It's just that when the time comes, the negotiations will be deadlocked, and the possibility of a storm war is even greater.

The sun was high, and the hands of the clock pointed to ten o'clock in the morning.

At this time, in the waters outside the island, a beluga ship finally appeared. Whitebeard stood at the bow of the ship. When the ship stopped at sea, he suddenly punched out, the air shattered, and the entire wind wall that cut the island and the outside world, unexpectedly Sudden crash.

The wind dropped significantly.

"Gu la la, it wasn't the Warring States period that came in person, the navy is still as timid as ever."

Amidst the loud laughter, Whitebeard jumped over a distance of [-] meters and landed on the shore.

Ashore together, there is also the commander-in-chief.

Seeing this, Lieutenant General Leo got up and said neither humble nor arrogant: "Great Pirate Whitebeard, although we are here to negotiate, please pay attention to your words. If you can replace timidity with caution, we will be happy to accept it."

"I have nothing to say to you, let Su Yi come and talk to me." Whitebeard ignored Leo and instead focused on Su Yi.

Now recognized as one of the top pirates in the world, the sight of Whitebeard makes Su Yi feel a certain degree of pressure.

"Gu la la la, I haven't seen you for a year. Your kid has indeed become stronger, but Marco is even stronger. He will not lose to you. What method did you use?"

The tone of questioning made Su Yi even more stressed.

An idiot would think that Whitebeard would have a kind attitude. Su Yi had already foreseen this kind of encounter.

At this moment, he chuckled and said, "The Seven Deadly Sins of Humanity, no matter who they are, has a little bit more or less, but Marco is more serious. He didn't lose to me, but to his arrogance."

"Are you arrogant? That's true. In the past year, the smooth sailing has made him arrogant." Whitebeard actually agreed with Su Yi's point of view.

"Whitebeard, I don't have time to waste with you, start negotiating." Su Yi shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "On behalf of the Navy, I can promise to return the four captains currently arrested by us, as well as the surviving second round. team player."

"Say the conditions." Whitebeard asked calmly without talking nonsense.

"First, Studster Island allows our navy to be stationed and develop the island's forestry resources."

"Want an island? This surprises me, but, yes, you will give it to you."

"Refreshing. Then go on, second..."

Su Yi said one by one, all the controversial places were postponed by him and put on hold for the time being.

According to the discussions of the military, the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates reached a total of 1500 consensuses on the agreement known as "[-] Studster".

One of the most critical is that from 1500 to January 1520, 1, everything within 1 nautical miles of the Studdest coastline was regarded as part of Studdest Island.

In this era, there is not much concept of sea power. This one is also specially added by Su Yi, because there is something he wants under the ocean.

After more than an hour of brief discussion, the two sides finally concluded the content and treaty in the agreement.

"Finally, about the return of the personnel." Su Yi put away the agreement in his hand and smiled, "The return plan is divided into three stages. In the first stage, after the agreement is signed, the surviving members of the second division will be returned immediately, and the first stage will be returned. In the second stage, from the date of the implementation of the agreement, one person will be returned every five years. That is to say, in 1505, we will return Captain Joze, and so on after 1510. In the third stage, the Studdest agreement will be terminated, and we will return it. Captain Marco."

As soon as these words came out, Whitebeard's face suddenly turned cold.

"If what you just said was a joke, I can pretend I didn't hear it, Navy!"...

Chapter [-] Hostages and Courage

"It's not a joke, Whitebeard, your very existence is a threat, and you don't need to deny that."

Su Yi talked eloquently, not caring about the threat of the strongest man in the world.

"Is it your personal meaning, or the meaning of the Warring States period?"

"All. We need hostages, and if we return everyone to you in one go, who will guarantee that you will not take Studester back by force?"

"One person for five years, I don't agree!" Whitebeard snorted coldly and directly rejected, "Since I agree to give the island to your navy, I will not take it back. You want to build a military base or develop resources. , it's all up to you!"

"Forgive me if I can't trust pirates, no, even if it's not a pirate, I can't believe it." Su Yi shook his head.

Whitebeard was silent, but Saatchi shouted angrily, "Don't deceive people too much!"

"This is our bottom line. It's impossible to let everyone go in one breath. If you don't agree, then I can't help it. At most, I invite you to participate in the public execution of four people including Marko."

The murloc Namul, who had been silent for a long time, sneered at this time and said: "If you want to publicly execute your sentence, our Whitebeard Pirates promise to smash Malinford to pieces, and don't try to recover within ten years!"

"I don't deny that you can do it, but you Whitebeard Pirates must also prepare for all personnel to be buried in Malinford."

Su Yi is tit for tat.

The tone of the two sides suddenly became intense, and the atmosphere was quite dignified.

Except for saying a word at the beginning, Lieutenant General Leo, who had no chance to make a sound until now, lowered his voice and said beside Su Yi: "Major, this is not good, it's no good for us if we talk about it."

"Lieutenant General, you are too cautious. Since Whitebeard has come to this negotiation, we have achieved [-]% of our goal. The rest is just a dispute over the return time. We don't want to talk about collapse, and the other party doesn't want to either. Now it's just more ruthless than anyone else, don't worry, everything is under control."

At this stage of the negotiation, putting aside a few harsh words and threats will not have much effect.

The importance of Studster to the Navy is not the same as the importance of the four Marco to the Whitebeard Pirates.

One can find a substitute, and the other is irreplaceable.

If the Whitebeard Pirates didn't rescue people and had a large-scale conflict with the navy, Kaido, and more people who peeped at the throne of the pirate emperor, would not be silent. Beating the underdogs is something that any party is willing to do. .

Therefore, in the negotiation, Whitebeard is at an absolute disadvantage, while Su Yi has an absolute advantage.

In the silence, Whitebeard raised his hand, stopped Muir, and looked directly at Su Yi and said, "The Navy really has an excellent newcomer, and the courage is very good, kid."

"I am over-flattered."

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