zhanji in the future. Well, my weapons match well, how about it?"

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