"It turns out he was the young man two days ago?"

"Dare to do this to Huajie, I guess Huajie already hates him, he looks very lively."

"Around him, next to Chen Xiong, the boy is finished."

On the other hand, some old students at Hoshi Temple trace the word "private".

Obviously, this assurance has been restored a lot, and the strength is incredible.


A sword rang, and the sword of the emperor's martial arts pulled the sword out of the sword, and the sword was small mountains and rivers.

The sound of the sword shocked Su Yi's body.He just felt his eardrums rumbling, almost squirting.

"Big character, kill!"

The emperor of Tianwujian is very strong, stepping out step by step, as if the whole person has become a sword, and the infinite sword is moving upstream of his body.

"Ordinary sword body, more than one emperor!"

The chaotic sound came, the giant tower vibrated, flew out, and went to the other side to suppress it.

call out!

The other side of the sword swayed, the whole world was shattered, and a terrifying sword light squatted on the giant tower, bursting with power, breaking the flame field of the giant tower and blocking the giant tower.

At the same time, there are some terrifying swords that kill Chaos.

"The field of swords, hey!"

Disappointed humming, endless magic gathering, the real scattered body revealed, his body, shining with magical light, seemed to contain infinite power.


He slammed a few punches in a row, bombarded with another sword, and growled violently.The ground is directly cut off by the swept energy.


The sword qi was defeated, but the disappointing body also took a step forward, blasting the space, revealing a dark dark space.

Chaos seems to be slightly lower.

However, at this time, the opponent did not continue to attack, but widened his eyes and stared at the chaos.

"You thank you?"

In the mouth of Wudi of Tianwujian, a sentence is unbelievable, unbelievable.

In those days, the rebellious royal family was sacked, and the royal Xie family fought a terrible battle.In that war, many forces were involved and saw the highest magic of chaos.

Among the many hegemonic powers, there are scattered portraits, many painted by the emperor.In portraiture, you can even feel the magical power and breath of revelation.

In Tianwujian, there is such a portrait, the emperor of Tianwujian experienced it himself, exactly the same disappointment that existed before.Therefore, he was immediately stunned, shocked, incredible.

How did the Supreme Emperor appear now 3 years ago?


Taking this opportunity, there is no love war, but torn space, Su Yi enters the space crack and disappears here.

At the scene, there was only one person from Tianwujian left.

"Thank you, it's definitely a thank you, thank you for being born, the world, you gotta be a mess!"

The emperor and Wu set themselves on fire.

After a while, his light shone with a ray of light, and said to himself: "Okay, this is an opportunity, maybe an opportunity for my Tianwu Sword School, but what a pity it's the magical tire!"

Tianwujian sent Emperor Wu sighed, and then he suddenly looked in one direction, two cunning swords shot out of his eyes, and shouted, "Who?"

Volume 183 Magic Forbidden Book Catalog [-] One Million

"Haha, martial arts, don't be innocent!"

A burst of laughter came, lightning flashed in the sky, and a middle-aged man in a blue thunder shirt appeared in the air.

"Thunder, why are you here?"

The sword of the sword is wrinkled.

The Thunder Blade is the power of hegemony, the king of the Thunder Blade, the royal family.

"Royal Xie Jiatong passed through the world and started the celestial instrument. In order to catch up with Su Yi, I think it was far from simple, just walked out, and walked out. Before I felt strong fluctuations, I rushed to the end. "Lei Dao Explained a sentence and watched the next four scans.He said: "Wu Wu, this should be the distribution of your Tianwu Jian faction. It seems that the dispatch is destroyed. You were supposed to fight each other just now? What? How? You can't leave each other?"

"People are gone!"

The army will be the king of swords.

"Who is it? The magic that stays here is amazing. Is it the demon of the Mountain?"

Thunder Knife was stunned and asked tentatively.

Wu Wu indulged for a moment, seemed to be thinking, half aloud, said: "This is not the devil emperor of the magic mountain, this person, you can't guess your dream!"

"who's that?"

Seeing the martial arts face so dignified, Thunder Sword was curious.

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