"Come up too!" Su Yi shouted to his flag demon.

He couldn't wait to see his flag demon take action.

"Let's go too, don't let Yuesha have the opportunity to fight back." Uncle Wu said, obviously he was frightened by the previous skyfire. To deal with such masters, you must not give them the opportunity to prepare, otherwise there will be no chance for them to prepare. The one who prepares for the opportunity will be himself.

When Su Yi saw everyone rushing up, he quickly took out the Immortal Execution Sword and rushed up.

Attacks like Uncle Zhang He and A Biao can be completely ignored by Yuesha, but she still has to pay attention to the attacks of Cha Yongtai and Ye Yan. unpleasant.

Although the previous Tianhuo had the upper hand in the battle, it has to be said that he also suffered a lot of damage, especially Che Yongtai's Wanjian piercing the heart, and Tianhuo will not be able to recover to its peak in a while.

After Yuesha resisted the attack of Yongtai and Ye Yan, she was about to start a counterattack when she suddenly felt an oppressive force. She turned around and saw Su Yi who was coming back with the Immortal Execution Sword. This made Yuesha even more so. My heart sank.

"Zhu Xianjian? Are you a Loose Immortal?" Yuesha was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, it's impossible, you just sacrificed the Huang Yaofan, you should be a beater, but how could you possibly use it? Execution Sword?"

Yuesha was ten thousand puzzled in her heart. The artifact she tried so hard to obtain back then would actually appear in this way.

"I didn't expect that you can have something that I can't get by trying my best. God is really unfair, unfair!"

The more Yue Sha thought about it, the more angry she became. In the end, her whole body was covered with black energy, and her strength suddenly soared a lot.

Su Yi's heart sank, although he was very afraid of Yuesha's strength, but at this time the arrow had to be shot on the string, and he could only make his attack more powerful as much as possible.

"Come on, let me show you the skills I learned first!"


Su Yi shouted loudly, and the speed of the forward suddenly increased countless times, leaving only a phantom in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of Yuesha.


Su Yi shouted again, and the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand aimed at Yuesha's heart and stabbed it fiercely.

This sword contains ten times stronger than Su Yi's usual strength, enough to close the car and use a skill. In addition to the sharpness of the Sword of Immortal Execution, it can easily break through the defense of Yuesha, and the sword's body sinks in a little bit. Yuesha's body, and then came to her back.

But the strange thing is that there is no blood on Yuesha's body, and I don't know if it is because of the black qi, so it is blocked.

Su Yi looked at Yuesha, who was standing still, with a puzzled expression, and he couldn't help but let out a thump in his heart.

Su Yi, who was just too far behind, felt severe pain in his chest at the next moment, only to see Yuesha strike at a terrifying speed and hit Su Yi's chest directly, Su Yi suddenly felt that he was hit by a train Now, after spewing a mouthful of blood, his body was planted a hundred meters away like a kite with a broken string.

Everyone was shocked and rushed up quickly, breaking Yuesha's route to pursue Su Yi.

Su Yi clutched his chest in pain, and quickly got up to avoid being chased by Yuesha.

Chapter [-] Huang Xiaoyan Arrives

Su Yi felt the growing power of Yuesha, and was surprised, "How did this guy become more powerful? Could it be that he used some secret method?"

Su Yi thought to himself, but became more and more puzzled, because Yuesha didn't attack Ye Yan and others very much, but desperately wanted to run towards Su Yi, as if Su Yi took his or hers General stuff.

Su Yi frowned slightly, and couldn't help but look at the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, "Could it be because of the Immortal Execution Sword?"

Su Yi remembered that she had always called herself "this seat" before, which is usually only used by loose immortals. Does she have anything to do with loose immortals?

Su Yi thought to himself, at this time Ye Yan and others had already been pushed back by Yuesha, enough to see that Yuesha's strength was definitely better than Tianhuo's.

"I was hit with a sword, but there was no response. Could it be that she is immortal?"

Su Yi rubbed his chest in pain, feeling extremely helpless. He thought he was strong enough, but the opponent he met had begun to become stronger, which made Su Yi very tired.

"Su Yi, how are you?" Uncle Wu asked worriedly when he saw that Su Yi had not joined the battle again.

Su Yi moved for a while, and then said, "It's okay, I can't die."

Su Yi said and charged up again with the Sword of Execution.

Originally, Ye Yan and the others could barely suppress Yuesha with their excellent cooperation, but after Su Yi joined, Yuesha ran rampant again, and the terrifying black gas occupied all the fear around them, and the visibility also decreased, making the battle more difficult.

"Su Yi, does she have a grudge against you? Why did she run wild as soon as you came?" Che Yongtai said helplessly, suddenly disliking Su Yi's joining.

Su Yi said helplessly: "How do I know what she thinks, maybe she is interested in the Immortal Execution Sword in my hand."

"No way, her power is too corrosive, she's not happy to fight at all." Ye Yan said aggrievedly.

"Everyone, let's evacuate first. If you are injured in such a place, the road behind will only be more difficult." Uncle Wu suggested.

Ye Yan nodded and said, "I'll cover everyone, you all withdraw first."

"Wait a minute, the teleportation array seems to be moving." Su Yi shouted to the crowd.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and turned to look at the teleportation array.

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed out of the teleportation array, and it was Huang Xiaoyan who had been waiting for a long time.

"Sister Huang, you are finally here!" Ye Yan was relieved when he saw Huang Xiaoyan. With Huang Xiaoyan's arrival, their strength must be improved by at least a few grades.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Huang Xiaoyan couldn't help but say in surprise, "Where are you? Why did you come here?"

Ye Yan couldn't help shouting to Huang Xiaoyan: "Sister Huang, don't have so many questions, come and help quickly, I'm about to be overwhelmed here."

Huang Xiaoyan heard the words and looked towards Ye Yan, seeing that Ye Yan was being attacked by a strange woman, she took out the Sword of Immortal Execution and joined the battle without saying a word.

Seeing that Huang Xiaoyan was also holding the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, Yuesha suddenly said in surprise, "How come there are two Immortal Execution Swords?"

Huang Xiaoyan swung out a sword, and the sword energy forced Yuesha to retreat, and at the same time, several hundred bursting talismans were sacrificed at one time, trapping Yuesha abruptly.

"Sure enough, everyone Huang is amazing, I really admire it." Ye Yan couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding.

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