"Is it really him?"

Su Yi's mouth showed a smile.

At the beginning of the Yuntai Palace site, Su Yi struggles with Yang Chao's sixth polo.In the end, Su Yi defeated Yang Liuji with golden eyes.

Xie Nianqing also had a face and recognized Yang Liuji.

Feng is the unbridled Ling Yanzhi, and his complexion has changed a lot.

The Liege Empire and the Bloody Empire were close to each other, and the sixth pole had a long name.They have been shocked for a long time.

"Brother Yang, you are finally here!"

Seeing the six poles of the sun, blue clouds fly in ecstasy.

"Brother Lan, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Then, Yangliu Jidao, his eyes looked.

A look at Xie Nianqing and Su Yi of the Qing Dynasty, suddenly glanced, and then in a cruel murder case.

"Xiao He, isn't it? Haha, um, well, it's really a break from the iron shoes, it's not a waste of time, because I met today, you shouldn't leave."

Yang Liuji revealed a sly smile.

When he left the relic of Yuntai Palace, he had to let the master of Daegu County kill Su Yi, but Su Yi slipped too fast.He searched near the relics of Yuntai Palace and did not see Su Yi.

During this time, I've been kind of hating Su Yi.I didn't expect to be here.He almost smiled and laughed.

"How? If you lose your hand, you have to find it, right?"

Su Yi said something weak.

Surrounded by everyone, listening to Su Yi's tone, was Yang Liuji defeated in Su Yi's hands?

No?If so, the Liege Empire is terrible, right?

"Nonsense, small miscellaneous, you only trust external forces, trust a bondage, now you are not, I will kill you!"

Yang Liu drank a lot and quickly corrected Su Yi's words.

Others are embarrassed. It turns out that Su Yi is based on external force, which is not surprising. After all, this is not his own strength, and it is useless.

He let out a long sigh, even if a small Liege Empire was so powerful, they were so ashamed.

"Three strikes killed me? Just trust you? Don't be afraid to laugh at Big Tooth!"

Su Yi continued to faint.

This unsalty or unsalty attitude adds to Yang Liuji's anger. 666 "Looking for Death!"

Yang Liuji starts to get angry, and the body emits a warm breath that makes the restaurant look like a stove.

Xie Nianqing was moved and blocked in front of Yang Liuji.

"Xiaoqing, dealing with him, why do you want me to play with him?"

Su Yi took a glass of wine, took a sip immediately, then got up and walked to Liuji.

"Come on, we're not done eating yet!"

Xie Nianqing looked at Su Yi and looked at the table again.he said weakly.

With a cautious tone, it seems that Su Yi can solve Yang Liuji's problem.

This caused people around me to sway.

"Haha, I know you care about me, you are worried that the food is cold and bad, you can rest assured and solve it, the board can not be calm!"

Hamming laughed haha.

Collect other people's lips.These two are safer than one, they still remember to eat, and the dishes are not fresh.

Please your opponent is the genius Yang Liuji on the Yundi list, not the cat A on the side of the road.

Crazy, so crazy!

Volume 65 Magic Forbidden Book Catalog [-] Stop Me

Yang Liuji almost vomited blood, only pain in her heart, liver, spleen and lungs.

The deep breathing of the task calmed me down.

"It's no use believing in a mouth, and you'll pay a stupid price soon!"

Yang Liu was very ashamed, his body was more intense, like a sun that almost illuminated the restaurant.

"It's narrow, go fight!"

Sue Road

"Well, that's what I want!"

Willow is very angry.

Once the numbers moved, the two flew out of the window and appeared on the small lake outside the window.

At this moment, those who had alarmed the rest of the restaurant looked at them one by one.

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