
In fact, Su Yi knows very little about propeller planes, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't understand, the technical jailer who has studied in the library understands.

A technique that is recorded in the library can be mastered by jailers after only [-] days of study.

At present, there are twenty-two prison guards who master the manufacturing technology of the Su-[-] propeller aircraft. With these people, it is absolutely no problem to build a test aircraft.

After having a pleasant refreshment with Robin's mother and daughter, and assigning Narcos Auction Company to the name of Dongsheng Company, Su Yi got up and left.

Of course, before leaving, I did not forget to remind the mother and daughter that the Chambord Islands are still unstable, and when you come here in the future, you must bring bodyguards and so on.

Back at the naval base, as soon as Su Yi entered the office, Cornelia just hung up the phone on the table.

"what happened?"

As he walked over, Su Yi asked.

"You're back." Cornelia nodded, and then said, "Marshal Sengoku already knows what's going on here. He just asked the military to inform you that he asked you to arrest the captains of the four Whitebeard Pirates. Take it back to Malinford, and at the same time, the Warring States period has something to discuss with you."

"That's all?" Su Yi snorted.

He worked hard, and finally suppressed the rescue team, but the Warring States period didn't say anything?

Like giving him a military rank or something.

For Su Yi's thoughts, Cornelia saw it at a glance, and smiled slightly at this time: "You are too greedy, your rank is rising too fast, in a short time, there is no way to satisfy your wishes. ."

In two years, he climbed from a warrant officer to a major at once. This is the military status of the headquarters, not the branch. Not to mention that there are no newcomers, it is almost the same.

Su Yi also understands this, but there is no way. He really wants to be promoted to general quickly. Only when he becomes a general, many things will be easier to do.

"Forget it, I know, just go back when you go back. Anyway, the pirates in the Chambord Islands are very honest, and I have no excuse to take action and kill them all. Besides, we have caught the white-bearded man again, and we have to think about it. the matter..."

Having said that, Su Yi's eyes flickered, and he already had a calculation. ...

Chapter [-]: Military Meeting

In the afternoon, Su Yi, who received an order from the headquarters, asked his subordinates to escort the three captains to the ship.

Allocating a part of the troops to stay behind, Su Yi asked people to lift anchor and sail to Malinford.

Cornelia's warship was also returning to the headquarters together.

The distance between Malinford and the Chambord Islands was very close. In less than three hours, two warships, one large and one small, entered the Gate of Justice and docked at the military port of the headquarters.

As soon as they got off the warship, a soldier came to inform Su Yi that the Warring States period was holding a military meeting and asked him and Cornelia to report on the mission.

Without a word, Su Yi and Cornelia went to the headquarters building together. In the conference room on the top floor, they met people from the military department.

The meeting was in progress, and the speech of the Warring States was stopped because of the arrival of Su Yi and the two.

"You're back."

"Yes, Marshal, Major Su Yi of the Navy Headquarters, I will report to you."

"Lieutenant of the headquarters, Cornelia reports to the marshal."

While speaking, Su Yi silently looked at the people at the conference table.

Marshal Warring States, the chief staff is still Lieutenant General Crane, in addition, there are Lieutenant General Sakaski, Lieutenant General Kizaru, and his cheap father Lieutenant General Trydamer.

Of course, the domineering master Karp is also there.

At this moment, he spoke directly and said, "Su Yi, please report your actions in the Chambord Islands in detail."

"Yes!" Su Yi nodded, and immediately began to slowly explain the movements in the Chambord Archipelago this week.

Of course, he won't talk about Rayleigh or the jailer, he just briefly talked about how to take money from the six major chambers of commerce, and then use the money to recruit a large group of bounty hunters to fight against pirates. Secret assassination.

"...Afterwards, the pirates caught a bounty hunter and wanted to be publicly executed in the square. I thought it was an opportunity, so I went to the suppression alone, and unfortunately met Marco who came to seek revenge. After a fight, I beat him and arrest him."

Hearing this, everyone present gave Su Yi a surprised look.

Marco is not an ordinary supernova pirate. The opponent has experienced hundreds of battles. Even if he is sitting as a lieutenant general, in a one-on-one situation, it is not easy to catch Marco.

But Su Yi did it!

"Afterwards, I estimated that Whitebeard would send a rescue team, so I hid Marko in a very secret place, and at the same time I contacted Lieutenant General Kuzan and Lieutenant Cornelia who happened to be in the Chambord Islands. , With the joint efforts of the three of us, we finally arrested Enrique, Atmos and Joz."

Su Yi's expression did not change at all from beginning to end, as if he was reading aloud, narrating in a serious manner, and finally, "The above is my report."

"Okay!" Suddenly, Garp clapped his hand and said with a smile: "As expected of my disciple, who can open up the situation on that chaotic island."

"Shut up, Karp." Lieutenant General He gave him a sullen look, held his chin, and said, "Su Yi, you really did a beautiful job, no one can deny that. Let's remember your military exploits this time. , when your tenure in Chambord is over, how should you be rewarded when you are evaluated by the military. Do you have any comments?"


"As for Lieutenant Cornelia, at this time, you are assisting Major Su Yi, and you will give the Whitebeard Pirates a hard blow. Considering your past performance, the military has decided to promote you to captain. The specific appointment will wait for the army tomorrow. Ministry's decision. What do you have to say?"

Lieutenant General Crane spoke to the girl with a smile, and she was obviously satisfied with Cornelia.

"I obey orders."

Cornelia was a little surprised. She didn't expect that if she helped Su Yi a little, she would have a chance to be promoted. She didn't care about the military rank, but she was happy to be able to help Su Yi.

"Let's come here first. Let's continue the topic just now, you two will sit down and listen together." At this time, Warring States said.

Hearing this, the young couple looked at each other and sat at the bottom of the conference table, that is, by the door.

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