Sin value: 38070 (big sinner, arrestable)

"Tsk tsk, the last time we met, your merit value was more than [-], and your sin value was more than [-]. If you haven't seen it for a year, it has more than doubled. It seems that you have done a lot of good things in the new world."

Su Yi tsk tsk evaluation.

"what are you saying?"

Su Yi didn't bother to answer the question, and said to himself: "38070 sin value, it will take 381 days to clean it. In the next year, you can just stay honest."

"No, God Warden, you are wrong." At this moment, the core interjected.

"what happened?"

"You may be a little misunderstood. The second-tier prison cleans 100 sin points every day, which is based on the condition that the criminal's sin value is above 1000 points, that is to say, when the criminal's sin value is lower than 1000, the speed of cleaning will increase. Down to 1 o'clock every day."

After a pause, it continued: "For this criminal, it will take 1371 days to clean up."

Hearing this, Su Yi shrugged and said helplessly: "So that's it, so be it. I'll go first, and the prison will be handed over to you."



Grab Marco and bring Su Yi more than [-] guilt points. If it was before, Su Yi would be very happy, but now, with only [-] to [-], he is used to it and will not be surprised.

Moreover, what Su Yi paid attention to at this time was the reaction of the Whitebeard Pirates after catching Marko.

With Whitebeard's temper and style, he will definitely not swallow his anger, and if he can meet, he will definitely come to rescue.

But because Marco is not Ace, he will not be publicly executed, but will be imprisoned. Therefore, it will not trigger a large-scale war. Instead, he will come to rescue before being sent to the deep sea prison.

"It's kind of interesting, this is something in the art of war, it's similar to 'encircling the point to help', come on, send some more and fill me with hell."

Under the mangrove tree on the 17th, a white light flashed, and Su Yi appeared again.

He touched his chin, and couldn't help but estimate how much power Whitebeard would send to solve it.

"One Marco sent and was caught by me, then, next time, it will not be one, at least two, or even three captains, and there may be other pirate groups. In this way, I will A person's strength is not necessarily enough to deal with, who should I ask for help? Let me think about it..."

While thinking about it, Su Yi walked towards the square.

The war between him and Marco was decided unexpectedly fast. Seeing the result of the war, many pirates who wanted to benefit from the fisherman scattered like birds and beasts.

When Su Yi stepped onto the square again, there were only comatose people in one place.

"The repression failed, no, at least it was destroyed, but after this time, the situation in Chambord is not very favorable. This problem must be solved before the rescue of the Whitebeard Pirates arrives."

I really thought, a navy team had already run in the distance.

"Major! When I heard the news, I immediately brought someone here. What are your orders?"

A warrant officer came to Su Yi respectfully and saluted.

This man is a recruit, just graduated from the military academy, his father is a major in the headquarters, and he comes from a military family, which is quite similar to Su Yi.

Seeing his curious look, Su Yi said angrily, "It's too late, idiot, everyone has run away!"


"What are you doing? Arrest all those who are in a coma and interrogate them well. All pirates will be locked at the base!"


Not to mention the navy cleaning up the mess...

In the middle of the night, a group of people gathered in a secret stronghold.

"Everyone, you have seen what happened during the day. Su Yi's combat power is so powerful that you can't imagine being just a major."

"Bordeaux, you run very fast during the day. What do you mean by calling us at night?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Augustine. There are 9 more pirates, 6 supernovas, and the words of the day, let's form an alliance! To fight against that major!"

"Indeed, the recent actions against the pirates are definitely related to Su Yi. I agree on behalf of the Tone Drum Pirates."

"I agree."



Chapter one hundred and forty fifth fight

Nine pirates discuss alliance matters, and the captains of six pirates are supernovas with a reward of over [-] million.

If this alliance is formed, even with the secret help of Aunt Xia and Rayleigh, it will become extremely difficult to solve.

In the luxurious room, a large chandelier on the ceiling casts a dim light.

Under the chandelier, on one side of the large round table, there are nine people sitting around.

Food and fruit were placed on the table, but no one was enjoying it. Everyone was seriously thinking about the feasibility of the alliance.

No, to be precise, there is a person who is out of tune with the environment.

Wearing a cool summer dress, a flowered shirt, and sparse red short hair, this man, who appeared to be in his early twenties, was using watermelon like no one else.

"Hey, Landuras, what do you think?" Bordeaux caught a glimpse of the man's behavior and suppressed his dissatisfaction.

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