As a result, the return time was relatively fast, and it only took two days.

Marine Headquarters Marineford.

As soon as the two came back, they went to the Warring States to report.

Marshal's Office.

"Leo, come and report on the negotiation process."

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period." The Minister of Shipping took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "First of all, the smooth negotiation is mainly due to Major Su Yi. On behalf of the Navy, we signed the Studdester Agreement with Whitebeard. , the specific situation is as follows…”

At the beginning, Leo took the credit for Su Yi.

To be honest, if there was no Su Yi in the previous negotiation, he really did not have the confidence to make things go so smoothly.

Putting the highest credit Su Yi in front, Leo explained the negotiation process from beginning to end, word for word.

"...The above is the main process of this negotiation. Here is the Studdester agreement, please take a look at the marshal." After speaking, Lieutenant General Leo handed over the agreement.

Warring States took it over and looked at it carefully, and it took a full quarter of an hour.

"Good job, basically met the requirements of the military. Especially the condition of returning one person in two years is very beneficial to us." Warring States said with approval, looked up at Su Yi, and said: "The result of our discussion before is that After the agreement is signed, the two will be returned immediately, and the remaining two will be returned within the next three years. In comparison, it is still too cautious. Major Su Yi, this time you will take credit."

Su Yi had no joy or sorrow, but gave a respectful military salute, and said: "Marshal, since the agreement has ended, the next stationing and development and construction tasks of Studster have nothing to do with me for the time being, I am worried. The situation in the Chambord Islands, please let me go back to my post."

"It's a good thing to have a sense of responsibility, but don't be too impatient, you can rest for a few days before returning to the Chambord Islands." The Warring States period said with a kind face, "Three days, I'll give you three days of rest, and you can also deal with personal matters. . Go."

Private matter?Su Yi was stunned. Does he have any personal affairs, Dongsheng Company?It was impossible for the Warring States to know, that was another private matter with that girl Cornelia.

How did the old man in the Warring States know that he was going to marry Cornelia?Having said that, three days is not enough for marriage.

Despite the constant slander in his heart, Su Yi was still respectful on the face, nodded, and left.

After leaving the office, Su Yi entered a short vacation period.

"Forget it, a rare opportunity, I'll take a good rest. In short, go home and see the cheap dad."


Not to mention the situation on Su Yi's side.

On the other side, the Great Route Shengding Island.

A merchant ship slowly docked at the port.

The merchant ship is flying the dragon flag of Dongsheng Company, which is Su Yi's masterpiece.

As a well-known large company that has risen in Alabasta in recent years, the residents of Nahana are not surprised by the merchant ships of Dongsheng Company.

In the port, many dockers who are living here talk in a low voice.

"Look, it's another Dongsheng company's ship, the second one today!"

"The ship I saw for the first time was Dongliang-03. Dongsheng has a new ship."

"What's so strange, in the past year, this company has bought at least 03 merchant ships, including more than 3 large merchant ships. This Dongliang-[-] belongs to the grain transportation fleet of Dongsheng Company. Ship [-]!"

"Yeah, in just one year, Dongsheng Company has become so huge that I can't even imagine it."

"That's not it, remember the expansion of the port half a year ago? I heard that it was the big boss of Dongsheng Company. He went directly to the port authority and gave [-] million Bailey to ask for the port to be expanded three times. You see, up to now It's not finished yet."

"Really rich!"

Many dockers were jealous, but they were only emotional. Since the appearance of Dongsheng Company, their lives have more than doubled.

At the same time as the increase in income, Dongsheng Company also transported a large amount of materials from outside and sold them here.

For example, for spring water, Dongsheng Company does not know what method it has used. It has a special Dongshui fleet to transport clear mountain springs from the outside world. Unfortunately, the price is unbelievably high. The common people have worked hard for a month and cannot afford a drink. A rich man's enjoyment.

Of course, the existence of Dongsheng Company made the local prices much lower for fruits and meat.

"Hey, look at you, there are people off the boat."

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed dock worker whispered.

Everyone looked around, and sure enough, they saw a group of people getting off the boat Dongliang-03.

These people don't dress like sailors at all, but they can be said to be quite decent. Some people are holding books in their hands, and some people are carrying luggage.

"What's the matter, isn't it a grain carrier?"

"This, I don't know, who are those people, they look very powerful."

"Probably Dongsheng Company has some big moves, right?"

Some people don't know why, and some people have expectations.

However, in fact, these people are experts in the design and manufacture of propeller aircraft. Evil evil.

At the same time, in the center of the port city of Nahana, there is an office on the top floor of a tall building newly built in recent years.

"Boss, the person you are waiting for is here." The secretary entered the door and reported.

Sitting behind the desk, Orbia quietly flipped through a book called "Das Kapital". Although he couldn't understand it, he read it with great interest.

Hearing this, he just raised his head slightly and said with a chuckle, "Angelia, call me the general manager in the future, not the boss."

Chapter [-] S-level plan

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