Tian Xuancheng is indeed worth it.If it can be distributed to the kit, it will be released even if it is rented to someone else.

"But General Emperor, it's difficult to be assigned a suite. Unless you've made a great contribution, only the Mu family and the Holy Family will have some people assigned to the room."

Mu Xiuyuan continued.

Su Yi smiled and could only be envious.

Volume 93 Magic Forbidden Book Catalog [-] Prosperity

There is no doubt that the genius of the Holy Family is full of talent, and the master is like a cloud.As you can imagine, the genius of the Holy Family is nurtured in such an environment every day.Can it be powerful?

Other Tianwei emperors who spend a lot of Lingjing rent every day can live and farm.This is the gap.

The two talked while walking.

Soon, the two came to the second district.

Here, the halo of heaven and earth and the artistic conception of heaven and earth are richer than the first one.

"Su Yi, where do you rent a house?"

Mu Xiuyuan asked.

"Go to the third area!"

Sue Road

He doesn't have many spirit crystals on him, but isn't it just a memory ring in the holy wind?I believe that the best spirit within is not less, just to use.


Soon, the two came to the third district.

Here, the halo of heaven and earth and the world of heaven and earth have reached an astonishing degree.

And to live a day, at least ten of the best spirits, the most expensive, a hundred of the best spirits.

Su Yi watched for a while, then stopped in a house.

"Just this one!"

Sue Road

Mu Xiuyuan nodded and said: "Su Yi, then I won't accompany you, yes, this time the Quartet detachment supports Emperor Tianwei. It's just been half a month, you can take a rest, you don't have to go to the corpse. The battle, but after half a month, it is necessary to start a battle with the corpse." "There are usually two ways. One is that the task hall will send out some tasks related to killing the corpse. If there is a reward, the second. If Someone did not answer the task, he would arrange for him to go to the battlefield and participate in the battle with the corpse! ""Thank you, Brother Mu!"

Su Yi has a fist.

"That's fine, I'll go first!"

Mu Xiuyuan smiled, then strode into the depths of Tian Xuancheng.

Mu Xiuyuan belonged to the Mu family and was unfathomable.Of course, it lives in the deepest, fourth zone.

After Mu Xiuyuan left, Su Yi walked into the house next to him.

"This little brother is renting a house?" At the door of the building, a middle-aged man smiled when he saw Su Yi come in.

"Yes, I'm renting a house, how many days does Ling Jingtian have?"

Su Yi asked.

"Fifty most spiritual days, how long will this little brother be rented?"

the middle-aged man said.

"Rent for fifteen days!"

Su Yi took out five hundred and fifty pieces of the best soul crystal and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took it with a more prosperous smile on his face. He took out a jade card and said, "Little brother, this is your key. Your room is in room 19!"

"This is good!"

Su Yi walked into the building with the jade token.

In the mansion, there is a room, and the room number is written outside each room.

On the 19th, Su Yi quickly found the 19th room.

The rooms are all stone, even the doors are stone doors.On the stone gate, there is a pit.Su Yi put the jade card into the pit.


The stone gate opened automatically, and Su Yi walked in.

The room is very simple, just a bed and a table.

Su Yi closed the door and sat on the bed.

When the mind is moving, Su Yi seems to be one with heaven and earth, quietly understanding the artistic conception between heaven and earth.

"The world of heaven and earth is really clear!"

Su Yi was shocked.

He felt that while it was still worse than the Palace of Enlightenment, it was much stronger than the outside world.

Here, there are only 50 of the best areas in the world, and those best areas in the world, even if they are on par with the Palace of Enlightenment, are not too far away.

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