Seeing that Su Yi was still hesitating, Huo Que continued: "Tianhuo's strength is getting stronger and stronger. If the master continues to hesitate, Ye Yan and the others will probably die in the field."

Seeing that Ye Yan and the others really couldn't bear it, Su Yi nodded and said: "Well, you have to be careful, be careful, I need your help, you can't die in this kind of hell without my permission. "

Huo Que nodded heavily when he heard the words.

"The flag demon is out."

Under Su Yi's order, Huo Que rushed out, turned into a human figure, held the Immortal Execution Sword given by Su Yi, and aimed at the field below. As long as Su Yi gave an order, he would stab down with a sword.

"Master, you hide away first, as far as you can." Huo Que said.

Su Yi glanced at Huo Que worriedly, but he could only nod his head. After attaching the Wind Talisman, he quickly disappeared.

Skyfire smashed Che Yongtai, just about to attack Ye Yan, when he suddenly felt something was wrong, he turned around and looked at it, suddenly shocked, "Is this, the breath of Sanxian? Is it the Sword of Immortal Execution?"

Tianhuo recognized the Immortal Execution Sword at a glance, and his heart sank, obviously knowing that the Immortal Execution Sword could break his enchantment in seconds.

"Bastard, court death!"

Tianhuo immediately gave up Ye Yan and the others, and rushed towards Huoque outside the barrier.

Huo Que saw Tianhuo rushing over, he snorted coldly, and the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand fell fiercely.


Chapter fifty-four escape

The moment the Immortal Execution Sword touched the barrier, a terrifying explosion erupted, the entire space collapsed suddenly, and darkness poured out from the barrier.

Su Yi hurriedly waved the yellow demon flag and took the flag demon back in time, but the explosion was so terrifying and violent that Huo Que was still beaten back to its original shape and fell into a coma.

Su Yi didn't have time to check Huo Que's injury, because the aftermath of the explosion was still spreading, and Su Yi could only retreat farther.

At the same time as the barrier was broken, Ye Yan and others quickly fled, but Tianhuo would not let them go and chased after them.

"Chaos Beast!"

Ye Yan shouted loudly, and suddenly a large shadow appeared in the sky.

Tianhuo was startled, and when he looked up, a behemoth suddenly descended from the sky, directly smashing Tianhuo into the ground.

Zhang He looked back while running, his eyes full of admiration, "The legendary Chaos Beast is so domineering!"

"Where's the domineering? It doesn't even have a nose or eyes, so it's totally different." Che Yongtai said disdainfully.

Ye Yan was too lazy to bother with Che Yongtai. At this time, they had already run out of the explosion range. Fortunately, they came out in time, otherwise they would be swallowed up by the collapsed space.

Ye Yan took back the Chaos Beast with a wave of his hand, and then said to the crowd; "Tianhuo will catch up soon, we can't stop, go find Su Yi."

"I'm here." Su Yi ran over while waving his hand. At this time, the aftermath of the explosion had stopped, but the space before it no longer existed, and all he could see was the heart-pounding darkness.

"Su Yi, did you set up a teleportation array when you came?" Ye Yan asked Su Yi. He knew that Su Yi knew some magical powers of the Sanxian Society. As long as he was not stupid, he should leave a teleportation array along the way. .

Su Yi nodded and said, "Of course, all stand together."

Su Yi waved to the crowd and said.

As Su Yi activated the teleportation talisman, the group was wrapped in brilliance, and disappeared in place with a "swoosh".

At the same time, Tianhuo chased after him, looked at the breath that disappeared here, and gritted his teeth angrily, "Immortal Execution Sword, Immortal Execution Sword, it seems that Sanxian has already intervened in this matter, damn it."

It can be seen that Tianhuo is also afraid of Loose Immortals, especially the sudden appearance of the Sword of Immortal Execution, which makes him wonder which Loose Immortal boss is there.

With a flash of light, Su Yi and his party appeared where Su Yi left at first.

"What place is this? It's so strange." A Biao couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the golden stones everywhere.

Su Yi pressed his hands on them, motioned them to keep their voices low, then looked around to confirm that no one was there before continuing: "There are a lot of wolf demons here, please be quiet."

"Then what did you bring us here for?" Che Yongtai was speechless.

"Isn't this the wolf demon's lair?" A Biao also said in fear.

Su Yi shook his head, "I don't know either, but the demons here are very weak. There are skyfires outside and Qiongqi in the depths. We can only stay in this place to be the safest. And I always think they have some conspiracy, And the location is right here.”

Ye Yan frowned and asked curiously, "Are you sure it's a conspiracy and not Tongtian Hejing?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "It seems that their goal is not just the Tongtian Hejing, and as far as I know, Qiong Qi has already got a Tongtian Hejing, but he does not mean to stop, but let the little demons keep looking for it. What ruins."

Chapter [-] Suspicion

"How did you know this?" Ye Yan looked at Su Yi in confusion. They all came here at the same time, but why does Su Yi know so much?

Seeing that they doubted him, Su Yi immediately said unhappily: "Of course I came here. There are so many little demons here. Is it difficult to inquire about something? If you don't believe me, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

Su Yi waved his hand after speaking, ignoring them.

Seeing this, Uncle Wu hurriedly smoothed things out and said, "Everyone has calmed down. Now is not the time for infighting. No matter what their goal is, our mission is to capture Qiu Xue. As for the rest, we can completely leave it to Yebu Geng. Top management will deal with it.”

"But we didn't even see Qiu Xue's face, and I have always suspected that Qiu Xue, a loose immortal, would really be in the company of demons?" Ye Yan threw out his doubts again.

Su Yi looked at Ye Yan, then sneered, and said, "Is Yemo a demon? And Yemo is also Qiu Xue's younger brother. Even if Qiu Xue grew up in the fairyland, there is still a part of the demon blood flowing in her body. Otherwise, why would she come to Yuehu City?"

"Just relying on her to come to Yuehu City, it is impossible to conclude that she has partnered with the wolf demon." Ye Yan retorted.

Su Yi nodded and continued: "Okay, since you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do. These are all the news that I have tried so hard to inquire about. Maybe what you said makes sense, but this trap is definitely worth taking a risk, because The wolf demon knows where the Tongtian Hejing is. This is a great attraction for anyone, and Qiu Xue is no exception. Even if Qiu Xue did not cooperate with the wolf demon, then Qiu Xue got the Tongtian Hejing. Do you think you two Will it still be her opponent?"

Ye Yan did not continue to speak when he heard the words, because he knew very little about this matter, and it was not up to him to decide whether there was Tongtian Hejing here.

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