The boulder shattered.

"It's only one level higher than the second dan, but the destructive power of the moves has doubled. The first and second stages are pure physical skills, while the third stage is a combination of domineering and physical skills?"

Su Yi took a breath and just got up from the ground when the other party approached again.

In the field of vision, An Likui jumped up, and his raised right leg suddenly buckled.

Su Yi's complexion changed slightly, and his body suddenly tightened, "Shave!"

The sudden burst of ultra-high speed made him dodge the catastrophe, and before the opponent's right leg buckled, he narrowly avoided it.

boom! !

However, this foot fell, as if a giant blade was cut off, the ground was cut in half, and the incision extended for tens of meters.

Seeing this scene, Joz breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, I'm finally serious. In this case, I'll go help Atmos!"

With that said, he ran to the northwest again. ...

Chapter [-]: Sword of Hades

Joz's departure gave An Likui, who was doing his best, a slight pause, then looked at Su Yi, and said, "It's over, even if you find a helper, but facing Atmos and Joz, you are stunned. It's only a matter of time before you catch it, and I, it's enough to hold you here."

Hearing this, Su Yi, who had an ugly face, suddenly calmed down.

"Oh, do you really think so?"


After dissipating the flame man state, Su Yi patted his butt and stood up casually.

The anxiety that prevented Joz from leaving is completely gone.

"I know very well that I caught Marko, and Whitebeard will send a rescue team. According to estimates, there are at least 2 captains, most likely 3 people, and may even be brought to join the Whitebeard Pirates. New World Pirates."

Hearing this, An Likui's face suddenly tightened, and there was a bad premonition.

Since the other party knows, it is impossible to do nothing, then, what did the other party do?

Looking for a swordsman-level helper?that's it?Only a swordsman-level, can only hold one of them at most, defeating is something you don't even think about.

As for Su Yi himself, he had to face two captains. He didn't believe that the other party would really think that he would be able to pick two.

So, the question is, how much preparation has the other party made?

Su Yi smiled, "To be honest, I never thought of fighting one against two. Even if you were alone, it would be a bit difficult for me to deal with it."

These words seem to confirm An Likui's inner guess, and his face shook greatly at this moment.

"Oops! Hit the game, Joz is in danger!"

An Likui, who was in a building, gave up on Su Yi, and turned to chase Joz, who had just left.

"I'm so naive, all my acting skills have fooled my eyes! This guy is too treacherous, he's just pretending to be anxious! From the very beginning, he just wanted Joz to leave, but why?"

An Rukui, who had reacted, was a little deeply puzzled.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him. Su Yi had blocked his way. It looked like he was injured at all, but his movements were cleaner and faster than before.

"Tsk tsk, don't go, your opponent is me, and now that the person who is in the way is gone, I can let go and fight."

Su Yi grinned, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Suddenly, the air around Su Yi seemed to explode, and the next moment, the ultra-high temperature radiated outward again.

The hotter air than before spreads freely in all directions.

"You... Are you still holding back, in order to make Joz feel at ease, deliberately showing weakness and holding back!?" An Likui became more and more shocked.

"Who knows, use your body to feel it." Su Yi moved his arms and made a crackling sound, "Forgot to tell you, my domineering master Lieutenant General Garp also taught me Taishu by the way."

As soon as these words came out, An Rukui couldn't help but take a step back, showing a strong sense of alertness.

Who is Karp?The pinnacle of physique masters, how could the apprentices taught by such people be weak?


Joz ran wildly in the northwest direction, but in order to take into account his physical strength, he still did not use the speed he used to track Su Yishi.

However, at this moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, his body stiffened slightly, and the next moment, the whole person had turned into a diamond.

At the same time, a silver slash visible to the naked eye invaded from the side, and the earth seemed to be like tofu, and under this sword energy, it was easily cut.

In the blink of an eye, this slash slashed on Joz, directly knocking the diamond man known as the Invincible Shield into the air.


Rolling on the ground, Joz looked in surprise at the direction from which the sword energy came.

There, a man in cool boxer pants was walking slowly.

The man wearing a mask and flip-flops walked step by step, like a passerby, and he couldn't tell that he was a kendo master who could send a slash that knocked him flying.

"Sorry, can you stay here, rest assured, I won't hurt you, as long as you stay here and do nothing. Can you...?"

As soon as this word came out, Joz's body suddenly trembled, and the pressure from the opponent's body made people a little short of breath.

In his field of vision, the eyes under the mask of this mysterious swordsman were as sharp as a sword, a spiritual sword, which directly pierced people's hearts and made people fearful.

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