Therefore, Su Yi could only smile.

He now has only 6 of the finest spirits from Holy River.Sixty thousand pieces of the best elf crystals, I am afraid that Su Yi is not enough to attack Wu Wang Sanzhong.

Poor, Su Yi felt that he was too poor, and the spar was far from enough.

Also, the Demon Suppression Spear is really unbearable. Su Yi still wants to find a king-level Mingshi to refine a rifle?

Look for a King Grade Akashi Refining Rifle, which is definitely not cheap.

All of this requires Lingjing.

"Cultivate for a few more days and see if there are any missions!"

Immediately, Su Yi continued to cultivate.

This time, he's mostly focused on understanding Ray's concept.

Soon, ten days passed.

Lei's artistic conception, rapid progress, is already in the middle of a small period.

At this time, Su Yi just lived here for fifteen days, and the date of the house arrived.

Su Yi withdrew the jade card, walked out of the building, and walked to the mission hall.

The main hall of the mission is not in the third area, but in the second area.

In this golden land of Tianxuan City, the area of ​​the mission hall is not large.In the halls of the mission, people came and went.

There are young people and old people, all kinds of people, but each one has an extremely rich atmosphere and is the strongest in the Five Kings territory.Emperor Tianwei.

The third-level emperor Tianwei is generally a small king.

Su Yi walked into the mission hall and looked around.

"it is good?"

Su Yi suddenly discovered that under the stone tablet with inscriptions, there were the most people, and most of them were young people.

Su Yi was very curious and came over.

On the stele, there are writing lines, all of which are introductions to quests.

Su Yi also raised his head.

"This mission...!"

Su Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

This task is perfect for Su Yi.

Not long ago, the Royal Palace discovered a brand new aircraft that had never been spotted before and had never been mined.

The strongest spot in the Emperor's Palace found the weakest spot in this plane, broke it and built it into the entrance.

But it was later discovered that the plane's natural law, which had in fact been inscribed for years, was inaccessible to warriors over the age of 30.

Only fighters over the age of 30 who seemed to fit the rules of that plane were allowed in.

Later, soldiers under the age of 30 entered and found that the plane was very vast, not only the locals of the plane, but also many very valuable supplies.

For example, penetration.

Yes, the ore on this plane is several times larger than the ones on the outside.

It is also normal for aircraft that have never been mined to contain a lot of permeate.

Volume 96 Magical Forbidden Book Catalog [-] Strange Things

The Olympics contain innate meanings.

For a while, the Royal Paradise sent a large number of fighters under the age of 30 into the plane to mine penetrants and mine other precious substances, and the Royal Palace extracted some of it.

However, at this time, they discovered that Tian Zongzong had actually spotted the plane and had also opened an entrance to feed a large number of corpses under the age of 30 into the plane.

Of course, encountering these two forces, it is inevitable that a fierce battle will break out, and both sides will suffer heavy casualties.Over the next few months, both sides launched a savage hunt on the plane.

A few months later, the Emperor's Palace has issued a mission.Any Emperor of the Sun under the age of 30 can take the mission and get into this plane to hunt down the bodies.

The various materials I explored, DitianShrine will not be filmed, only available at a premium.

Moreover, the corpse guarding the corpse of the corpse can also get rich rewards.

Kill a martial artist with one martial art and reward two thousand pieces of the best spirit.

Kill a Wu Wang double corpse and reward 5000 pieces of the best spirit.

Kill the triple corpse of the Five Kings and reward 10 of the best spirits.

Kill the martial artist with four martial arts and reward the best spirit with 20 pieces.

And kill a five king five corpse, reward up to fifty thousand pieces of the best soul crystal.

The rewards are very rich, and Su Yi is very excited.

This mission, not only reward, but also sylvestite.

However, this task is also very dangerous.

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