When Su Yi left the land of the gods, although the gods were also a big battle, the North Plains had just experienced a big battle, but the atmosphere at that time was not solemn.

Now, it seems like you have to fight a life-or-death battle at any time.

Su Yi was even more curious, but he could only doubt in his heart and ask again later.

The news of Su Yi's return also spread rapidly in the Beast Tribe, causing some shocks.

Su Yi came to a forum hall of the Beast Tribe.

In the discussion hall, everyone sits on the sides, and at the top, there are two positions, and they sit in one position.

"Su Yi, please!"

Chaos raised his hand and gestured to Su Yi.Su Yi is welcome.He sat down next to the disapproving one, but couldn't find it.Qu Luo, the magical night and other emperors, flashed a faint light in his eyes.

After everyone was seated, soon more people came in, they were all high-level, worst, supreme, and there were dozens of people sitting in the hall.

"Thanks to your predecessors, why did I come back, those armored sergeants said I died on the mainland?"

Su Yi couldn't help but ask.

"Su Yi, not long ago, the ocean-going spaceship that took you to Shenshen Continent came back. The strongman from Shenshen Continent said that Su Yi from Shenfu Continent offended Yuan Lu's arrogance. Tianzong, the god of angering the gods was condemned by the crowd. The gods kill the gods!" 191 surreptitiously develops a disappointing opening line.

Su Yi frowned.

Are the people in the Nanshen Temple the masters of the Mu family?

Su Yi was moved.

When Long Chen, Ming Zi and the unscrupulous monk set off back to the land of the gods, they were supposed to be Mu Ming, when they were killed by the Muja family and others.Therefore, the talents of Nanchen Palace believed that Su Yi was dead.Su Yi was killed only after the gods fell on the mainland.

Su Yi guessed it!

"Long Chen, Ming Zi, Holy Sacred Sorrow? No one came out to speak?"

Su Yi asked.

"No, only three people came back, they were wizards, the two holy priests of Seymour, Long Chen didn't see a trace. After the three wizards came back, they all released news, they closed their hearts and didn't say anything. One word!" Thanks for the mess.

"Long Chen didn't come back?"

Su Yi glanced at it.

Did Long Chen suffer an assassination like them?

Also, depending on the situation, Gong should warn and others.They didn't say a word.In this way, Su Yi was recruited as a disciple by Yuanlu's other great Dragon God Valley, and naturally he did not reveal it.

"Su Yi, have you really offended the arrogance of the Yuanlu Great Sect Tianzong?"

Just then, I suddenly remembered a voice.

Su Yi looked at the voice with a voice, it was Qu Luo, and at this moment he stared at Su Yi.

Lumin's eyebrows were slightly picked.In the past, Qu Luo called him Lu Shuai, but now he is calling Su Yi's name, and there is a matter of taste in his tone.

The eyes of others also fell on Su Yi.

Su Yi sneered, using his wisdom, he naturally knew what happened?

In the past, they were interested in Su Yi's talents.They thought that Su Yi could join Yuan Lu, and they could take them there in the future, but the people from Nanchen Palace came and said that Lu Ming had offended Yuan Jiao's Tianjiao, and it turned out that Yuanlu's Tianjiao was killed.

Although Su Yi is still alive, he has already offended the arrogance of Tianjiao's patriarchy, and naturally he cannot join Yuanlu.

Not being able to join Yuan Lu San also offended Yuan Jiao of Yuan Lu, and their attitude towards Su Yi naturally changed.

"Yes, I was offended by the gods of the gods!"

Su Yi answered truthfully.

"Su Yi, I'm not talking about you, although you have a little talent, you still need to be self-aware, you must measure it, your talent is good in the realm of the gods, but in Yuanlu, there is nothing wrong, and I dare to offend Yuanlu Dazong Tianjiao, it's good for you to offend them, don't disturb us!" Qu Luo's cold words were cold.

"Su Yi, I want to know, when are you coming back, do you know anyone from Yuan Lu?"

Night followed.

"The night is enough, Su Yi is my ally!"

On the side, thank you for wrinkling and screaming.

"Devil, but..."

I want to say it again.

"I've said enough!"

The expression of disappointment was cold.

Qu Luo shut up and didn't dare to say more, but looked at Su Yi's eyes with a trace of disdain.

Without joining Yuan Lusan, Su Yi was just a young generation, only a warrior in the spiritual realm, and he looked down on his heart.Su Yi smiled slightly and did not explain in detail.He defeated Tian Jiazong Tianjiao and won the first place in the test.He also joined another Ryugu Yuanlu.

"Thank you seniors, how is the situation in the land of the gods? Why do I feel that these beasts are closely guarded and all the seniors gather on the beasts?"

Su Yi asked another question in his mind.

In the past, many masters were separated and guarded in different parts of Beiyuan, but now they seem to gather in the beast tribe.

"Su Yi, now the pattern of the gods and the continent has changed a lot!"

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