Above the ladder, around the battle arena, there are four great powers.At this moment, they were staring at the stairs for a while.

"someone is coming!"

Suddenly someone called, and many people's eyes lit up.

A young man in a blood robe, with his eyes, is the dead body of a corpse.He walked up the ladder and into the battle platform.

When he stepped into battle, there was an air transport book in front of him.The air transport book turned into a small insect and appeared above the young man, but in the next moment, the bug collapsed directly, and a beam of light suddenly appeared on the young man's head.Under the flash, the young man was sent away and appeared in a seat of the dead body.

Everyone wasn't surprised at all.

In the battle of air transportation, the map of the first stage is constantly changing each time, but in the second stage, the air transportation of the ancient city is the same every time.

To this day, dead bodies, it is clear that the value of air transport is not enough, it has been eliminated in advance.

In order to qualify for the next round of gas battles, a certain amount of gas transport value must also be earned.If the gas delivery value is not up to standard, the previously obtained gas delivery value will disappear.It was wasted, sent to the stands and cancelled early.

It's the same battle every time.

Next, people keep popping up.

However, those who started to show up were those with low air transport value.The air transport book turned into a bug, then collapsed and was sent away.

The people in the stands are slowly increasing.

At first, most of them died, and then, some young geniuses, Tianjiao.

Some people's air transport books condense a small snake many times larger than previous bugs but still collapsing and eliminating early.

Thousands of people were eliminated.

Suddenly, a burst of light flashed.

I saw a young man in a green shirt, the air transport book collapsed and turned into a giant.

Giant python, prestige, no more than the previous worm, small snake, strong.Also, the giant boa constrictor did not collapse, hovering over his head, he was not teleported to the stands, and remained on the stage.

"Air transport and phlegm, only gas transport value is over 3000, in order to be transported by gas, it is eligible to retain gas transport, enter the gas transport war!"

In the palace, an old man spoke.

The young man was ecstatic.

If Su Yi was here, he would definitely recognize this young man, Qin Qing's shirt at No. 999.

He is eligible for the next round.

The young men on the next step could all be suffocated by the gas, with a giant scorpion hovering over the young men's heads.It's pretty spectacular.

Finally, there are more than a thousand people who can be transported by natural gas.


Suddenly, a whistle sounded throughout the audience, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw the head of a young man, condensed with a dragon, a long sheet, stronger and more powerful than a giant.

Natural gas transportation!

Gas shipments can only be reduced if the air shipment value exceeds 10.

Natural gas transportation value of 3 to 000, gas loss.

The value of natural gas transportation is 10 to 000, which is the result of natural gas transportation.

Gas can be delivered to dragons when the gas delivery value reaches 100 or higher.Depending on the value of the gas delivery value, the real dragon will vary in length.

From this young man, the phase of natural gas transportation has begun.

"Hey, Fu Zongzong, I didn't expect you to have many disciples to live!"

The Wang family sneered at Fu Zongzong's face.

Now, Fu Zongzong has many disciples, and Bai Shijin and others have breathed a sigh of relief.

"I said, the disciples of my disciples, since they have an organic destiny, how can they die so easily, it's you, it seems that many people have disappeared!"

Bai Shijin sneered.

"Oh, mainly looking at the back, seeing the so-called peerless arrogance of Fu Zongzong, how many people can stay!"

The master of the Wang family sneered.

Volume 163 Magic Forbidden Book Catalog [-] Impatient

In the back, it is definitely the arrogance and arrogance in the sky, because that crazy young man is in the air, but he is a god-level genius.

The hubris that emerged later was at the heart of the faction.

"Heaven, why is it so heavy!"

At this time, Su Yi also stepped on the ladder, but he felt that there were hundreds of mountains on him.This is a tough step and wastes a lot of energy.

Su Yi gritted his teeth and climbed up with difficulty.

On the ladder, Su Yi saw the Emperor God, Tian Zongzong's blood sword, a burly young man in Tian Yaogu, walking very slowly, his body trembled slightly, and slowly moved forward.

Fat Man is also slow, but relatively speaking, it is much faster than Su Yi.

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