Not to mention other, just a large number of giant trees [-] meters high, make people envious.

If there is this island, the navy will be stationed on it and mine resources, I am afraid it will not take five years to build a huge invincible fleet again.

Moreover, if special technology is adopted, the tonnage of naval warships may be increased by one level on the basis of the maximum five or six thousand tons, reaching seven or eight thousand tons, or even a [-]-ton giant ship.

"Marshal, if what Major Su Yi said is true, then this island, we should try to win." A lieutenant general suggested.

He was the Secretary of Naval Ships, and he was the most sensitive to this kind of stuff.

Hearing this, the Warring States looked like this, and he didn't rush to say anything, but looked up at Su Yi and asked, "Does this island have anything to do with what you want to say?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded and said: "First of all, Marshal, I don't think the four captains in our hands are of much value to us. Because I don't agree with Whitebeard's head-on war, the current Navy , can't bear the loss of last year, you must know better than me what the consequences will be."

Everyone here nodded affirmatively, everyone knew the consequences, and Sakaski knew it too, but at this time, he looked unhappy and stared at Su Yi fiercely.

After a pause, Su Yi continued: "So, instead of putting these four people in prison, it is better to negotiate with Whitebeard. We don't want to fight, and the other party definitely doesn't want to fight. If that's the case, then we might as well make a compromise. With these four Artificial bargaining, in exchange for the ownership of this island, we are mining resources on the surface, but in fact, we will naturally build a military base to pave the way for our navy to return to the new world in the future. After I have finished, let the marshal decide everything. "

After saying this, Su Yi sat down without saying a word.

Warring States was very surprised, and looked at Su Yi with admiration, "Yes, you have a vision, you have a strategy, you have a big picture, and you know how to compromise. In contrast, Sakaski, you are one of the candidates for the next general. In these points, it is not as good as Major Su Yi!"

Speaking of the latter, the Warring States also hurt Lieutenant General Sakaski, who had a bad face.

This made Sakaski's face more and more blue, and the eyes that looked at Su Yi became more and more unfriendly.

"Tsk tsk, absolute justice, twisted justice, do you really think you are the savior, this idiot."

Su Yi remained calm, but he was slandering in his heart, "I'm afraid no one would have thought that what I value is not minerals or forestry, but the oil buried in the ground, the oil used by fighter jets."...

Chapter [-]: Whitebeard's Resolution

The military meeting continued.

Regarding the ideas proposed by Su Yi, the military officials sitting here had a comprehensive discussion, and in general, the supporters were slightly ahead of the opponents.

Among these supporters, headed by the Minister of Naval Ships, the solution proposed by Su Yi can be said to be in favor of both hands.

In the end, the Warring States period came to an end, bringing this discussion to an end.

"In this case, then negotiate with Whitebeard, Lieutenant General Leo, you are the Minister of the Ship Department, this time you lead the team to negotiate, Major Su Yi, you are the adviser, you go with Lieutenant General Leo. "


"Also, regarding the content of the negotiation, our bottom line will not change, Studster Island, this is our bottom line." Warring States solemnly pointed out the matter, and gave Su Yi a deep look, "Of course, If you can get better conditions, don’t let it go.”



Two days later, the new world, the sea area controlled by Whitebeard.

On an unknown island where the Whitebeard Pirates reside.

What happened in the Chambord Islands has already reached the ears of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates through the tip.

For the rescue team consisting of the second division captain An Likui, the third division captain Joze, and the thirteen division captain Atmos, they were all wiped out by a mere major, and when they were arrested, no one would believe it.

But after a few days, the news has been confirmed by multiple parties.

Believe it or not, the Whitebeard Pirates!

At this time, ten captains gathered together to discuss how to deal with the matter.

"What should I do?" Sachi, the captain of the fourth division, said with a gloomy expression.

"I don't know, how is Dad's situation?" The one who spoke was the captain of the fifth division, Foil Bista.

"Because of this incident, Dad's old injury relapsed. It was the root cause of last year's war in the Uncharted Sea. Now the nurse is taking care of it, there should be no problem."

"Huh... I really can't let it go, why did Joze and the others get caught, is that Su Yi already strong enough for this?" Someone said in disbelief.

"Don't talk about what has happened, now we have to think about what to do next?"

"Of course to save people, the big deal is to fight with the navy again! Last year's war, if they weren't so insidious, we might not have suffered such serious losses, and, this time, we can summon the thirty-seven pirate groups under our command. !" Some militants said angrily.

"Shut up. This kind of thing is up to Dad to decide. If Dad wants to fight, as long as he raises his arms and shouts, countless pirate groups in the new world will follow!" There is also optimism.

"Do you think the navy would want to fight? They caught the four of us. If, like last year, again in the name of negotiation..."

This man was only halfway through his words when suddenly, the white anti-eavesdropping phone bug on the table rang loudly.

The atmosphere was stunned, and everyone looked at each other.

For a long time, the phone bug kept calling, but he didn't listen at all. Under the signal of everyone, Saatchi, the captain of the fourth division, had to get up and pick up the phone bug.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Good morning, I'm a major of the Navy Headquarters, Su Yi."

As soon as these words came out, the ten captains who were sitting were all nervous, and they all showed shocked expressions.


"Calm down and see what he wants to say."

Seemingly hearing the commotion on the other side, Su Yi chuckled and said, "Don't be nervous, the navy doesn't know where you are. After all, the new world has no military base for our navy."

Of course, this is a lie. In fact, there is another branch. It is the G-1 branch. Unfortunately, this branch is currently stocked and is rarely managed.

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