"Fatty, Brother Lu, thank you girl, you will live here in the future, but you don't want to walk around in the wind sword, there are some restricted areas, I dare not go, catch it, but you will be punished."

Ruan Tingting said.

"Girl breathes a sigh of relief, we got it!"

Su Yi smiled.

After that, the three of Su Yi stayed here.Kowloon City is too big, with many forces and intricate complexities, and he wants to be familiar with it.

In the next two days, Su Yi's influence on this field was also roughly clarified.

In the middle of Kowloon City, three dragon veins gather together, the emperor and the emperor, and the high-rise residences of the imperial palace.

There are six dragon patterns around, six ancient families, and countless powers.

Volume 118 Magic Forbidden Book Catalog [-] Strong

Those who practice the Holy Land are basically Kowloon.

It is not easy to enter those sacred places to practice.It needs to be recommended by the local palace, or by the troops in Kowloon City.

It seems that it is not easy to practice in those sacred places.

On the third day, there was a rushing noise outside, and Su Yi walked out of the room.

At the entrance of another hospital, a young man came in and shook.

"Su Luo, this is my other hospital. What do you mean by coming in, save me!"

Yan Tingting stood in front of the young man and said loudly.

"Your other hospital? Don't forget, this is Feng Jianzong. You brought outsiders without permission. Do you know the crime?"

Su Luo's cold face, his eyes swept into Su Yi and the others.

"They're my friends. I kept a few friends in my hospital for a few days. It's justified and guilty. Well, Sulu, you've committed a crime in my hospital without my consent. Now , save me!"

Ruan Tingting said.

"Oh, the monks are sluts and actually live with several men."

Solo cool channel.

"Where are the wild dogs, where the screaming is here, watch out for this uncle tugging at your mouth!"

Empty entered Tomahawk, walked over and stared at Sulu looking bad.

"Fat pig, what did you say? Look for death!"

Sulu's eyes were cold, and a strong breath rose up, covering the air.

Breath of the King of the Peak.


On Tingting, she also breathes strongly and is also the king of the peak.She stepped on her foot, blocking her air and blocking Su Luo's breath.

In a place like Kowloon City, it is not difficult to reach the pinnacle of kings.As long as the talents are not bad, with the support of huge resources, it is basically no problem to reach the peak of the king.

Of course, most of them are regular peak kings.They can't win the roster, they don't have enough strength and potential.

"Hey Tingting, do you want to fight for me for some outsiders?" Solo's face was gloomy.

"go out!"

Su Luo glanced at the air, looked at Su Yi and the two, screamed coldly, turned to retire, and seemed very jealous of Yan Tingting.

Sands Island, amazing, with so many powerful people hiding! "

Su Yi also secretly sighed.

In the crowd, in addition to the top ten Linghai strongmen standing out from the crowd, there are many other powerful atmospheres, and roads such as the smoke of the wolf generally rise.

Among them, Lu Xing's breath, Su Yi felt no less than five hundred.

Sands Island, the pinnacle of the party, no less than 500 people, absolutely terrible.

The riots of the sea of ​​stars, it is the riots of the worthy planet, the number of masters is too much, the east and the vast land of each major realm, every day many evil people, murderers, monks, enter the rioting stars.

And a king with thousands of years of life, so many years, the violent star sea powerhouse, has no idea how much.

Absolutely staggering numbers.


The waves are getting closer and fiercer.

"Kill, kill the human warrior!"

Above the blood shark area, stood a big man in a blood-red robe, screaming at this time, and his voice was rolling.

This is the king of the blood shark family, and it is a big demon.



Countless sea beasts screamed to the island.

When it reaches the fifth level, the king-level beast can speak.

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