Maybe it was because Su Yi and Cornelia were both wearing "Admiral"-level coats, but they didn't encounter any resistance. Although the man was reluctant, he didn't dare to go against it. He could only watch his wife being taken away. Walk.

After coming out of a resident's house, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Konelia, which idiot came up with it?"

Although Su Yi didn't say much, Cornelia could well understand that this kind of military action that consumes extreme energy and material may have little effect.

The point is, she can see that Su Yi hates this kind of trouble.

"It's Marshal Kong... isn't it?" She wasn't sure.

"There are 1619 people in total. In the first step, we confirm the number of pregnant women. In the second step, we confirm the date of delivery of the pregnant women and control the local hospital. In the third step, when the child is born, we confirm whether the child is in Roger's blood. You see. Well, such a troublesome thing, the upper navy are all idiots."

"I didn't hear anything."

Su Yi shook his head with a smirk, the girl said so seriously, it was really hilarious.

Just thinking about it, a seagull delivering a letter flew overhead, dropped a newspaper, and landed on Su Yi's head.

"Don't be too troublesome, let's do it, I will teach you the 'Six Forms' in the future." The girl thought about it and suggested.

Su Yi didn't hear it, his mind was immersed in the front page of the newspaper.

"Huh?" Cornelia noticed, stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Someone has been arrested." Su Yi clicked his tongue and said, "The boatman who built the ship for Roger, the legendary boatbuilder Mr. Tom!"...

Chapter [-] The head office is here!

"Mr. Tom?" Cornelia was slightly startled.

"Well, he's a fishman." Su Yi stared at the newspaper and said after a while: "The headquarters is crazy. As soon as Roger died, he started to liquidate the old accounts."

Not only must Roger's bloodline be eliminated, but even a shipbuilder will not be spared.

In this regard, Cornelia also rarely agrees, "It's really unnecessary. It's just a shipbuilder..."

"If it weren't for the fact that there was only one Warring States general in the headquarters, I would bet that the World Government would still want to capture the vice-captain Pluto Rayleigh, and even wipe out the entire disbanded Roger Pirates." Fang Lang said firmly.

This time, Cornelia didn't have an interface, so she couldn't speak with a serious face to persuade, "Xiao Su, in the future, don't say such things in the headquarters. It's easy to be caught..."

"I know, I'm very at ease with you." Su Yi smiled indifferently.

There was a hint of helplessness in Cornelia's shining eyes.

Su Yi folded the newspaper and said with a light breath, "We ignore this and continue to carry out the task."


Immediately, the two ignored the messy news in the world and seriously investigated the pregnant woman on Baterila Island.

However, Su Yi was very concerned about this matter.

He is the man who intends to build airplanes. Tom may be able to cooperate in the future, because airplanes have great limitations in this world.

Even if it is really built, it is impossible to fly too far from the island, so it needs a take-off and landing platform at sea, similar to an aircraft carrier, or something that stops the platform at sea.

Tom can even build a sea train, an aircraft take-off and landing platform at sea, and maybe he can do it if he gives him a little time.

"I remember that he used the proposal of 'building a sea train in ten years' to avoid the death penalty. Well, don't worry for the time being. I will find a way to exonerate him when I have the confidence in the future..."

In the end, Su Yi decided to put this matter aside.


The investigation mission on Baterila Island was originally planned to confirm the number of pregnant women on the island within one day and complete the registration of the date of birth.

But the actual operation is very troublesome, and it took a full week or two to barely get it done.

But after the date of delivery is settled, things are much simpler, as long as someone is sent to arrest the pregnant woman within the period of the expected date of delivery.

Of course, Baterila Island is under the control of the navy, and it is difficult to escape. Almost the entire island is in a closed state, only allowed to enter, not allowed to leave.

Therefore, after finishing the first stage, Su Yi and Cornelia were the least busy people. The busiest ones were doctors and intelligence personnel sent by the World Government.

Naturally, Su Yi wouldn't be really idle either. He practiced hard every day, and even if he wanted to be lazy, Cornelia would force him to exercise and learn the Six Forms.

Time flies, more than two months in the blink of an eye.

On this day, several fishermen were fishing along the coast of Baterila Island, and suddenly on the sea, they saw a naval warship heading towards the island.

For the navy, the residents here have taken it easy, and they were afraid at first, but gradually they discovered that the navy stationed on the island is very disciplined and never disturbs the people, so everyone is gradually getting used to it.

"finally reached!"

On the deck of the warship, a young pink-haired man stood on the ship's building, looking at the island in the telescope, and couldn't help showing excitement.

Seemingly thinking of something again, the young man snorted coldly, "Su Yi...!"

"second lieutenant."

Suddenly, behind the young lieutenant, a slightly immature boy's voice came.

It was a boy of six or seven years old, with very distinctive eyebrows, and with his unsmiling face, he looked very old-fashioned.

The second lieutenant turned his head, glanced at the boy with a frown, and said impatiently, "What's the matter, Rob Luch?"

The little boy known as Rob Lucci said calmly: "The world government wants us to investigate a few suspicious women. Why do you want to come to this kind of island?"

Hearing this, the second lieutenant's face suddenly became ugly, and he was quite gnashing his teeth.

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